4 A Python interface for ab initio path integral molecular dynamics simulations.
5 i-PI is composed of a Python server (i-pi itself, that does not need to be
6 compiled but only requires a relatively recent version of Python and Numpy)
7 that propagates the (path integral) dynamics of the nuclei, and of an external
8 code that acts as client and computes the electronic energy and forces.
10 This is typically a patched version of an electronic structure code, but a
11 simple self-contained Fortran driver that implements Lennard-Jones and
12 Silveira-Goldman potentials is included for test purposes.
14 This folder contains a stripped-down version to be used with LAMMPS, and might
15 not contain all the features of the latest version. Please see
16 [http://epfl-cosmo.github.io/gle4md/index.html?page=ipi] or
17 [http://github.com/i-pi/i-pi] to obtain an up-to-date version.
20 Quick Installation and Test
21 ---------------------------
23 Follow these instruction to test i-PI. These assume to be run from a Linux
24 environment, with a recent version of Python, Numpy and gfortran, and that
25 the terminal is initially in the i-pi package directory (the directory
26 containing this file).
28 * Generate the driver code
36 * Run one of the examples
38 This will first start the wrapper in the background, redirecting the output on
39 a log file, then run a couple of instances of the driver code and then follow
40 the progress of the wrapper by monitoring the log file::
42 $ cd examples/tutorial/tutorial-1/
43 $ ../../../i-pi tutorial-1.xml > log &
44 $ ../../../drivers/driver.x -h localhost -p 31415 -m sg -o 15 &
45 $ ../../../drivers/driver.x -h localhost -p 31415 -m sg -o 15 &
48 The monitoring can be interrupted with ``CTRL+C`` when the run has finished (5000 steps)