1 "LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
3 :link(lws,http://lammps.sandia.gov)
5 :link(lc,Section_commands.html#comm)
9 pair_style sph/taitwater command :h3
13 pair_style sph/taitwater :pre
17 pair_style sph/taitwater
18 pair_coeff * * 1000.0 1430.0 1.0 2.4 :pre
22 The sph/taitwater style computes pressure forces between SPH particles
23 according to Tait's equation of state:
25 :c,image(Eqs/pair_sph_tait.jpg)
27 where gamma = 7 and B = c_0^2 rho_0 / gamma, with rho_0 being the
28 reference density and c_0 the reference speed of sound.
30 This pair style also computes Monaghan's artificial viscosity to
31 prevent particles from interpentrating "(Monaghan)"_#Monaghan.
33 See "this PDF guide"_USER/sph/SPH_LAMMPS_userguide.pdf to using SPH in
36 The following coefficients must be defined for each pair of atoms
37 types via the "pair_coeff"_pair_coeff.html command as in the examples
40 rho0 reference density (mass/volume units)
41 c0 reference soundspeed (distance/time units)
42 nu artificial viscosity (no units)
43 h kernel function cutoff (distance units) :ul
47 [Mixing, shift, table, tail correction, restart, rRESPA info]:
49 This style does not support mixing. Thus, coefficients for all
50 I,J pairs must be specified explicitly.
52 This style does not support the "pair_modify"_pair_modify.html
53 shift, table, and tail options.
55 This style does not write information to "binary restart
56 files"_restart.html. Thus, you need to re-specify the pair_style and
57 pair_coeff commands in an input script that reads a restart file.
59 This style can only be used via the {pair} keyword of the "run_style
60 respa"_run_style.html command. It does not support the {inner},
61 {middle}, {outer} keywords.
65 This pair style is part of the USER-SPH package. It is only enabled
66 if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the "Making
67 LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#start_3 section for more info.
71 "pair_coeff"_pair_coeff.html, pair_sph/rhosum
78 [(Monaghan)] Monaghan and Gingold, Journal of Computational Physics,