Show webfinger if displayName is unknown for an author.
[larjonas-pumpa.git] / src / util.cpp
1 /*
2 Copyright 2013-2015 Mats Sjöberg
4 This file is part of the Pumpa programme.
6 Pumpa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 Pumpa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with Pumpa. If not, see <>.
20 #include "util.h"
22 #include <QTextStream>
23 #include <QStringList>
24 #include <QRegExp>
25 #include <QObject>
26 #include <QDebug>
27 #include <QFile>
29 #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY
30 #include <sys/resource.h>
31 #include <unistd.h>
32 #endif
34 #include "sundown/markdown.h"
35 #include "sundown/html.h"
36 #include "sundown/buffer.h"
38 #ifdef USE_TIDY_TIDY
39 #include <tidy/tidy.h>
40 #include <tidy/buffio.h>
41 #endif
43 #ifdef USE_TIDY
44 #include <tidy.h>
45 #include <buffio.h>
46 #endif
48 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 QString markDown(QString text) {
51 struct sd_callbacks callbacks;
52 struct html_renderopt options;
53 sdhtml_renderer(&callbacks, &options, 0);
55 struct sd_markdown* markdown = sd_markdown_new(0, 16, &callbacks, &options);
57 struct buf* ob = bufnew(64);
58 // QByteArray ba = text.toLocal8Bit();
59 QByteArray ba = text.toUtf8();
61 sd_markdown_render(ob, (const unsigned char*)ba.constData(), ba.size(),
62 markdown);
63 sd_markdown_free(markdown);
65 // QString ret = QString::fromLocal8Bit((char*)ob->data, ob->size);
66 QString ret = QString::fromUtf8((char*)ob->data, ob->size);
67 bufrelease(ob);
69 return ret.trimmed();
72 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 QString siteUrlFixer(QString url, bool useSsl) {
75 if (!url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://"))
76 url = (useSsl ? "https://" : "http://") + url;
78 if (url.endsWith('/'))
79 url.chop(1);
81 return url;
84 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 QString linkifyUrls(QString text, bool useMarkdown) {
87 QRegExp rx(QString("(^|\\s)%1([\\s\\.\\,\\!\\?\\)]|$)").arg(URL_REGEX_STRICT));
89 QStringList lines = text.split('\n');
91 for (int i=0; i<lines.size(); ++i) {
92 QString line =;
93 int pos = 0;
94 while ((pos = rx.indexIn(line, pos)) != -1) {
95 int len = rx.matchedLength();
96 QString before = rx.cap(1);
97 QString url = rx.cap(2);
98 QString after = rx.cap(3);
100 QString newText = useMarkdown ?
101 QString("%1<%2>%3").arg(before).arg(url).arg(after) :
102 QString("%1<a href=\"%2\">%2</a>%3").arg(before).arg(url).arg(after);
104 line.replace(pos, len, newText);
105 pos += newText.count();
107 lines[i] = line;
109 return lines.join("\n");
112 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 QString changePairedTags(QString text,
115 QString begin, QString end,
116 QString newBegin, QString newEnd,
117 QString nogoItems) {
118 QRegExp rx(QString(MD_PAIR_REGEX).arg(begin).arg(end).arg(nogoItems));
119 int pos = 0;
120 while ((pos = rx.indexIn(text, pos)) != -1) {
121 int len = rx.matchedLength();
122 QString newText = QString(newBegin + rx.cap(1) + newEnd);
123 text.replace(pos, len, newText);
124 pos += newText.count();
126 return text;
129 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 QString siteUrlToAccountId(QString username, QString url) {
132 if (url.startsWith("http://"))
133 url.remove(0, 7);
134 if (url.startsWith("https://"))
135 url.remove(0, 8);
137 if (url.endsWith('/'))
138 url.chop(1);
140 return username + "@" + url;
143 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 QString relativeFuzzyTime(QDateTime sTime, bool longTime) {
146 QString dateStr = sTime.toString("ddd d MMMM yyyy");
148 int secs = sTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC());
149 if (secs < 0)
150 secs = 0;
151 float t = (float)secs;
152 t /= 60; int mins = qRound(t);
153 t /= 60; int hours = qRound(t);
154 t /= 24; int days = qRound(t);
155 t /= 7; int weeks = qRound(t);
156 t /= 4.33; int months = qRound(t);
157 t /= 12; int years = qRound(t);
159 if (secs < 60) {
160 dateStr = QObject::tr("a few seconds ago");
161 } else if (mins == 1) {
162 dateStr = QObject::tr("one minute ago");
163 } else if (hours < 1) {
164 dateStr = QObject::tr("%n minutes ago", 0, mins);
165 } else if (hours == 1) {
166 dateStr = QObject::tr("one hour ago", 0, hours);
167 } else if (days < 1) {
168 dateStr = QObject::tr("%n hours ago", 0, hours);
169 } else if (longTime) {
170 if (days == 1) {
171 dateStr = QObject::tr("one day ago", 0, days);
172 } else if (weeks < 1) {
173 dateStr = QObject::tr("%n days ago", 0, days);
174 } else if (weeks == 1) {
175 dateStr = QObject::tr("one week ago", 0, weeks);
176 } else if (months < 1) {
177 dateStr = QObject::tr("%n weeks ago", 0, weeks);
178 } else if (months == 1) {
179 dateStr = QObject::tr("one month ago", 0, months);
180 } else if (years < 1) {
181 dateStr = QObject::tr("%n months ago", 0, months);
182 } else if (years == 1) {
183 dateStr = QObject::tr("one year ago", 0, years);
184 } else {
185 dateStr = QObject::tr("%n years ago", 0, years);
188 return dateStr;
191 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 bool splitWebfingerId(QString accountId, QString& username, QString& server) {
194 static QRegExp rx("^([\\w\\._-+]+)@([\\w\\._-+]+)$");
195 if (!rx.exactMatch(accountId.trimmed()))
196 return false;
198 username = rx.cap(1);
199 server = rx.cap(2);
200 return true;
203 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 long getMaxRSS() {
206 #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY
207 struct rusage rusage;
208 getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
209 return rusage.ru_maxrss;
210 #else
211 return 0;
212 #endif
215 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 long getCurrentRSS() {
218 #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY
219 QFile fp("/proc/self/statm");
220 if (!
221 return -1;
223 QTextStream in(&fp);
224 QString line = in.readLine();
225 QStringList parts = line.split(" ");
227 return parts[1].toLong() * sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE);
228 #else
229 return 0;
230 #endif
233 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 void checkMemory(QString desc) {
236 static long oldMem = -1;
238 long mem = getCurrentRSS();
239 long diff = 0;
240 if (oldMem > 0)
241 diff = mem-oldMem;
243 QString msg("RESIDENT MEMORY");
244 if (!desc.isEmpty())
245 msg += " (" + desc + ")";
246 msg += QString(": %1 KB").arg((float)mem/1024.0, 0, 'f', 2);
247 if (diff != 0)
248 msg += QString(" (%2%1)").arg(diff).arg(diff > 0 ? '+' : '-');
250 qDebug() << msg;
253 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
255 QString removeHtml(QString origText) {
256 QString text = origText;
258 // Remove any inline HTML tags
259 // text.replace(QRegExp(HTML_TAG_REGEX), "&lt;\\1&gt;");
260 QRegExp rx(HTML_TAG_REGEX);
261 QRegExp urlRx(URL_REGEX);
262 int pos = 0;
264 while ((pos = rx.indexIn(text, pos)) != -1) {
265 int len = rx.matchedLength();
266 QString tag = rx.cap(1);
267 if (urlRx.exactMatch(tag)) {
268 pos += len;
269 } else {
270 QString newText = "&lt;" + tag + "&gt;";
271 text.replace(pos, len, newText);
272 pos += newText.length();
275 return text;
278 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 #ifndef NO_TIDY
281 // Tidy changed TidyBodyOnly type from bool to int at 2007-05-24.
282 // Returns true when a new version (int) is found
283 bool isTidyWithIntBodyOnlyCheck() {
284 QString releaseDateStr(tidyReleaseDate());
285 int yearPos = releaseDateStr.indexOf(QRegExp(" [0-9]{4}"));
286 if (yearPos != -1)
287 releaseDateStr = releaseDateStr.left(yearPos + 5);
288 QDate releaseDate = QLocale::c().toDate(releaseDateStr, "d MMMM yyyy");
289 QDate changeDate = QLocale::c().toDate("24 May 2007", "d MMMM yyyy");
290 bool isNewer = releaseDate > changeDate;
292 #ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP
293 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] tidy release date:" << releaseDate.toString(Qt::ISODate);
294 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] use API with new TidyBodyOnly as int :" << isNewer;
295 #endif
297 return isNewer;
299 #endif
301 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
303 QString tidyHtml(QString str, bool& ok) {
304 #ifdef NO_TIDY
305 ok = true;
306 return str;
307 #else
308 QString res = str;
309 ok = false;
311 static bool isTidyWithIntBodyOnly = isTidyWithIntBodyOnlyCheck();
313 TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate();
314 TidyBuffer output;
315 TidyBuffer errbuf;
317 tidyBufInit(&output);
318 tidyBufInit(&errbuf);
320 bool configOk =
321 tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes) &&
322 tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, yes) &&
323 tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyMark, no) &&
324 (isTidyWithIntBodyOnly
325 ? tidyOptSetInt(tdoc, TidyBodyOnly, 1)
326 : tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyBodyOnly, yes)) &&
327 tidyOptSetInt(tdoc, TidyWrapLen, 0) &&
328 tidyOptSetInt(tdoc, TidyDoctypeMode, TidyDoctypeOmit);
330 if (configOk &&
331 (tidySetCharEncoding(tdoc, "utf8") >= 0) &&
332 (tidySetErrorBuffer(tdoc, &errbuf) >= 0) &&
333 (tidyParseString(tdoc, str.toUtf8().data()) >= 0) &&
334 (tidyCleanAndRepair(tdoc) >= 0) &&
335 (tidyRunDiagnostics(tdoc) >= 0) &&
336 (tidySaveBuffer(tdoc, &output) >= 0) &&
337 (output.bp != 0 && output.size > 0)) {
338 res = QString::fromUtf8((char*)output.bp, output.size);
340 ok = true;
343 #ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP
344 if (errbuf.size > 0) {
345 QString errStr = QString::fromUtf8((char*)errbuf.bp, errbuf.size);
346 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] MARKUP, libtidy errors and warnings:\n" << errStr;
348 #endif
350 if (output.bp != 0)
351 tidyBufFree(&output);
352 if (errbuf.bp != 0)
353 tidyBufFree(&errbuf);
354 tidyRelease(tdoc);
356 return res.trimmed();
357 #endif
360 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
362 QString addTextMarkup(QString text, bool useMarkdown) {
363 QString oldText = text;
365 #ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP
366 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] MARKUP\n" << text;
367 #endif
369 #ifdef NO_TIDY
370 text = removeHtml(text);
371 # ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP
372 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] MARKUP (clean inline HTML)\n" << text;
373 # endif
374 #endif
376 if (useMarkdown) {
377 // apply markdown
378 text = markDown(text);
379 } else {
380 // linkify plain URLs
381 text = linkifyUrls(text, useMarkdown);
383 #ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP
384 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] MARKUP (linkify plain URLs)\n" << text;
385 #endif
387 // This is a bit of a hack: if the text doesn't certain tags we
388 // replace newlines with breaks.
390 QRegExp rx("<p>|<ul>", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
391 if (rx.indexIn(text) == -1)
392 text.replace("\n", "<br/>");
395 #ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP
396 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] MARKUP (apply"
397 << (useMarkdown?"Markdown)":"text conversion)") << "\n" << text;
398 #endif
400 #ifndef NO_TIDY
401 bool tidyOk = false;
402 text = tidyHtml(text, tidyOk);
403 #endif
405 #ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP
406 qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] MARKUP (libtidy)\n" << text;
407 #endif
409 return text;
412 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 QString processTitle(QString text, bool removeLtgt) {
415 // text = removeHtml(text);
416 if (removeLtgt) {
417 text.replace("<", "&lt;");
418 text.replace(">", "&gt;");
420 text.replace("\n", " ");
421 return text.trimmed();
424 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 QString slashify(QString path) {
427 QString ret = path;
428 if (!ret.endsWith('/'))
429 ret.append('/');
430 return ret;