Ready for performance testing
[lambdamundo.git] / camera.lisp
2 (in-package :lambdamundo)
4 ;; camera -- this could be an actor..
6 (defclass camera (actor)
7 ((speed :initform 1.0 :accessor speed-of :type single-float)
8 (zoom-speed-of :initform 1.0 :accessor zoom-speed-of :type single-float)))
11 (def-tuple-op translate-scaled-vertex
12 ((p vertex3d (x y z w))
13 (v vector3d (vx vy vz))
14 (delta single-float))
15 "Move the given vertex in the direction of the given vector, uniformly scaled by delta."
16 (:return vertex3d
17 (vertex3d*
18 (+ x (* vx delta))
19 (+ y (* vy delta))
20 (+ z (* vz delta))
21 w)))
23 (defmethod pan ((cam camera) dx dy)
24 "Move the camera by dx along cross vector and by dy along z vector"
25 (setf (location-of cam)
26 (translate-scaled-vertex
27 (location-of cam)
28 (direction-of cam)
29 (* dy (- (speed-of cam)))))
30 (setf (location-of cam)
31 (translate-scaled-vertex
32 (location-of cam)
33 (cross-of cam)
34 (* dx (speed-of cam)))))
36 (defmethod dolly ((cam camera) dx dy)
37 (setf (orientation-of cam)
38 (quaternion-product
39 (orientation-of cam)
40 (angle-axis-quaternion
41 (angle-axis* 0.0 0.0 1.0 (* *mouse-sensitivity* dy)))))
42 (setf (orientation-of cam)
43 (with-vector3d
44 (cross-of cam)
45 (cx cy cz)
46 (quaternion-product
47 (orientation-of cam)
48 (angle-axis-quaternion
49 (angle-axis* cx cy cz (* *mouse-sensitivity* dy)))))))
51 (defmethod zoom ((cam camera) dz)
52 (setf (location-of cam)
53 (with-vertex3d
54 (location-of cam)
55 (px py pz pw)
56 (vertex3d* px py (- pz (* (zoom-speed-of cam))) pw))))
59 (defparameter *modelview-debug* (make-array 16 :element-type '(single-float)))
61 ;; (defmethod camera-modelview-matrix ((cam camera))
62 ;; (gl:matrix-mode gl:+modelview+)
63 ;; (gl:load-identity)
64 ;; (with-vector3d
65 ;; (vector3d-sum (vertex3d-vector3d (location-of cam)) (direction-of cam))
66 ;; (lx ly lz)
67 ;; (with-vector3d
68 ;; (vertex3d-vector3d (location-of cam))
69 ;; (px py pz)
70 ;; (with-vector3d
71 ;; (up-of cam)
72 ;; (ux uy uz)
73 ;; #| (format *debug-io* "Look at~&Position ~A ~A ~A~&LookAt ~A ~A ~AUp ~A ~A ~A" px py pz lx ly lz ux uy uz) |#
74 ;; (glu:look-at
75 ;; px py pz
76 ;; lx ly lz
77 ;; ux uy uz)))))
82 (def-tuple-op gl-load-matrix44
83 ((mat matrix44 (e00 e01 e02 e03
84 e10 e11 e12 e13
85 e20 e21 e22 e23
86 e30 e31 e32 e33)))
87 "Load a matrix44 onto the opengl stack"
88 (cffi:with-foreign-object (glmat :float 16)
89 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 0) e00)
90 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 1) e10)
91 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 2) e20)
92 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 3) e30)
94 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 4) e01)
95 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 5) e11)
96 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 6) e21)
97 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 7) e31)
99 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 8) e02)
100 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 9) e12)
101 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 10) e22)
102 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 11) e32)
104 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 12) e03)
105 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 13) e13)
106 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 14) e23)
107 (setf (cffi:mem-aref glmat :float 15) e33)
108 (gl::%load-matrix-f glmat)))
111 (defmethod camera-modelview-matrix ((cam camera))
112 "Return a matrix44 equivalent to glu:look-at"
113 (gl:matrix-mode gl:+modelview+)
114 (gl:load-identity)
115 (gl-load-matrix44
116 (with-vertex3d
117 (location-of cam)
118 (lx ly lz lw)
119 (with-vector3d
120 (direction-of cam)
121 (fx fy fz)
122 (with-vector3d
123 (up-of cam)
124 (ux uy uz)
125 (with-vector3d
126 (cross-of cam)
127 (sx sy sz)
128 (matrix44* sx sy sz lx
129 ux uy uz ly
130 fx fy fz lz
131 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)))))))
134 (defmacro with-camera (camera &body forms)
135 `(progn
136 (camera-modelview-matrix ,camera)
137 ,@forms))
139 (defun make-camera () (make-actor 'camera
140 :location (make-vertex3d* 0.0 0.0 -5.0 1.0)
141 :orientation (make-quaternion* 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)))
143 (defparameter *camera* nil)
145 (defun set-current-camera (cam) (setf *camera* (gethash cam *actors*)))
147 (defun reset-camera ()
148 (setf *camera* (make-actor 'camera
149 :position (make-vertex3d* 0.0 0.0 -5.0 1.0)
150 :orientation (make-quaternion* 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0))))
154 ;; camera change far plane function
155 ;; (make-key-function
156 ;; (char-code #\Z)
157 ;; (if (eql (glfw:get-key glfw:+key-lshift+) glfw:+press+)
158 ;; (incf *z-far* 1.0)
159 ;; (decf *z-far* 1.0)))
161 (defmethod render ((c camera))
162 (camera-modelview-matrix c)
163 (gl:get-floatv gl:+modelview-matrix+ *modelview-debug*))