Remove <br/> from safe string indicating that CSRF cooking is missing.
[larjonas-mediagoblin.git] / mediagoblin / tests / test_mgoblin_app.ini
1 [mediagoblin]
2 direct_remote_path = /test_static/
3 email_sender_address = ""
4 email_debug_mode = true
6 #Runs with an in-memory sqlite db for speed.
7 sql_engine = "sqlite://"
8 run_migrations = true
10 # tag parsing
11 tags_max_length = 50
13 # So we can start to test attachments:
14 allow_attachments = True
16 upload_limit = 500
18 max_file_size = 2
20 [storage:publicstore]
21 base_dir = %(here)s/user_dev/media/public
22 base_url = /mgoblin_media/
24 [storage:queuestore]
25 base_dir = %(here)s/user_dev/media/queue
27 [celery]
29 CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = "sqlite:///%(here)s/user_dev/celery.db"
30 BROKER_URL = "sqlite:///%(here)s/test_user_dev/kombu.db"
32 [plugins]
33 [[mediagoblin.plugins.api]]
34 [[mediagoblin.plugins.httpapiauth]]
35 [[mediagoblin.plugins.piwigo]]
36 [[mediagoblin.plugins.basic_auth]]
37 [[mediagoblin.plugins.openid]]
38 [[mediagoblin.media_types.image]]
39 [[]]
40 [[]]
41 [[mediagoblin.media_types.pdf]]