1 Thanks for checking this out!
5 Kwestie is a distributed issue tracking software. It's built to be simple and extendable. The core of kwestie uses GUIDs to keep issues and comments unique across different systems instead of using bug numbers. However referencing GUIDs is a difficult task for people so kwestie uses a well defined Permalink URL scheme for permalinks that includes the date and title similar to a wordpress blog (create an issue to see this). The Permalink scheme is versioned such that it keeps up with title changes and old permalinks continue to forward to the correct issue.
9 First get your database setup, look in this file: config/database.yml
11 Or if you have a local mysql with out a root password you could do this:
13 echo "create database kwestie_development" | mysql -u root
15 Then you'll need to create the DB tables:
19 And finally you'll probably want to create a user without verifying your email however assuming your mail configuration is correct ( see config/environments/development.rb ) kwestie will send you an activation mail after creating a new account via the signup system.
21 Here's how you can create a user with out activation:
25 >> u = User.create( { :login => "clarkbw", :email => "clarkbw@localhost.localdomain", :display_name => "Bryan Clark", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password" } )
29 Then start up the WEBrick server:
33 And open your web browser to:
35 The user you created above will allow you to log in and check out the system
39 Using the instructions from this rails wiki page
40 http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/HowToReceiveEmailsWithActionMailer
42 Assuming you've set things up similar to me, which is a good idea; replace clarkbw with your username.
44 (this is for a fedora system)
47 issue: "| /usr/bin/ruby /home/clarkbw/kwestie/script/runner 'KwestieMailer.receive STDIN.read'"
49 ln -s /usr/bin/ruby /etc/smrsh/
51 /etc/mail/virtusertable
52 issue@kwestie.com issue
55 # /sbin/service sendmail restart
59 In fedora, with the default sendmail you'll need to give the sendmail group permissions on two directories to be able to save files coming in from email. If these directories don't exist then go ahead and create them.
61 chgrp mail tmp/attachment_fu
62 chmod g+w tmp/attachment_fu
64 chgrp mail public/attachments
65 chmod g+w public/attachments
69 You might want to look over the attachment_fu README, located at:
71 vendor/plugins/attachment_fu/README
73 By default you'll want the RMagick bindings installed, on Fedora you do this:
75 yum install ruby-RMagick.i386
77 This will enable thumbnailing of image attachments.
81 In Mutt or some other mailer where you can change your from address, compose the following email
84 from: clarkbw@localhost.localdomain
85 subject: test mail issue
87 attachment: <<any file you want>>