1 # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
2 # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details.
4 # This function handles pushing all of the test files needed to the device.
5 # It places the data files in the object store and makes links to them from
6 # the appropriate directories.
8 # This function accepts the following named parameters:
9 # DIRS : one or more directories needed for testing.
10 # FILES : one or more files needed for testing.
11 # LIBS : one or more libraries needed for testing.
12 # DIRS_DEST : specify where the directories should be installed.
13 # FILES_DEST : specify where the files should be installed.
14 # LIBS_DEST : specify where the libraries should be installed.
15 # DEV_OBJ_STORE : specify where the actual data files should be placed.
16 # DEV_TEST_DIR : specify the root file for the module test directory.
17 # The DEV_OBJ_STORE and DEV_TEST_DIR variables are required.
19 # The parameters to this function should be set to the list of directories,
20 # files, and libraries that need to be installed prior to testing.
21 function(android_push_test_files_to_device)
23 # The functions in the module need the adb executable.
24 find_program(adb_executable adb)
25 if(NOT adb_executable)
26 message(FATAL_ERROR "could not find adb")
29 function(execute_adb_command)
30 execute_process(COMMAND ${adb_executable} ${ARGN} RESULT_VARIABLE res_var OUTPUT_VARIABLE out_var ERROR_VARIABLE err_var)
31 set(out_var ${out_var} PARENT_SCOPE)
33 string(REGEX REPLACE ";" " " com "${ARGN}")
34 message(FATAL_ERROR "Error occurred during adb command: adb ${com}\nError: ${err_var}.")
38 # Checks to make sure that a given file exists on the device. If it does,
39 # if(file_exists) will return true.
40 macro(check_device_file_exists device_file file_exists)
41 set(${file_exists} "")
43 COMMAND ${adb_executable} shell ls ${device_file}
45 if(NOT out_var) # when a directory exists but is empty the output is empty
46 set(${file_exists} "YES")
48 string(FIND ${out_var} "No such file or directory" no_file_exists)
49 if(${no_file_exists} STREQUAL "-1") # -1 means the file exists
50 set(${file_exists} "YES")
55 # Checks to see if a filename matches a regex.
56 function(filename_regex filename reg_ex)
57 string(REGEX MATCH ${reg_ex} filename_match ${filename})
58 set(filename_match ${filename_match} PARENT_SCOPE)
61 # If a file with given name exists in the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR then use that file.
62 # Otherwise use the file with root in CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.
63 macro(set_absolute_path relative_path absolute_path)
64 set(${absolute_path} ${arg_src_dir}/${relative_path})
65 if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${relative_path})
66 set(${absolute_path} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${relative_path})
68 if(NOT EXISTS ${${absolute_path}})
69 if(EXISTS ${relative_path})
70 set(${absolute_path} ${relative_path})
72 message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find file for specified path: ${relative_path}")
77 # This function pushes the data into the device object store and
78 # creates a link to that data file in a specified location.
80 # This function requires the following un-named parameters:
81 # data_path : absolute path to data to load into dev obj store.
82 # dev_object_store : absolute path to the device object store directory.
83 # link_origin : absolute path to the origin of the link to the dev obj store data file.
84 function(push_and_link data_path dev_object_store link_origin)
85 file(SHA1 ${data_path} hash_val)
86 set(obj_store_dst ${dev_object_store}/${hash_val})
87 check_device_file_exists(${obj_store_dst} obj_store_file_exists)
88 # TODO: Verify that the object store file is indeed hashed correctly. Could use md5.
89 if(NOT obj_store_file_exists)
90 execute_adb_command(push ${data_path} ${obj_store_dst})
92 check_device_file_exists(${link_origin} link_exists)
94 execute_adb_command(shell rm -f ${link_origin})
96 foreach(ex ${arg_no_link_regex})
97 filename_regex(${data_path} ${ex})
98 list(APPEND match_ex ${filename_match})
101 execute_adb_command(shell cp ${obj_store_dst} ${link_origin})
103 execute_adb_command(shell ln -s ${obj_store_dst} ${link_origin})
107 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 #--------------------Beginning of actual function----------------------------
109 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 set(multiValueArgs FILES LIBS)
112 cmake_parse_arguments(_arg "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
114 # Setup of object store and test dir.
115 check_device_file_exists(${_arg_DEV_OBJ_STORE} dev_obj_store_exists)
116 if(NOT dev_obj_store_exists)
117 execute_adb_command(shell mkdir -p ${_arg_DEV_OBJ_STORE})
119 check_device_file_exists(${_arg_DEV_TEST_DIR} test_dir_exists)
121 # This is protected in the SetupProjectTests module.
122 execute_adb_command(shell rm -r ${_arg_DEV_TEST_DIR})
124 execute_adb_command(shell mkdir -p ${_arg_DEV_TEST_DIR})
126 # Looping over the various types of test data possible.
127 foreach(TYPE ${multiValueArgs})
130 # determine if the data type destination has been explicitly specified.
131 if(_arg_${TYPE}_DEST)
132 set(dest ${_arg_${TYPE}_DEST})
135 set(dest ${_arg_DEV_TEST_DIR}/lib)
137 set(dest ${_arg_DEV_TEST_DIR})
140 execute_adb_command(shell mkdir -p ${dest})
142 # Loop over the files passed in
143 foreach(relative_path ${_arg_${TYPE}})
144 # The absolute path can be through the source directory or the build directory.
145 # If the file/dir exists in the build directory that version is chosen.
146 set_absolute_path(${relative_path} absolute_path)
147 # Need to transfer all data files in the data directories to the device
148 # except those explicitly ignored.
150 get_filename_component(file_dir ${relative_path} DIRECTORY)
151 # dest was determined earlier, relative_path is a dir, file is path from relative path to a data
152 set(cur_dest ${dest}/${relative_path})
153 set(on_dev_dir ${dest}/${file_dir})
154 execute_adb_command(shell mkdir -p ${on_dev_dir})
155 if(IS_SYMLINK ${absolute_path})
156 get_filename_component(real_data_origin ${absolute_path} REALPATH)
157 push_and_link(${real_data_origin} ${_arg_DEV_OBJ_STORE} ${cur_dest})
159 push_and_link(${absolute_path} ${_arg_DEV_OBJ_STORE} ${cur_dest})
162 execute_adb_command(push ${absolute_path} ${dest})
169 android_push_test_files_to_device(
170 FILES_DEST ${arg_files_dest}
171 LIBS_DEST ${arg_libs_dest}
172 DEV_TEST_DIR ${arg_dev_test_dir}
173 DEV_OBJ_STORE ${arg_dev_obj_store}