Log changes
[latex2e.git] / latex2e-20151001 / base / testfiles / tlb0942.lvt
1 % Test file for LaTeX2e PR/942
3 % testing the settings for all math commands and chars of standard
4 % LaTeX
6 \documentclass{article}
8 % Input the test macros for latex 2e
9 \input{test2e}
11 % Everything before this is ignored by the test system.
14 \AUTHOR{Frank Mittelbach}
16 % Declare the format used on the original run, as printed by
17 % LaTeX.
19 \FORMAT{LaTeX2e<1994/06/01>}
21 \show\acute
22 \show\bar
23 \show\breve
24 \show\check
25 \show\ddot
26 \show\dot
27 \show\grave
28 \show\hat
29 \show\tilde
30 \show\vec
31 \show\widehat
32 \show\widetilde
33 \show\Arrowvert
34 \show\Downarrow
35 \show\Uparrow
36 \show\Updownarrow
37 \show\Vert
38 \show\arrowvert
39 \show\backslash
40 \show\bracevert
41 \show\downarrow
42 \show\langle
43 \show\lbrace
44 \show\lceil
45 \show\lfloor
46 \show\lgroup
47 \show\lmoustache
48 \show\rangle
49 \show\rbrace
50 \show\rceil
51 \show\rfloor
52 \show\rgroup
53 \show\rmoustache
54 \show\uparrow
55 \show\updownarrow
56 \show\vert
57 \showthe\mathcode`\0
58 \showthe\mathcode`\1
59 \showthe\mathcode`\2
60 \showthe\mathcode`\3
61 \showthe\mathcode`\4
62 \showthe\mathcode`\5
63 \showthe\mathcode`\6
64 \showthe\mathcode`\7
65 \showthe\mathcode`\8
66 \showthe\mathcode`\9
67 \showthe\mathcode`\A
68 \showthe\mathcode`\B
69 \showthe\mathcode`\C
70 \showthe\mathcode`\D
71 \showthe\mathcode`\E
72 \showthe\mathcode`\F
73 \showthe\mathcode`\G
74 \showthe\mathcode`\H
75 \showthe\mathcode`\I
76 \showthe\mathcode`\J
77 \showthe\mathcode`\K
78 \showthe\mathcode`\L
79 \showthe\mathcode`\M
80 \showthe\mathcode`\N
81 \showthe\mathcode`\O
82 \showthe\mathcode`\P
83 \showthe\mathcode`\Q
84 \showthe\mathcode`\R
85 \showthe\mathcode`\S
86 \showthe\mathcode`\T
87 \showthe\mathcode`\U
88 \showthe\mathcode`\V
89 \showthe\mathcode`\W
90 \showthe\mathcode`\X
91 \showthe\mathcode`\Y
92 \showthe\mathcode`\Z
93 \show\Delta
94 \show\Gamma
95 \show\Im
96 \show\Lambda
97 \show\Leftarrow
98 \show\Leftrightarrow
99 \show\Omega
100 \show\Phi
101 \show\Pi
102 \show\Psi
103 \show\Re
104 \show\Rightarrow
105 \show\Sigma
106 \show\Theta
107 \show\Upsilon
108 \show\Xi
109 \show\aleph
110 \show\alpha
111 \show\amalg
112 \show\approx
113 \show\ast
114 \show\asymp
115 \show\beta
116 \show\bigcap
117 \show\bigcirc
118 \show\bigcup
119 \show\bigodot
120 \show\bigoplus
121 \show\bigotimes
122 \show\bigsqcup
123 \show\bigtriangledown
124 \show\bigtriangleup
125 \show\biguplus
126 \show\bigvee
127 \show\bigwedge
128 \show\bot
129 \show\braceld
130 \show\bracelu
131 \show\bracerd
132 \show\braceru
133 \show\bullet
134 \show\cap
135 \show\cdotp
136 \show\cdot
137 \show\chi
138 \show\circ
139 \show\clubsuit
140 \show\colon
141 \show\coprod
142 \show\cup
143 \show\dagger
144 \show\dashv
145 \show\ddagger
146 \show\delta
147 \show\diamondsuit
148 \show\diamond
149 \show\div
150 \show\ell
151 \show\emptyset
152 \show\epsilon
153 \show\equiv
154 \show\eta
155 \show\exists
156 \show\flat
157 \show\forall
158 \show\frown
159 \show\gamma
160 \show\geq
161 \show\gg
162 \show\heartsuit
163 \show\imath
164 \show\infty
165 \show\intop
166 \show\in
167 \show\iota
168 \show\jmath
169 \show\kappa
170 \show\lambda
171 \show\ldotp
172 \show\leftarrow
173 \show\leftharpoondown
174 \show\leftharpoonup
175 \show\leftrightarrow
176 \show\leq
177 \show\lhook
178 \show\ll
179 \show\mapstochar
180 \show\mid
181 \show\mp
182 \show\mu
183 \show\nabla
184 \show\natural
185 \show\nearrow
186 \show\neg
187 \show\ni
188 \show\not
189 \show\nu
190 \show\nwarrow
191 \show\odot
192 \show\ointop
193 \show\omega
194 \show\ominus
195 \show\oplus
196 \show\oslash
197 \show\otimes
198 \show\parallel
199 \show\partial
200 \show\perp
201 \show\phi
202 \show\pi
203 \show\pm
204 \show\preceq
205 \show\prec
206 \show\prime
207 \show\prod
208 \show\propto
209 \show\psi
210 \show\rhook
211 \show\rho
212 \show\rightarrow
213 \show\rightharpoondown
214 \show\rightharpoonup
215 \show\searrow
216 \show\setminus
217 \show\sharp
218 \show\sigma
219 \show\simeq
220 \show\sim
221 \show\smallint
222 \show\smile
223 \show\spadesuit
224 \show\sqcap
225 \show\sqcup
226 \show\sqsubseteq
227 \show\sqsupseteq
228 \show\star
229 \show\subseteq
230 \show\subset
231 \show\succeq
232 \show\succ
233 \show\sum
234 \show\supseteq
235 \show\supset
236 \show\swarrow
237 \show\tau
238 \show\theta
239 \show\times
240 \show\top
241 \show\triangleleft
242 \show\triangleright
243 \show\triangle
244 \show\uplus
245 \show\upsilon
246 \show\varepsilon
247 \show\varphi
248 \show\varpi
249 \show\varrho
250 \show\varsigma
251 \show\vartheta
252 \show\vdash
253 \show\vee
254 \show\wedge
255 \show\wp
256 \show\wr
257 \show\xi
258 \show\zeta
259 \showthe\delcode`\!
260 \showthe\delcode`\(
261 \showthe\delcode`\)
262 \showthe\delcode`\*
263 \showthe\delcode`\+
264 \showthe\delcode`\,
265 \showthe\delcode`\-
266 \showthe\delcode`\.
267 \showthe\delcode`\/
268 \showthe\delcode`\:
269 \showthe\delcode`\;
270 \showthe\delcode`\<
271 \showthe\delcode`\=
272 \showthe\delcode`\>
273 \showthe\delcode`\?
274 \showthe\delcode`\[
275 \showthe\delcode`\\
276 \showthe\delcode`\]
277 \showthe\delcode`\{
278 \showthe\delcode`\|
279 \showthe\delcode`\      
280 \showthe\mathcode`\!
281 \showthe\mathcode`\(
282 \showthe\mathcode`\)
283 \showthe\mathcode`\*
284 \showthe\mathcode`\+
285 \showthe\mathcode`\,
286 \showthe\mathcode`\-
287 \showthe\mathcode`\.
288 \showthe\mathcode`\/
289 \showthe\mathcode`\:
290 \showthe\mathcode`\;
291 \showthe\mathcode`\<
292 \showthe\mathcode`\=
293 \showthe\mathcode`\>
294 \showthe\mathcode`\?
295 \showthe\mathcode`\[
296 \showthe\mathcode`\\
297 \showthe\mathcode`\]
298 \showthe\mathcode`\{
299 \showthe\mathcode`\|
300 \showthe\mathcode`\     
301 \showthe\mathcode`\a
302 \showthe\mathcode`\b
303 \showthe\mathcode`\c
304 \showthe\mathcode`\d
305 \showthe\mathcode`\e
306 \showthe\mathcode`\f
307 \showthe\mathcode`\g
308 \showthe\mathcode`\h
309 \showthe\mathcode`\i
310 \showthe\mathcode`\j
311 \showthe\mathcode`\k
312 \showthe\mathcode`\l
313 \showthe\mathcode`\m
314 \showthe\mathcode`\n
315 \showthe\mathcode`\o
316 \showthe\mathcode`\p
317 \showthe\mathcode`\q
318 \showthe\mathcode`\r
319 \showthe\mathcode`\s
320 \showthe\mathcode`\t
321 \showthe\mathcode`\u
322 \showthe\mathcode`\v
323 \showthe\mathcode`\w
324 \showthe\mathcode`\x
325 \showthe\mathcode`\y
326 \showthe\mathcode`\z
328 \END