link/cut tree
[kudsource.git] / POJ / 3149.pas
1 {$R+,S+,Q+,H+,O-}
2 {$MINSTACKSIZE 4000000}
4 var
5 n,i,ans:longint;
6 a,b,c:array [0..100] of string;
7 pre,plan:array [0..5000000] of string;
9 function getstr:string;
10 var
11 ch:char;
13 begin
14 getstr:='';
15 read(ch);
16 while (ch<>#10) and (ch<>#13) and (ch<>' ') do
17 begin
18 getstr:=getstr+ch;
19 read(ch);
20 end;
21 end;
23 procedure trans(var a,b:string);
24 var
25 i:longint;
27 begin
28 b:=copy(a,1,length(a)-length(b))+b;
29 a:='6'+a;
30 while length(a)<12 do a:=a+'0';
31 for i:=length(a) downto 1 do
32 if a[i]='0' then a[i]:='9' else
33 begin
34 a[i]:=pred(a[i]);
35 break;
36 end;
37 b:='6'+b;
38 while length(b)<12 do b:=b+'9';
39 for i:=length(b) downto 1 do
40 if b[i]='9' then b[i]:='0' else
41 begin
42 b[i]:=succ(b[i]);
43 break;
44 end;
45 end;
47 function cal(s:string):string;
48 var
49 i:longint;
51 begin
52 cal:='@';
53 for i:=1 to n do
54 begin
55 if (copy(a[i],1,length(s))=s) and (length(s)<12) then exit;
56 if (copy(b[i],1,length(s))=s) and (length(s)<12) then exit;
57 if (a[i]<s) and (s<b[i]) then exit(c[i]);
58 end;
59 cal:='invalid';
60 end;
62 function build(prefix:string):string;
63 var
64 child:array ['0'..'9'] of string;
65 i:char;
67 begin
68 fillchar(child,sizeof(child),0);
69 if length(prefix)>1 then
70 begin
71 build:=cal(prefix);
72 if build<>'@' then exit;
73 end;
74 build:='';
75 for i:='0' to '9' do
76 begin
77 child[i]:=build(prefix+i);
78 if build='' then build:=child[i] else if build<>child[i] then build:='@';
79 end;
80 if (build='@') or (length(prefix)=1) then
81 begin
82 for i:='0' to '9' do
83 if (child[i]<>'@') and (child[i]<>'invalid') then
84 begin
85 inc(ans);
86 pre[ans]:=prefix+i;
87 plan[ans]:=child[i];
88 end;
89 end;
90 end;
92 procedure swap(var x,y:string); inline;
93 var
94 t:string;
96 begin
97 t:=x;
98 x:=y;
99 y:=t;
100 end;
102 procedure sort(l,r:longint);
104 i,j:longint;
105 m,t:string;
107 begin
108 i:=l;
109 j:=r;
110 m:=pre[(l+r) shr 1];
111 repeat
112 while pre[i]<m do inc(i);
113 while pre[j]>m do dec(j);
114 if i<=j then
115 begin
116 swap(pre[i],pre[j]);
117 swap(plan[i],plan[j]);
118 inc(i);
119 dec(j);
120 end;
121 until i>j;
122 if l<j then sort(l,j);
123 if r>i then sort(i,r);
124 end;
126 begin
127 while not eof do
128 begin
129 readln(n);
130 ans:=0;
131 for i:=1 to n do
132 begin
133 a[i]:=getstr;
134 getstr;
135 b[i]:=getstr;
136 c[i]:=getstr;
137 trans(a[i],b[i]);
138 readln;
139 end;
140 build('6');
141 writeln(ans);
142 if ans>1 then sort(1,ans);
143 for i:=1 to ans do writeln(copy(pre[i],2,1000),' ',plan[i]);
144 end;
145 end.