1 "LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
3 :link(lws,http://lammps.sandia.gov)
5 :link(lc,Section_commands.html#comm)
9 fix saed/vtk command :h3
13 fix ID group-ID saed/vtk Nevery Nrepeat Nfreak c_ID attribute args ... keyword args ... :pre
15 ID, group-ID are documented in "fix"_fix.html command :ulb,l
16 saed/vtk = style name of this fix command :l
17 Nevery = use input values every this many timesteps :l
18 Nrepeat = # of times to use input values for calculating averages :l
19 Nfreq = calculate averages every this many timesteps :l
20 c_ID = saed compute ID :l
22 keyword = {file} or {ave} or {start} or {file} or {overwrite}:l
23 {ave} args = {one} or {running} or {window M}
24 one = output a new average value every Nfreq steps
25 running = output cumulative average of all previous Nfreq steps
26 window M = output average of M most recent Nfreq steps
28 Nstart = start averaging on this timestep
30 filename = name of file to output time averages to
31 {overwrite} arg = none = overwrite output file with only latest output :pre
37 compute 1 all saed 0.0251 Al O Kmax 1.70 Zone 0 0 1 dR_Ewald 0.01 c 0.5 0.5 0.5
38 compute 2 all saed 0.0251 Ni Kmax 1.70 Zone 0 0 0 c 0.05 0.05 0.05 manual echo :pre
40 fix saed/vtk 1 1 1 c_1 file Al2O3_001.saed
41 fix saed/vtk 1 1 1 c_2 file Ni_000.saed :pre
45 Time average computed intensities from "compute saed"_compute_saed.html and
46 write output to a file in the 3rd generation vtk image data format for
47 visualization directly in parallelized visualization software packages
48 like ParaView and VisIt. Note that if no time averaging is done, this
49 command can be used as a convenient way to simply output diffraction
50 intensities at a single snapshot.
52 To produce output in the image data vtk format ghost data is added
53 outside the {Kmax} range assigned in the compute saed. The ghost data is
54 assigned a value of -1 and can be removed setting a minimum isovolume
55 of 0 within the vizualiziton software. SAED images can be created by
56 visualizing a spherical slice of the data that is centered at
57 R_Ewald*\[h k l\]/norm(\[h k l\]), where R_Ewald=1/lambda.
59 The group specified within this command is ignored. However, note that
60 specified values may represent calculations performed by saed computes
61 which store their own "group" definitions.
63 Fix saed/vtk is designed to work only with "compute saed"_compute_saed.html
66 compute 3 top saed 0.0251 Al O
67 fix saed/vtk 1 1 1 c_3 file Al2O3_001.saed :pre
71 The {Nevery}, {Nrepeat}, and {Nfreq} arguments specify on what
72 timesteps the input values will be used in order to contribute to the
73 average. The final averaged quantities are generated on timesteps
74 that are a multiple of {Nfreq}. The average is over {Nrepeat}
75 quantities, computed in the preceding portion of the simulation every
76 {Nevery} timesteps. {Nfreq} must be a multiple of {Nevery} and
77 {Nevery} must be non-zero even if {Nrepeat} is 1.
79 contributing to the average value cannot overlap,
80 i.e. Nrepeat*Nevery can not exceed Nfreq.
82 For example, if Nevery=2, Nrepeat=6, and Nfreq=100, then values on
83 timesteps 90,92,94,96,98,100 will be used to compute the final average
84 on timestep 100. Similarly for timesteps 190,192,194,196,198,200 on
85 timestep 200, etc. If Nrepeat=1 and Nfreq = 100, then no time
86 averaging is done; values are simply generated on timesteps
91 The output for fix ave/time/saed is a file writen with the 3rd generation
92 vtk image data formatting. The filename assigned by the {file} keyword is
93 appended with _N.vtk where N is an index (0,1,2...) to account for multiple
94 diffraction intensity outputs.
96 By default the header contains the following information (with example data):
98 # vtk DataFile Version 3.0 c_SAED
102 DIMENSIONS 337 219 209
103 ASPECT_RATIO 0.00507953 0.00785161 0.00821458
104 ORIGIN -0.853361 -0.855826 -0.854316
106 SCALARS intensity float
110 In this example, kspace is sampled across a 337 x 219 x 209 point mesh
111 where the mesh spacing is approximately 0.005, 0.007, and 0.008
112 inv(length) units in the k1, k2, and k3 directions, respectively.
113 The data is shifted by -0.85, -0.85, -0.85 inv(length) units so that
114 the origin will lie at 0, 0, 0. Here, 15,424,827 kspace points are
119 Additional optional keywords also affect the operation of this fix.
121 The {ave} keyword determines how the values produced every {Nfreq}
122 steps are averaged with values produced on previous steps that were
123 multiples of {Nfreq}, before they are accessed by another output
124 command or written to a file.
126 If the {ave} setting is {one}, then the values produced on timesteps
127 that are multiples of {Nfreq} are independent of each other; they are
128 output as-is without further averaging.
130 If the {ave} setting is {running}, then the values produced on
131 timesteps that are multiples of {Nfreq} are summed and averaged in a
132 cumulative sense before being output. Each output value is thus the
133 average of the value produced on that timestep with all preceding
134 values. This running average begins when the fix is defined; it can
135 only be restarted by deleting the fix via the "unfix"_unfix.html
136 command, or by re-defining the fix by re-specifying it.
138 If the {ave} setting is {window}, then the values produced on
139 timesteps that are multiples of {Nfreq} are summed and averaged within
140 a moving "window" of time, so that the last M values are used to
141 produce the output. E.g. if M = 3 and Nfreq = 1000, then the output
142 on step 10000 will be the average of the individual values on steps
143 8000,9000,10000. Outputs on early steps will average over less than M
144 values if they are not available.
146 The {start} keyword specifies what timestep averaging will begin on.
147 The default is step 0. Often input values can be 0.0 at time 0, so
148 setting {start} to a larger value can avoid including a 0.0 in a
149 running or windowed average.
151 The {file} keyword allows a filename to be specified. Every {Nfreq}
152 steps, the vector of saed intensity data is written to a new file using
153 the 3rd generation vtk format. The base of each file is assigned by
154 the {file} keyword and this string is appended with _N.vtk where N is
155 an index (0,1,2...) to account for situations with multiple diffraction
158 The {overwrite} keyword will continuously overwrite the output file
159 with the latest output, so that it only contains one timestep worth of
160 output. This option can only be used with the {ave running} setting.
162 [Restart, fix_modify, output, run start/stop, minimize info:]
164 No information about this fix is written to "binary restart
165 files"_restart.html. None of the "fix_modify"_fix_modify.html options
166 are relevant to this fix.
168 No parameter of this fix can be used with the {start/stop} keywords of
169 the "run"_run.html command. This fix is not invoked during "energy
170 minimization"_minimize.html.
174 The attributes for fix_saed_vtk must match the values assigned in the
175 associated "compute_saed"_compute_saed.html command.
179 "compute_saed"_compute_saed.html
183 The option defaults are ave = one, start = 0, no file output.
188 [(Coleman)] Coleman, Spearot, Capolungo, MSMSE, 21, 055020