4 tools/3752: feature fnsymbol crashes with fixltx2e.sty
6 Description of bug: \fnsymbol too robust but since many packages and
7 classes use the internal interface directly, we must introduce a new
8 command to delay the decision between text or math.
10 This testfile runs with the eTeX extensions.
16 \documentclass{article}
18 \AUTHOR{Morten H\o gholm}
23 \usepackage{textcomp}%\usepackage{fixltx2e,textcomp}
26 \setcounter{footnote}{4}
27 \protected@edef\next{A\fnsymbol{footnote}B}\show\next
28 \protected@edef\next{A\fnsymbol{footnote} B}\show\next
29 \protected@edef\next{\fnsymbol{footnote}}\show\next
30 \protected@edef\next{\@fnsymbol\c@footnote}\show\next
31 \protected@edef\next{\@fnsymbol{4}}\show\next
33 \typeout{\fnsymbol{footnote} and \@fnsymbol{4}}
40 \author{A\thanks{Ort 1}\and
46 \setcounter{footnote}{4}
47 \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}%
50 $\thefootnote, \next $ \thefootnote, \next,
51 A,\footnotemark[3] B.\footnote{C}