5 This is a list of contributors to MediaGoblin. They contribute in a
6 variety of different ways and this software wouldn't exist without them.
13 * Alejandro Villanueva
19 * András Veres-Szentkirályi
29 * Caleb Forbes Davis V
32 * Christopher Allan Webber
56 * Josephine Bartholoma
67 * Manuel Urbano Santos
76 * Natalie Foust-Pilcher
80 * Pablo J. Urbano Santos
84 * Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
90 * Sebastian Hugentobler
92 * Sergio Durigan Junior
94 * Simon Fondrie-Teitler
98 * Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
101 * Tryggvi Björgvinsson
106 * Starblessed of viewskew (lending server space!)
108 If you think your name should be on this list, let us know!
110 We also are currently borrowing an image in
111 mediagoblin/static/images/media_thumbs/image.png from the wonderful
112 people at http://tango.freedesktop.org/ which is in the public
113 domain... thanks Tango folks!