Switch from "cp --no-clobber" to "cp -n" for bsd compatibility
[larjonas-mediagoblin.git] / mediagoblin / tests / test_storage.py
1 # GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
2 # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
4 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
15 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 import os
19 import tempfile
21 import pytest
22 import six
24 from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
26 from mediagoblin import storage
29 ################
30 # Test utilities
31 ################
33 def test_clean_listy_filepath():
34 expected = [u'dir1', u'dir2', u'linooks.jpg']
35 assert storage.clean_listy_filepath(
36 ['dir1', 'dir2', 'linooks.jpg']) == expected
38 expected = [u'dir1', u'foo_.._nasty', u'linooks.jpg']
39 assert storage.clean_listy_filepath(
40 ['/dir1/', 'foo/../nasty', 'linooks.jpg']) == expected
42 expected = [u'etc', u'passwd']
43 assert storage.clean_listy_filepath(
44 ['../../../etc/', 'passwd']) == expected
46 with pytest.raises(storage.InvalidFilepath):
47 storage.clean_listy_filepath(['../../', 'linooks.jpg'])
50 class FakeStorageSystem(object):
51 def __init__(self, foobie, blech, **kwargs):
52 self.foobie = foobie
53 self.blech = blech
55 class FakeRemoteStorage(storage.filestorage.BasicFileStorage):
56 # Theoretically despite this, all the methods should work but it
57 # should force copying to the workbench
58 local_storage = False
60 def copy_local_to_storage(self, *args, **kwargs):
61 return storage.StorageInterface.copy_local_to_storage(
62 self, *args, **kwargs)
65 def test_storage_system_from_config():
66 this_storage = storage.storage_system_from_config(
67 {'base_url': 'http://example.org/moodia/',
68 'base_dir': '/tmp/',
69 'garbage_arg': 'garbage_arg',
70 'garbage_arg': 'trash'})
71 assert this_storage.base_url == 'http://example.org/moodia/'
72 assert this_storage.base_dir == '/tmp/'
73 assert this_storage.__class__ is storage.filestorage.BasicFileStorage
75 this_storage = storage.storage_system_from_config(
76 {'foobie': 'eiboof',
77 'blech': 'hcelb',
78 'garbage_arg': 'garbage_arg',
79 'storage_class':
80 'mediagoblin.tests.test_storage:FakeStorageSystem'})
81 assert this_storage.foobie == 'eiboof'
82 assert this_storage.blech == 'hcelb'
83 assert six.text_type(this_storage.__class__) == \
84 u"<class 'mediagoblin.tests.test_storage.FakeStorageSystem'>"
87 ##########################
88 # Basic file storage tests
89 ##########################
91 def get_tmp_filestorage(mount_url=None, fake_remote=False):
92 tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test_gmg_storage")
93 if fake_remote:
94 this_storage = FakeRemoteStorage(tmpdir, mount_url)
95 else:
96 this_storage = storage.filestorage.BasicFileStorage(tmpdir, mount_url)
97 return tmpdir, this_storage
100 def cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir, *paths):
101 for p in paths:
102 while p:
103 assert this_storage.delete_dir(p) == True
104 p.pop(-1)
105 os.rmdir(tmpdir)
108 def test_basic_storage__resolve_filepath():
109 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
111 result = this_storage._resolve_filepath(['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.jpg'])
112 assert result == os.path.join(
113 tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/filename.jpg')
115 result = this_storage._resolve_filepath(['../../etc/', 'passwd'])
116 assert result == os.path.join(
117 tmpdir, 'etc/passwd')
119 pytest.raises(
120 storage.InvalidFilepath,
121 this_storage._resolve_filepath,
122 ['../../', 'etc', 'passwd'])
124 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir)
127 def test_basic_storage_file_exists():
128 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
130 os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1', 'dir2'))
131 filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt')
132 with open(filename, 'w') as ourfile:
133 ourfile.write("I'm having a lovely day!")
135 assert this_storage.file_exists(['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt'])
136 assert not this_storage.file_exists(['dir1', 'dir2', 'thisfile.lol'])
137 assert not this_storage.file_exists(['dnedir1', 'dnedir2', 'somefile.lol'])
139 this_storage.delete_file(['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt'])
140 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir, ['dir1', 'dir2'])
143 def test_basic_storage_get_unique_filepath():
144 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
146 # write something that exists
147 os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1', 'dir2'))
148 filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt')
149 with open(filename, 'w') as ourfile:
150 ourfile.write("I'm having a lovely day!")
152 # now we want something new, with the same name!
153 new_filepath = this_storage.get_unique_filepath(
154 ['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt'])
155 assert new_filepath[:-1] == [u'dir1', u'dir2']
157 new_filename = new_filepath[-1]
158 assert new_filename.endswith('filename.txt')
159 assert len(new_filename) > len('filename.txt')
160 assert new_filename == secure_filename(new_filename)
162 os.remove(filename)
163 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir, ['dir1', 'dir2'])
166 def test_basic_storage_get_file():
167 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
169 # Write a brand new file
170 filepath = ['dir1', 'dir2', 'ourfile.txt']
172 with this_storage.get_file(filepath, 'w') as our_file:
173 our_file.write('First file')
174 with this_storage.get_file(filepath, 'r') as our_file:
175 assert our_file.read() == 'First file'
176 assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/ourfile.txt'))
177 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/ourfile.txt'), 'r') as our_file:
178 assert our_file.read() == 'First file'
180 # Write to the same path but try to get a unique file.
181 new_filepath = this_storage.get_unique_filepath(filepath)
182 assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, *new_filepath))
184 with this_storage.get_file(new_filepath, 'w') as our_file:
185 our_file.write('Second file')
186 with this_storage.get_file(new_filepath, 'r') as our_file:
187 assert our_file.read() == 'Second file'
188 assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, *new_filepath))
189 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, *new_filepath), 'r') as our_file:
190 assert our_file.read() == 'Second file'
192 # Read from an existing file
193 manually_written_file = os.makedirs(
194 os.path.join(tmpdir, 'testydir'))
195 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'testydir/testyfile.txt'), 'w') as testyfile:
196 testyfile.write('testy file! so testy.')
198 with this_storage.get_file(['testydir', 'testyfile.txt']) as testyfile:
199 assert testyfile.read() == 'testy file! so testy.'
201 this_storage.delete_file(filepath)
202 this_storage.delete_file(new_filepath)
203 this_storage.delete_file(['testydir', 'testyfile.txt'])
204 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir, ['dir1', 'dir2'], ['testydir'])
207 def test_basic_storage_delete_file():
208 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
210 assert not os.path.exists(
211 os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/ourfile.txt'))
213 filepath = ['dir1', 'dir2', 'ourfile.txt']
214 with this_storage.get_file(filepath, 'w') as our_file:
215 our_file.write('Testing this file')
217 assert os.path.exists(
218 os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/ourfile.txt'))
220 assert this_storage.delete_dir(['dir1', 'dir2']) == False
221 this_storage.delete_file(filepath)
222 assert this_storage.delete_dir(['dir1', 'dir2']) == True
224 assert not os.path.exists(
225 os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/ourfile.txt'))
227 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir, ['dir1'])
230 def test_basic_storage_url_for_file():
231 # Not supplying a base_url should actually just bork.
232 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
233 pytest.raises(
234 storage.NoWebServing,
235 this_storage.file_url,
236 ['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt'])
237 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir)
239 # base_url without domain
240 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage('/media/')
241 result = this_storage.file_url(
242 ['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt'])
243 expected = '/media/dir1/dir2/filename.txt'
244 assert result == expected
245 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir)
247 # base_url with domain
248 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage(
249 'http://media.example.org/ourmedia/')
250 result = this_storage.file_url(
251 ['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt'])
252 expected = 'http://media.example.org/ourmedia/dir1/dir2/filename.txt'
253 assert result == expected
254 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir)
257 def test_basic_storage_get_local_path():
258 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
260 result = this_storage.get_local_path(
261 ['dir1', 'dir2', 'filename.txt'])
263 expected = os.path.join(
264 tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/filename.txt')
266 assert result == expected
268 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir)
271 def test_basic_storage_is_local():
272 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
273 assert this_storage.local_storage is True
274 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir)
277 def test_basic_storage_copy_locally():
278 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
280 dest_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
282 filepath = ['dir1', 'dir2', 'ourfile.txt']
283 with this_storage.get_file(filepath, 'w') as our_file:
284 our_file.write('Testing this file')
286 new_file_dest = os.path.join(dest_tmpdir, 'file2.txt')
288 this_storage.copy_locally(filepath, new_file_dest)
289 this_storage.delete_file(filepath)
291 assert open(new_file_dest).read() == 'Testing this file'
293 os.remove(new_file_dest)
294 os.rmdir(dest_tmpdir)
295 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir, ['dir1', 'dir2'])
298 def _test_copy_local_to_storage_works(tmpdir, this_storage):
299 local_filename = tempfile.mktemp()
300 with open(local_filename, 'w') as tmpfile:
301 tmpfile.write('haha')
303 this_storage.copy_local_to_storage(
304 local_filename, ['dir1', 'dir2', 'copiedto.txt'])
306 os.remove(local_filename)
308 assert open(
309 os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1/dir2/copiedto.txt'),
310 'r').read() == 'haha'
312 this_storage.delete_file(['dir1', 'dir2', 'copiedto.txt'])
313 cleanup_storage(this_storage, tmpdir, ['dir1', 'dir2'])
316 def test_basic_storage_copy_local_to_storage():
317 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage()
318 _test_copy_local_to_storage_works(tmpdir, this_storage)
321 def test_general_storage_copy_local_to_storage():
322 tmpdir, this_storage = get_tmp_filestorage(fake_remote=True)
323 _test_copy_local_to_storage_works(tmpdir, this_storage)