2 % The following files form the LaTeX2e distribution of 2017-04-15
6 % ==================================
11 % README.txt -- The distribution guide. START BY READING THIS FILE
12 % manifest.txt -- This file.
14 % tex2.txt -- Extras for installing LaTeX on TeX2.
16 % texpert.txt -- Documentation for TeX experts.
17 % patches.txt -- Explains the patch mechanism.
19 % legal.txt -- Copyright notice; warranty; copying conditions.
20 % lppl.txt -- The LaTeX Project Public License (current version).
21 % lppl-1-0.txt -- The LaTeX Project Public License (version 1.0).
22 % lppl-1-1.txt -- The LaTeX Project Public License (version 1.1).
23 % lppl-1-2.txt -- The LaTeX Project Public License (version 1.2).
24 % lppl.tex -- The LaTeX Project Public License (current as .tex).
26 % bugs.txt -- How to submit a bug report for LaTeX.
28 % source2e.tex -- File to produce kernel documentation.
29 % changes.txt -- List of changes in reverse chronological order.
31 % sample2e.tex -- Sample LaTeX input file.
32 % small2e.tex -- Small sample LaTeX input file.
34 % clsguide.tex -- How to write class files.
35 % cfgguide.tex -- Guide to using `.cfg' files to configure LaTeX.
36 % cyrguide.tex -- Guide to using cyrillic languages in LaTeX.
37 % encguide.tex -- Guide to font encodings.
38 % fntguide.tex -- Guide to font selection.
39 % modguide.tex -- Guide to modifying and distributing LaTeX.
40 % usrguide.tex -- User guide for this release.
42 % ltnews01.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1994/06.
43 % ltnews02.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1994/12.
44 % ltnews03.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1995/06.
45 % ltnews04.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1995/12.
46 % ltnews05.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1996/06.
47 % ltnews06.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1996/12.
48 % ltnews07.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1997/06.
49 % ltnews08.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1997/12.
50 % ltnews09.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1998/06.
51 % ltnews10.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1998/12.
52 % ltnews11.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1999/06.
53 % ltnews12.tex -- What was new in the release dated 1999/12.
54 % ltnews13.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2000/06.
55 % ltnews14.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2001/06.
56 % ltnews15.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2003/12.
57 % ltnews16.tex -- What may happen in 2004 and beyond.
58 % ltnews17.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2005/12.
59 % ltnews18.tex -- (empty)
60 % ltnews19.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2009/09.
61 % ltnews20.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2011/06.
62 % ltnews21.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2014/05.
63 % ltnews22.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2015/01.
64 % ltnews23.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2015/10.
65 % ltnews24.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2016/02.
66 % ltnews25.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2016/03.
67 % ltnews26.tex -- What was new in the release dated 2017/01.
70 % ltx3info.tex -- Information about the LaTeX3 project.
72 % manual.err -- Errata for the LaTeX Manual.
73 % tlc2.err -- Errata for the LaTeX Companion, second edition.
74 % lb2.err -- Errata for the LaTeX-Begleiter, 2te erw. Auflage (German).
75 % lgc2.err -- Errata for the LaTeX Graphics Companion, second edition.
76 % webcomp.err -- Errata for the LaTeX Web Companion.
82 % cmfonts.fdd -- Font definitions for Computer modern fonts.
83 % fontdef.dtx -- Code for font definitions.
84 % lthyphen.dtx -- Hyphenation support.
85 % ltboxes.dtx -- Code for making boxes.
86 % ltclass.dtx -- Class and option handling.
87 % ltcounts.dtx -- Counters.
88 % ltpageno.dtx -- Page numbering.
89 % ltxref.dtx -- Cross referencing.
90 % ltlength.dtx -- Lengths.
91 % ltdirchk.dtx -- Support for search in current directory.
92 % ltfiles.dtx -- File handling.
93 % ltfinal.dtx -- Code for debugging and final initialisations.
94 % ltfloat.dtx -- Float handling.
95 % ltfntcmd.dtx -- Various font switching commands.
96 % ltfssbas.dtx -- NFSS Base macros
97 % ltfsstrc.dtx -- NFSS Tracing (and tracefnt.sty)
98 % ltfssdcl.dtx -- NFSS Declarative interface
99 % ltfssini.dtx -- NFSS Initialisation
100 % ltfsscmp.dtx -- NFSS1 compatibility
101 % ltidxglo.dtx -- Index and glossary.
102 % ltbibl.dtx -- Bibliography commands.
103 % ltalloc.dtx -- Allocation of counters and others.
104 % ltdefns.dtx -- Initial definitions.
105 % ltcntrl.dtx -- Program control macros.
106 % lterror.dtx -- Error handling.
107 % ltpar.dtx -- Paragraphs.
108 % ltspace.dtx -- Spacing, line and page breaking.
109 % ltlogos.dtx -- Logos.
110 % ltlists.dtx -- Code for lists and related environments.
111 % ltmath.dtx -- Code for math.
112 % ltmiscen.dtx -- Code for miscellaneous environments.
113 % ltoutenc.dtx -- Code for output encoding commands.
114 % ltoutput.dtx -- LaTeX page makeup (output routine).
115 % ltpictur.dtx -- The picture environment.
116 % ltpage.dtx -- Page styles and related commands.
117 % ltplain.dtx -- Things borrowed from the plain format.
118 % lttab.dtx -- The tabbing, tabular and array environments.
119 % ltthm.dtx -- The theorem-like environments.
120 % ltsect.dtx -- Sectioning and title commands.
121 % ltvers.dtx -- Version identification code.
122 % preload.dtx -- Code for preloading fonts.
123 % tulm.fdd -- Font definitions for TU latin modern fonts.
129 % classes.dtx -- Standard document classes article/book/report.
130 % letter.dtx -- Standard document class letter.
131 % proc.dtx -- Proc class: modifies the article class.
132 % slides.dtx -- Slides class, etc based on SLiTeX.
133 % slifonts.fdd -- Font declarations for slides class.
136 % LaTeX2.09 compatibility:
137 % ------------------------
139 % latex209.dtx -- Implements LaTeX 2.09 compatibility mode.
145 % alltt.dtx -- Implements the alltt environment.
146 % fix-cm.dtx -- Implements modified font choices for cm fonts.
147 % latexrelease.dtx -- Controls fixes to LaTeX.
148 % graphpap.dtx -- Implements programming \graphpaper command..
149 % inputenc.dtx -- Implements eight-bit input.
150 % utf8ienc.dtx -- Supplement for inputenc to implement UTF8 encoding.
151 % ifthen.dtx -- Implements programming control structures.
152 % makeindx.dtx -- Implements support for generating an index.
155 % Font selection files:
156 % ---------------------
158 % exscale.dtx -- Scaling the math extension font.
159 % latexsym.dtx -- Definitions for LaTeX symbol fonts.
160 % newlfont.dtx -- New semantics of font switching commands.
161 % nfssfont.dtx -- program for testing a font and generating glyph tables.
162 % oldlfont.dtx -- Old semantics of font switching commands.
163 % syntonly.dtx -- Syntonly package for running in syntax check mode.
169 % doc.dtx -- Package for self documenting code.
170 % docstrip.dtx -- Module for removing comments.
171 % ltxdoc.dtx -- Class file for printing documentation.
174 % Installation scripts for the various parts:
175 % -------------------------------------------
177 % unpack.ins -- LaTeX main installation script (see below).
180 % Installation scripts used by unpack.ins:
181 % ------------------------------------------
183 % alltt.ins -- Installation script for the alltt package.
184 % classes.ins -- Installation script for standard classes.
185 % cmfonts.ins -- Installation script for OT* Computer Modern fonts.
186 % newdc.ins -- Installation script for T* Computer Modern fonts.
187 % docstrip.ins -- Installation script for docstrip.
188 % exscale.ins -- Installation script for scaling the cmex font.
189 % fixltx2e.ins -- Installation script for the fixltx2e package.
190 % format.ins -- Installation script for latex.ltx.
191 % graphpap.ins -- Installation script for graphpap.dtx.
192 % inputenc.ins -- Installation script for inputenc.dtx.
193 % ifthen.ins -- Installation script for ifthen.dtx.
194 % latex209.ins -- Installation script for compatibility mode.
195 % latexsym.ins -- Installation script for latexsym.dtx.
196 % letter.ins -- Installation script for document class letter.
197 % ltoutenc.ins -- Installation script for output encoding files.
198 % makeindx.ins -- Installation script for makeindx.dtx.
199 % nfssfont.ins -- Installation script for nfssfont.dtx.
200 % proc.ins -- Installation script for the proc package.
201 % slides.ins -- Installation script for SLiTeX.
202 % syntonly.ins -- Installation script for the syntonly package.
203 % tulm.ins -- Installation script for TU Latin Modern fonts.
205 % Installation scripts to be used by themselves:
206 % ----------------------------------------------
208 % cmextra.ins -- Installation script for additional CM fonts.
209 % ec.ins -- Installation script for T1 and TS1 EC fonts.
210 % olddc.ins -- Installation script for obsolete dc fonts (v1.1).
216 % ltxguide.cls -- Document class used by the guides.
217 % ltnews.cls -- Document class for `news' document.
218 % minimal.cls -- Minimal document class for debugging and testing.
219 % idx.tex -- Print out index entries in your document.
220 % lablst.tex -- Generate list of labels used in a document.
221 % testpage.tex -- Test file for checking the accuracy of a printer.
222 % ltxcheck.tex -- Test file for checking the LaTeX installation.
225 % ======================================================================