7 our @EXPORT_OK = qw($botnick $nickpass $server $port $serverpass $botchan); # This took me a good part of a Saturday to figure out
10 my $prefix = main::PREFIX();
13 my $botConfig = Config::Tiny->read( $prefix . '/config/bot.conf' );
15 # Variables for various things that become exported
16 our $botnick = $botConfig->{_}->{nickname};
17 our $nickpass = $botConfig->{_}->{nicknamepasswd};
18 our $server = $botConfig->{_}->{server};
19 our $port = $botConfig->{_}->{port};
20 our $botchan = $botConfig->{_}->{channel}; # had to change this line from $channel because we use the variable $channel later in the public event
21 our $serverpass = $botConfig->{_}->{serverpass};