4 >Synopsis: Stack overflow with hyperref, varioref, and babel 3.8g (but not babel 3.8d)
5 >Arrival-Date: Fri Aug 19 06:11:01 +0200 2005
6 >Originator: Robert Wenner (robert.wenner@gmx.de)
7 >Release: LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
9 Stack overflow in the provided example .tex file on the second latex
13 \documentclass{article}
15 \FORMAT{LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>}
17 \PACKAGE[american]{babel}
24 \setbox0=\hbox{#1}\showbox0}
27 \usepackage[american]{babel}
30 \labelformat{section}{section~#1}
36 \section{Foo}\label{sec:foo}
37 \testit{\ref{sec:foo} shows this working (\pageref{sec:foo}).}
38 \testit{\Vref{sec:foo} shows this breaking (\vref*{sec:foo}).}