3 [ ] drag verses into playlist
4 [ ] drop verses from bibletime
5 [X] select works and commentaries
6 [X] book/chaper/verse selecter
7 [ ] next/previous chapter
8 [ ] go to selected bible passage in playlist
10 [ ] quick access to bibletime bookmarks
11 [X] save/load bible passages in playlist
13 [ ] different style during display
14 [ ] footnote extraction
16 [ ] widget to configure
17 [ ] bool: split verses onto separate lines
18 [ ] bool: extra chapter headings
19 [ ] bool: include pretext headings
20 [ ] bool: include footnotes
21 [ ] bool: highlight words of Jesus Christ
22 [ ] additional textual settings
23 [ ] citation position (none, above text, on edge of screen)
24 [ ] extra short notes ("Page 551")
25 [ ] highlighting / emphasis of parts of text
26 [ ] bold / underline / italic
27 [ ] flashy / fading / gradient