No longer honours following status in JSON, instead relies solely on following list.
[larjonas-pumpa.git] / src / pumpapp.h
1 /*
2 Copyright 2013-2015 Mats Sjöberg
4 This file is part of the Pumpa programme.
6 Pumpa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 Pumpa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with Pumpa. If not, see <>.
20 #ifndef _PUMPAPP_H_
21 #define _PUMPAPP_H_
23 #include <QObject>
24 #include <QDebug>
25 #include <QDesktopServices>
26 #include <QApplication>
27 #include <QMainWindow>
28 #include <QAction>
29 #include <QMenu>
30 #include <QMenuBar>
31 #include <QMessageBox>
32 #include <QSystemTrayIcon>
33 #include <QProgressDialog>
34 #include <QMovie>
35 #include <QSslError>
37 #ifdef USE_DBUS
38 #include <QDBusInterface>
39 #endif
41 #include "QtKOAuth"
43 #include "pumpa_defines.h"
44 #include "qactivitystreams.h"
45 #include "collectionwidget.h"
46 #include "oauthwizard.h"
47 #include "tabwidget.h"
48 #include "pumpasettingsdialog.h"
49 #include "pumpasettings.h"
50 #include "contextwidget.h"
51 #include "objectlistwidget.h"
52 #include "messagewindow.h"
53 #include "filedownloader.h"
54 #include "editprofiledialog.h"
56 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 class PumpApp : public QMainWindow {
61 public:
62 PumpApp(PumpaSettings* settings, QString locale="", QWidget* parent=0);
63 virtual ~PumpApp();
65 signals:
66 void userAuthorizationStarted();
68 private slots:
69 void onSslErrors(QNetworkReply*, QList<QSslError>);
71 void userTestDoneAndFollow();
73 void trayIconActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason);
74 void updateTrayIcon();
75 void toggleVisible();
76 void timelineHighlighted(int);
77 void onNewMinorObjects();
79 void followDialog();
80 void editProfile();
81 void editProfileDialog();
82 void onLike(QASObject* obj);
83 void onShare(QASObject* obj);
84 void postNote(QString note, QString title,
85 RecipientList to, RecipientList cc);
86 void postImage(QString msg, QString title, QString imageFile,
87 RecipientList to, RecipientList cc);
88 void postAvatarImage(QString imageFile);
89 void postReply(QASObject* replyToObj, QString content,
90 RecipientList to, RecipientList cc);
91 void postEdit(QASObject* obj, QString content, QString title);
92 void follow(QString acctId, bool follow);
93 void onDeleteObject(QASObject* obj);
94 void onEditObject(QASObject* obj);
95 void onProfileEdited(QASActor* profile, QString newImageFile);
97 void errorMessage(QString msg);
98 void notifyMessage(QString msg);
99 void statusMessage(const QString& msg);
100 void onShowContext(QASObject*);
101 void tabSelected(int index);
103 void onClientRegistered(QString, QString, QString, QString);
104 void onAccessTokenReceived(QString token, QString tokenSecret);
106 void onAuthorizedRequestReady(QByteArray response, int id);
108 void uploadProgress(qint64 bytesSent, qint64 bytesTotal);
109 void uploadCanceled(bool abortRequest=true);
111 void request(QString endpoint, int response_id,
112 KQOAuthRequest::RequestHttpMethod method = KQOAuthRequest::GET,
113 QVariantMap data=QVariantMap());
115 void exit();
116 void about();
117 void reportBug();
118 void preferences();
119 void newNote(QASObject* obj = NULL, QASObjectList* to = NULL,
120 QASObjectList* cc = NULL, bool edit = false);
121 void reload();
122 void loadOlder();
124 void startPumping();
126 void launchOAuthWizard();
127 void wizardCancelled();
129 void debugAction();
131 void showFollowers();
132 void showFollowing();
133 void showFavourites();
134 void showUserActivities();
135 void showFirehose();
136 void closeTab();
138 protected:
139 void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*);
140 virtual bool event(QEvent* e) {
141 if (e->type() == QEvent::WindowActivate)
142 resetNotifications();
143 return QMainWindow::event(e);
145 void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e) {
146 m_showHideAction->setText(showHideText(false));
147 QMainWindow::closeEvent(e);
150 private:
151 void addPublicRecipient(RecipientList& rl);
153 void uploadProfile();
155 bool tabShown(ASWidget* aw) const;
157 bool isShown(QASAbstractObject* obj);
159 KQOAuthRequest* initRequest(QString endpoint,
160 KQOAuthRequest::RequestHttpMethod method);
161 QNetworkReply* executeRequest(KQOAuthRequest* request, int response_id);
163 typedef QPair<KQOAuthRequest*, int> requestInfo_t;
164 QMap<int, requestInfo_t> m_requestMap;
165 int m_nextRequestId;
167 void setLoading(bool on);
168 void refreshObject(QASAbstractObject* obj);
170 void uploadFile(QString filename, int flags=0);
172 void updatePostedImage(QVariantMap obj, int flags=0);
173 void postImageActivity(QVariantMap obj, int flags=0);
175 void errorBox(QString msg);
177 bool webFingerFromString(QString text, QString& username, QString& server);
179 void testUserAndFollow(QString username, QString server);
181 QString apiUrl(QString endpoint);
183 // constructs api/user/$username/$path
184 QString apiUser(QString path);
186 void addRecipient(QVariantMap& data, QString name, RecipientList to);
188 void resetNotifications();
190 void createTrayIcon();
191 QString showHideText(bool);
192 QString showHideText() { return showHideText(isVisible()); }
194 void connectCollection(ASWidget* w, bool highlight=true);
196 bool haveOAuth();
198 void resetTimer();
200 void refreshTimeLabels();
202 void fetchAll(bool);
203 QString inboxEndpoint(QString path);
205 void feed(QString verb, QVariantMap object, int response_id,
206 RecipientList to = RecipientList(),
207 RecipientList cc = RecipientList());
209 bool sendNotification(QString summary, QString text);
211 PumpaSettingsDialog* m_settingsDialog;
212 PumpaSettings* m_s;
214 void followActor(QASActor* actor, bool doFollow=true);
215 void addCompletion(QString from, QString to, bool add);
217 void createActions();
218 void createMenu();
220 QAction* newNoteAction;
221 // QAction* newPictureAction;
222 QAction* reloadAction;
223 QAction* followAction;
224 QAction* profileAction;
225 QAction* loadOlderAction;
226 QAction* openPrefsAction;
227 QAction* exitAction;
228 QMenu* fileMenu;
230 QAction* aboutAction;
231 QAction* aboutQtAction;
232 QAction* reportBugAction;
233 QMenu* helpMenu;
235 QAction* m_followersAction;
236 QAction* m_followingAction;
237 QAction* m_favouritesAction;
238 QAction* m_userActivitiesAction;
239 QAction* m_firehoseAction;
240 QAction* m_closeTabAction;
241 QMenu* m_tabsMenu;
243 QAction* m_debugAction;
245 KQOAuthManager *m_oam;
247 FileDownloadManager* m_fdm;
249 TabWidget* m_tabWidget;
250 CollectionWidget* m_inboxWidget;
251 CollectionWidget* m_directMajorWidget;
252 CollectionWidget* m_directMinorWidget;
253 CollectionWidget* m_inboxMinorWidget;
254 CollectionWidget* m_firehoseWidget;
255 QList<ContextWidget*> m_contextWidgets;
256 ObjectListWidget* m_followersWidget;
257 ObjectListWidget* m_followingWidget;
258 ObjectListWidget* m_favouritesWidget;
259 CollectionWidget* m_userActivitiesWidget;
261 QLabel* m_loadIcon;
262 QMovie* m_loadMovie;
263 bool m_isLoading;
265 QASActor* m_selfActor;
267 OAuthWizard* m_wiz;
269 MessageWindow* m_messageWindow;
271 EditProfileDialog* m_editProfileDialog;
273 QSystemTrayIcon* m_trayIcon;
274 QMenu* m_trayIconMenu;
275 QAction* m_showHideAction;
277 QString m_locale;
279 int m_timerId;
280 int m_timerCount;
282 QVariantMap m_imageObject;
283 RecipientList m_imageTo;
284 RecipientList m_imageCc;
285 QVariantMap m_profile;
287 RecipientList m_recipientLists;
289 MessageEdit::completion_t m_completions;
291 QProgressDialog* m_uploadDialog;
292 QNetworkReply* m_uploadRequest;
294 QNetworkAccessManager* m_nam;
296 QSignalMapper* m_notifyMap;
297 #ifdef USE_DBUS
298 QDBusInterface* m_dbus;
299 #endif
302 #endif /* _PUMPAPP_H_ */