2 >Arrival-Date: Wed Feb 11 21:41:16 1998
3 >Originator: efraim@central.ntua.gr (Nikos Efremidis)
4 >Release: LaTeX2e <1996/12/01>Babel <v3.6h> and hyphenation patterns for
5 plain, english, greek, loaded.
7 There is a LaTeX error when using the Greek Babel package.
8 It arises from the @Alph TeX command, so it affects
9 commands like appendix or nested enumerate.
10 The same bug appears on NTeX (Linux) and MiKTeX (Win95).
14 \documentclass{report}
17 \FORMAT{LaTeX2e<1996/12/01>}
19 \PACKAGE[american,greek]{babel}
24 \usepackage[american,greek]{babel}
25 \begin{document}\selectlanguage{greek}
28 \setbox0=\vbox{\@parboxrestore
31 \setbox0=\vbox{\@parboxrestore