Lampejo_core release version 0.1
[lamparina.git] / src /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 #=========================
5 # Filename:
6 # Author: Rodrigo J. S. Peixoto
7 # Date: 2008-08-21
8 #--------------------------------------------------
9 # Description:
10 # It's responsible for the application management.
11 #--------------------------------------------------
12 # License:
14 #==================================================
15 from lamp_application_manager import LampApplicationManager
16 from lamp_application_manager import LampExecutionQueueIsEmptyError
17 from lamp_application_manager import LampExecutionQueueIsFullError
18 from lamp_hardware_manager import LampHardwareManager
19 from lamp_hardware_manager import VolumeIsNotMountedError
20 from lamp_hardware_manager import VolumeAlreadyMountedError
21 from lamp_bluetooth_manager import LampBluetoothManager
23 from lamp_utils.lamp_built_in_functions import check_types
24 from lamp_utils.lamp_built_in_functions import get_parent_path
25 from lamp_utils.lamp_recents_manager import LampRecentsManager
26 from lamp_utils.lamp_recents_manager import DirectoryNotFoundError
27 from lamp_utils.lamp_recents_manager import RecentsCannotBeCreatedError
28 import os
29 import re
30 import sys
31 import time
32 import subprocess
38 sys.path.append(LAMPEJO_CORE_PATH)
39 else:
40 raise SystemExit("Error, the environment variable LAMPEJO_CORE_PATH is not defined.")
42 PATH_TO_CFG_FILE=os.path.join(get_parent_path(LAMPEJO_CORE_PATH), 'config', 'lampejo.cfg')
43 if not os.path.exists(PATH_TO_CFG_FILE):
44 raise SystemExit("Error, the lampejo.cfg file is not found in the path: %s" % PATH_TO_CFG_FILE)
45 IMAGE_APP=u"eog"
46 AUDIO_VIDEO=u"kaffeine"
48 DUCOMENTS=u"soffice"
50 class InvalidStatementError(Exception): pass
52 class LampCoreBase:
53 '''
54 Tests:
55 >>> test = LampCoreBase()
56 '''
57 def __init__(self):
58 self.recents_manager = LampRecentsManager()
59 self.app_manager = LampApplicationManager(PATH_TO_CFG_FILE)
60 self.hardware_manager = LampHardwareManager()
61 self.bluetooth_manager = LampBluetoothManager()
62 self.bluetooth_manager.start_service()
63 self.app_manager.set__update_control_image_callback(self.bluetooth_manager.change_control_image)
64 self.__error_callback = None
65 self.__hardware_insertion_notify_callback = None
66 #INFO: Para utilizar no lampejo deve-se remover o comentário da linha abaixo
67 #self.mouse_config()
69 def mouse_config(self):
70 print "Configure mouse buttons..."
71 try:
72["xmodmap", "-e","pointer = 1 116 115"])
73 except:
74 print "DEBUG: Error: mouse cannot be configured by core."
76 def shutdown(self):
77 self.app_manager.shutdown()
78 self.bluetooth_manager.shutdown_service()
79 #self.hardware_manager.s
81 #self.recents_manager.s
82 pass
84 def decode_statement(self, data):
85 '''
86 Tests:
87 >>> import time
88 >>> test = LampCoreBase()
89 >>> test.decode_statement("#exec firefox#")
90 >>> test.decode_statement("#exec firefox##exec firefox#")
91 Traceback (most recent call last):
92 ...
93 InvalidStatementError: The statement is no valid!
94 >>> test.decode_statement("#exec firefox##exec firefox##exec fir")
95 Traceback (most recent call last):
96 ...
97 InvalidStatementError: The statement is no valid!
98 >>> test.decode_statement("#open ../media_test/presentation.odp#")
99 >>> time.sleep(2)
100 >>> test.switch_application()
101 >>> time.sleep(2)
102 >>> test.switch_application()
103 >>> time.sleep(2)
104 >>> test.switch_application()
105 >>> time.sleep(2)
106 >>> test.switch_application()
107 >>> test.close_application()
108 >>> test.close_application()
110 print "DEBUG: from flash -> ", data
111 if data == "#started#":
112 for dev in self.hardware_manager.devices:
113 time.sleep(0.5)
114 self.hardware_manager.hardware_modify_notification(added=True, device=dev)
115 else:
116 #FUnciona => re.match(r"^#(exec|open) ([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+|[a-zA-Z0-9. _/-]+)#$", data) and \
117 data = data and \
118 re.match(r"^#(exec|open|save|delete|close) .*#$", data) and \
119 data[1:-1] or None
120 if data:
121 #test = re.compile(r"^((?P<e>exec)|(?P<o>open)) (?(e)[a-zA-Z0-9-_ .]+)(?(o)[a-zA-Z0-9. _/-]+)$")
122 #command_content = data and test.match(data) and re.sub("(exec |open )", "", data) or None
123 command_content = re.sub("(exec |open |save |delete |close )", "", data) or None
124 do_action = {"exec": self.execute_application,
125 "open": self.open_file,
126 "save": self.save_dir,
127 "delete":self.delete_dir,
128 "close":self.close_window_by_flash}
129 action = data[:data.index(" ")]
130 if type(command_content) == type(u""):
131 do_action[action](command_content)
132 else:
133 do_action[action](u'"%s"' % unicode(command_content, "UTF-8"))
134 else:
135 print "DEBUG: Warning the statement (%s) is not valid!" % data
136 #raise InvalidStatementError("The statement is no valid!")
139 def execute_application(self, command_content):
140 try:
141 command_content and self.app_manager.run_application(command_content)
142 except LampExecutionQueueIsFullError, e:
143 self.show_error(e)
145 def open_file(self, command_content):
146 try:
147 app_alias = command_content and self.check_extension(command_content)
148 command_content and app_alias and self.app_manager.run_application(app_alias, command_content)
149 except LampExecutionQueueIsFullError, e:
150 self.show_error(e)
152 def save_dir(self, command_content):
153 pendrive = self.hardware_manager.get_storage_device()
154 if pendrive:
155 mp = pendrive.mount_point()
156 print "Save dir: %s to %s!" % (command_content, mp)
157 #TODO: Basta descomentar que está pronto!
158 self.recents_manager.save_dir(command_content, mp)
159 else:
160 print "DEBUG: Saving error -> pendrive not found!"
162 def delete_dir(self, command_content):
163 print "Delete dir: %s!" % command_content
164 #TODO: Basta descomentar que está pronto!
165 self.recents_manager.remove_contents_of_dir(command_content)
167 def close_window_by_flash(self, command_content):
168 print "Close window: %s" % command_content
169 #TODO: Basta descomentar que está pronto!
170 self.close_application()
172 def set_error_callback(self, callback):
173 if callback and check_types({callback: type(lambda:None)}):
174 self.__error_callback = callback
176 def show_error(self, message):
177 '''This is temporary!!! It depends the zenity application.
178 Tests:
179 >>> test = LampCoreBase()
180 >>> def tmp(msg, call): print msg
181 >>> test.show_error("Test1")
182 >>> test.show_error("Test2")
183 >>> test.show_error("Test3")
185 if self.__error_callback:
186 self.__error_callback(message)
187 else:
188 print "DEBUG: Error -> __error_callback not valid!"
189 print "DEBUG: message -> %s" % message
191 def check_extension(self, file):
193 Tests:
194 >>> test = LampCoreBase()
195 >>> test.check_extension("/home/lamp/test/image.png")
196 u'eog'
197 >>> test.check_extension("/home/lamp/test/music.ogg")
198 u'totem'
199 >>> test.check_extension("/home/lamp/test/document.odt")
200 u'ooffice'
201 >>> test.check_extension("/home/lamp/test/document.pdf")
202 u'evince'
203 >>> test.check_extension("/home/lamp/test/document.pddsss")
205 ret = None
206 apps = {DOCUMENTS_PDF_PS: [".pdf", ".ps"],
207 DUCOMENTS: [".odt", ".ods", ".odp", ".doc", ".xls", ".ppt", ".pps",".docx", ".xlsx", ".pptx"],
208 IMAGE_APP: [".jpg", ".png", ".bmp", ".gif"],
209 AUDIO_VIDEO: [".mp3",".ogg", ".dvd", ".avi", ".mpeg",".mpg", ".mov", ".wmv",".wav", ".wma"],
210 u"firefox": ["swf", "gif"]}
211 file_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file)
212 for app, exts in apps.items():
213 if file_ext in exts:
214 ret = app
215 break
216 if not ret:
217 print "DEBUG: Warning extension %s not supported yet!" % file_ext
218 return ret
220 def show_home(self):
221 self.app_manager.show_home()
223 def switch_application(self):
224 self.app_manager.switch_application()
226 def close_application(self):
227 try:
228 self.app_manager.kill_current_application()
229 except LampExecutionQueueIsEmptyError:
230 message = "Info: Trying to close an application; There is not application running now."
231 self.show_error(message)
233 def mount_pendrive(self):
236 Tests:
237 >>> test = LampCoreBase()
238 >>> test.mount_pendrive()
240 for dev in self.hardware_manager.devices:
241 try:
242 if dev.who_am_i() == "storage":
243 return dev.mount()
244 else:
245 self.show_error("Warning: There is not a pendrive!")
246 except VolumeAlreadyMountedError:
247 self.show_error("Warning: The pendrive is already mounted!")
250 def unmount_pendrive(self):
253 Tests:
254 >>> test = LampCoreBase()
255 >>> test.unmount_pendrive()
257 for dev in self.hardware_manager.devices:
258 try:
259 if dev.who_am_i() == "storage":
260 return dev.eject()
261 #self.hardware_manager.hardware_modify_notification(added=False, device=dev)
262 else:
263 self.show_error("Warning: There is not a pendrive!")
264 except VolumeIsNotMountedError:
265 self.show_error("Warning: The pendrive is already unmounted!")
268 def _test():
269 import doctest
270 doctest.testmod()
273 if __name__ == '__main__':
274 _test()