2 (in-package :lambdamundo
7 (def-tuple-class camera
9 ((position :type vertex3d
10 (orientation :type quaternion
12 ((speed :initform
0.0 :accessor speed-of
:type single-float
13 (zoom-speed-of :initform
0.0 :accessor zoom-speed-of
:type single-float
16 (defmethod up-of ((cam camera
17 "Return a tuple vector representing the up axis of the camera."
18 (quaternion-transform-vector3d
19 (vector3d* 0.0 1.0 0.0)
20 (orientation-of cam
22 (defmethod direction-of ((cam camera
23 "Return a tuple vector representing the z axis of the camera."
24 (quaternion-transform-vector3d
25 (vector3d* 0.0 0.0 1.0)
26 (orientation-of cam
28 (defmethod cross-of ((cam camera
29 "Return a tuple vector representing the x axis of the camera."
30 (quaternion-transform-vector3d
31 (vector3d* 1.0 0.0 0.0)
32 (orientation-of cam
34 (def-tuple-op update-vertex
35 ((p vertex3d
(x y z w
36 (v vector3d
(vx vy vz
38 "Move the given vertex in the direction of the given vector, uniformly scaled by delta."
46 (defmethod move ((cam camera
) dx dy
47 "Move the camera by dx in the horizontal plane and by dy in the vertical"
48 (setf (position-of cam
49 (update-vertex (position-of cam
) (direction-of cam
) (* dy
(- (speed-of cam
50 (setf (position-of cam
) (update-vertex (position-of cam
) (cross-of cam
) (* dx
(speed-of cam
52 (defmethod rotate ((cam camera
) dx dy
53 (setf (orientation-of cam
56 (angle-axis-quaternion
57 (angle-axis* 0.0 0.0 1.0 (* *mouse-sensitivity
* dy
58 (setf (orientation-of cam
64 (angle-axis-quaternion
65 (angle-axis* cx cy cz
(* *mouse-sensitivity
* dy
67 (defmethod zoom ((cam camera
) dz
68 (setf (position-of cam
72 (vertex3d* px py
(- pz
(* (zoom-speed-of cam
))) pw
75 (defmethod camera-modelview-matrix ((cam camera
76 (gl:matrix-mode gl
79 (vector3d-sum (vertex3d-vector3d (position-of cam
)) (direction-of cam
82 (vertex3d-vector3d (position-of cam
87 #|
(format *debug-io
* "Look at~&Position ~A ~A ~A~&LookAt ~A ~A ~AUp ~A ~A ~A" px py pz lx ly lz ux uy uz
) |
93 (defmacro with-camera
(camera &body forms
95 (camera-modelview-matrix ,camera
98 (defparameter *camera
* (make-instance 'camera
99 :position
(make-vertex3d* 0.0 0.0 -
5.0 1.0)
100 :orientation
(make-quaternion* 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)))
102 (defun reset-camera ()
103 (setf *camera
* (make-instance 'camera
104 :position
(make-vertex3d* 0.0 0.0 -
5.0 1.0)
105 :orientation
(make-quaternion* 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0))))
107 ;; camera change far plane function
108 ;; (make-key-function
110 ;; (if (eql (glfw:get-key glfw:+key-lshift+) glfw:+press+)
111 ;; (incf *z-far* 1.0)
112 ;; (decf *z-far* 1.0)))