link/cut tree
[kudsource.git] / POJ / 1789.pas
1 const
2 maxn=2000;
4 var
5 adj:array [0..maxn,0..maxn] of longint;
6 st:array [0..maxn] of string;
7 dis:array [0..maxn] of longint;
8 vis:array [0..maxn] of boolean;
9 i,j,k,n,ans:longint;
11 begin
12 readln(n);
13 while n>0 do
14 begin
15 fillchar(adj,sizeof(adj),0);
16 for i:=1 to n do
17 begin
18 readln(st[i]);
19 for j:=1 to i do
20 begin
21 for k:=1 to 7 do
22 if st[i][k]<>st[j][k] then inc(adj[i,j]);
23 adj[j,i]:=adj[i,j];
24 end;
25 end;
26 fillchar(dis,sizeof(dis),$3F);
27 fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),false);
28 ans:=0;
29 dis[1]:=0;
30 for i:=1 to n do
31 begin
32 k:=0;
33 for j:=1 to n do
34 if (not vis[j]) and ((k=0) or (dis[j]<dis[k])) then k:=j;
35 vis[k]:=true;
36 inc(ans,dis[k]);
37 dis[k]:=0;
38 for j:=1 to n do
39 if adj[k,j]<dis[j] then dis[j]:=adj[k,j];
40 end;
41 writeln('The highest possible quality is 1/',ans,'.');
42 readln(n);
43 end;
44 end.