4 latex/3073: \addpenalty ruins flush-bottom
6 A page break at an \addpenalty after \vspace does *not*
7 give a flush-bottom page. (The intent of \addpenalty is
8 apparently just to preserve the flush bottom by putting
9 the breakpoint `above' the skip.)
11 \prevdepth is taken into account in order to get flush bottom pages
12 but it should not be added to the final skip seen by TeX plus we must
13 avoid senile values of \prevdepth due to \nointerlineskip.
15 Fix provided by Donald Arseneau, test file by Morten Hoegholm.
20 \documentclass[twocolumn]{article}
22 \AUTHOR{Morten H\o gholm}
25 \setlength\textheight{20\baselineskip}
26 \addtolength\textheight{\topskip}
27 \setlength\parskip{1\parskip}
30 \sbox0{$\bullet$}% for clean tracingpages output
32 \def\sampletext{Here is some text which will demonstrate the problem
42 \vspace*{19\baselineskip}% \vfill doesn't work the way we want
44 Some text, with a comma.
49 \item \sampletext \sampletext
50 \item \sampletext \sampletext
51 \item \sampletext \sampletext
73 abc\rule[-1.5\maxdepth]{1mm}{1mm}
75 % \prevdepth>\maxdepth
77 \section{Another section}
81 abc\rule[-.5\maxdepth]{1mm}{1mm}
83 % \prevdepth<\maxdepth
85 \section{Another section}
92 % \prevdepth=-1000pt and \lastskip > 0pt
95 \section{Another section}
96 \sampletext \sampletext