Adding Tom Fay to the AUTHORS file
[larjonas-mediagoblin.git] / mediagoblin /
1 # GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
2 # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
4 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 from functools import wraps
19 from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound
20 from oauthlib.oauth1 import ResourceEndpoint
22 from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
24 from mediagoblin import mg_globals as mgg
25 from mediagoblin import messages
26 from mediagoblin.db.models import MediaEntry, LocalUser, TextComment, \
27 AccessToken, Comment
28 from import (
29 redirect, render_404,
30 render_user_banned, json_response)
31 from import pass_to_ugettext as _
33 from import decode_authorization_header
34 from mediagoblin.oauth.oauth import GMGRequestValidator
37 def user_not_banned(controller):
38 """
39 Requires that the user has not been banned. Otherwise redirects to the page
40 explaining why they have been banned
41 """
42 @wraps(controller)
43 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
44 if request.user:
45 if request.user.is_banned():
46 return render_user_banned(request)
47 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
49 return wrapper
52 def require_active_login(controller):
53 """
54 Require an active login from the user. If the user is banned, redirects to
55 the "You are Banned" page.
56 """
57 @wraps(controller)
58 @user_not_banned
59 def new_controller_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
60 if request.user and \
61 not request.user.has_privilege(u'active'):
62 return redirect(
63 request, 'mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
64 user=request.user.username)
65 elif not request.user or not request.user.has_privilege(u'active'):
66 next_url = urljoin(
67 request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.login',
68 qualified=True),
69 request.url)
71 return redirect(request, 'mediagoblin.auth.login',
72 next=next_url)
74 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
76 return new_controller_func
79 def user_has_privilege(privilege_name, allow_admin=True):
80 """
81 Requires that a user have a particular privilege in order to access a page.
82 In order to require that a user have multiple privileges, use this
83 decorator twice on the same view. This decorator also makes sure that the
84 user is not banned, or else it redirects them to the "You are Banned" page.
86 :param privilege_name A unicode object that is that represents
87 the privilege object. This object is
88 the name of the privilege, as assigned
89 in the Privilege.privilege_name column
91 :param allow_admin If this is true then if the user is an admin
92 it will allow the user even if the user doesn't
93 have the privilage given in privilage_name.
94 """
96 def user_has_privilege_decorator(controller):
97 @wraps(controller)
98 @require_active_login
99 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
100 if not request.user.has_privilege(privilege_name, allow_admin):
101 raise Forbidden()
103 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
105 return wrapper
106 return user_has_privilege_decorator
109 def active_user_from_url(controller):
110 """Retrieve LocalUser() from <user> URL pattern and pass in as url_user=...
112 Returns a 404 if no such active user has been found"""
113 @wraps(controller)
114 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
115 user = LocalUser.query.filter_by(username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
116 if user is None:
117 return render_404(request)
119 return controller(request, *args, url_user=user, **kwargs)
121 return wrapper
124 def user_may_delete_media(controller):
126 Require user ownership of the MediaEntry to delete.
128 @wraps(controller)
129 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
130 uploader_id = kwargs['media'].actor
131 if not (request.user.has_privilege(u'admin') or
132 == uploader_id):
133 raise Forbidden()
135 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
137 return wrapper
140 def user_may_alter_collection(controller):
142 Require user ownership of the Collection to modify.
144 @wraps(controller)
145 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
146 creator_id = request.db.LocalUser.query.filter_by(
147 username=request.matchdict['user']).first().id
148 if not (request.user.has_privilege(u'admin') or
149 == creator_id):
150 raise Forbidden()
152 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
154 return wrapper
157 def uses_pagination(controller):
159 Check request GET 'page' key for wrong values
161 @wraps(controller)
162 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
163 try:
164 page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
165 if page < 0:
166 return render_404(request)
167 except ValueError:
168 return render_404(request)
170 return controller(request, page=page, *args, **kwargs)
172 return wrapper
175 def get_user_media_entry(controller):
177 Pass in a MediaEntry based off of a url component
179 @wraps(controller)
180 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
181 user = LocalUser.query.filter_by(username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
182 if not user:
183 raise NotFound()
185 media = None
187 # might not be a slug, might be an id, but whatever
188 media_slug = request.matchdict['media']
190 # if it starts with id: it actually isn't a slug, it's an id.
191 if media_slug.startswith(u'id:'):
192 try:
193 media = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(
194 id=int(media_slug[3:]),
195 state=u'processed',
197 except ValueError:
198 raise NotFound()
199 else:
200 # no magical id: stuff? It's a slug!
201 media = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(
202 slug=media_slug,
203 state=u'processed',
206 if not media:
207 # Didn't find anything? Okay, 404.
208 raise NotFound()
210 return controller(request, media=media, *args, **kwargs)
212 return wrapper
215 def get_user_collection(controller):
217 Pass in a Collection based off of a url component
219 @wraps(controller)
220 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
221 user = request.db.LocalUser.query.filter_by(
222 username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
224 if not user:
225 return render_404(request)
227 collection = request.db.Collection.query.filter_by(
228 slug=request.matchdict['collection'],
231 # Still no collection? Okay, 404.
232 if not collection:
233 return render_404(request)
235 return controller(request, collection=collection, *args, **kwargs)
237 return wrapper
240 def get_user_collection_item(controller):
242 Pass in a CollectionItem based off of a url component
244 @wraps(controller)
245 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
246 user = request.db.LocalUser.query.filter_by(
247 username=request.matchdict['user']).first()
249 if not user:
250 return render_404(request)
252 collection_item = request.db.CollectionItem.query.filter_by(
253 id=request.matchdict['collection_item']).first()
255 # Still no collection item? Okay, 404.
256 if not collection_item:
257 return render_404(request)
259 return controller(request, collection_item=collection_item, *args, **kwargs)
261 return wrapper
264 def get_media_entry_by_id(controller):
266 Pass in a MediaEntry based off of a url component
268 @wraps(controller)
269 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
270 media = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(
271 id=request.matchdict['media_id'],
272 state=u'processed').first()
273 # Still no media? Okay, 404.
274 if not media:
275 return render_404(request)
277 given_username = request.matchdict.get('user')
278 if given_username and (given_username != media.get_actor.username):
279 return render_404(request)
281 return controller(request, media=media, *args, **kwargs)
283 return wrapper
286 def get_workbench(func):
287 """Decorator, passing in a workbench as kwarg which is cleaned up afterwards"""
289 @wraps(func)
290 def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
291 with mgg.workbench_manager.create() as workbench:
292 return func(*args, workbench=workbench, **kwargs)
294 return new_func
297 def allow_registration(controller):
298 """ Decorator for if registration is enabled"""
299 @wraps(controller)
300 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
301 if not mgg.app_config["allow_registration"]:
302 messages.add_message(
303 request,
304 messages.WARNING,
305 _('Sorry, registration is disabled on this instance.'))
306 return redirect(request, "index")
308 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
310 return wrapper
312 def allow_reporting(controller):
313 """ Decorator for if reporting is enabled"""
314 @wraps(controller)
315 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
316 if not mgg.app_config["allow_reporting"]:
317 messages.add_message(
318 request,
319 messages.WARNING,
320 _('Sorry, reporting is disabled on this instance.'))
321 return redirect(request, 'index')
323 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
325 return wrapper
327 def get_optional_media_comment_by_id(controller):
329 Pass in a Comment based off of a url component. Because of this decor-
330 -ator's use in filing Reports, it has two valid outcomes.
332 :returns The view function being wrapped with kwarg `comment` set to
333 the Comment who's id is in the URL. If there is a
334 comment id in the URL and if it is valid.
335 :returns The view function being wrapped with kwarg `comment` set to
336 None. If there is no comment id in the URL.
337 :returns A 404 Error page, if there is a comment if in the URL and it
338 is invalid.
340 @wraps(controller)
341 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
342 if 'comment' in request.matchdict:
343 comment = Comment.query.filter_by(
344 id=request.matchdict['comment']
345 ).first()
347 if comment is None:
348 return render_404(request)
350 return controller(request, comment=comment, *args, **kwargs)
351 else:
352 return controller(request, comment=None, *args, **kwargs)
353 return wrapper
356 def auth_enabled(controller):
357 """Decorator for if an auth plugin is enabled"""
358 @wraps(controller)
359 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
360 if not
361 messages.add_message(
362 request,
363 messages.WARNING,
364 _('Sorry, authentication is disabled on this instance.'))
365 return redirect(request, 'index')
367 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
369 return wrapper
371 def require_admin_or_moderator_login(controller):
373 Require a login from an administrator or a moderator.
375 @wraps(controller)
376 def new_controller_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
377 if request.user and \
378 not (request.user.has_privilege(u'admin')
379 or request.user.has_privilege(u'moderator')):
381 raise Forbidden()
382 elif not request.user:
383 next_url = urljoin(
384 request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.login',
385 qualified=True),
386 request.url)
388 return redirect(request, 'mediagoblin.auth.login',
389 next=next_url)
391 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
393 return new_controller_func
397 def oauth_required(controller):
398 """ Used to wrap API endpoints where oauth is required """
399 @wraps(controller)
400 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
401 data = request.headers
402 authorization = decode_authorization_header(data)
404 if authorization == dict():
405 error = "Missing required parameter."
406 return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
409 request_validator = GMGRequestValidator()
410 resource_endpoint = ResourceEndpoint(request_validator)
411 valid, r = resource_endpoint.validate_protected_resource_request(
412 uri=request.url,
413 http_method=request.method,
415 headers=dict(request.headers),
418 if not valid:
419 error = "Invalid oauth prarameter."
420 return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
422 # Fill user if not already
423 token = authorization[u"oauth_token"]
424 request.access_token = AccessToken.query.filter_by(token=token).first()
425 if request.access_token is not None and request.user is None:
426 user_id =
427 request.user = LocalUser.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first()
429 return controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
431 return wrapper