2 % Master File: tlatex7.tex
3 % \iffalse meta-comment
5 % Copyright (C) 1992 by David Carlisle, Frank Mittelbach.
8 % This file is part of the validate package.
12 % You are not allowed to change this file. In case of error
13 % write to the email address mentioned in the file readme.val.
17 % Test file for latex.tex containing checks for the bug fixes
18 % 113-114-119-139-149 from latex.bug
23 \ADDRESS{flipo@alea.citilille.fr}
25 \FORMAT{LaTeX2e<1993/12/24>}
31 \nofiles % for bug 113
33 \newcommand{\bugid}[1]{\typeout{}
34 \typeout{*** Bug #1 ***}
35 \typeout{}*** #1 ***\par}
37 \documentstyle{article}
42 \nonstopmode\tracingonline1
46 %113. \bibitem doesn't work when there's a \nofiles declaration.
47 %(Discovered by Arthur Ogawa. Corrected 29 Apr 87.)
54 See the \TeX{}book~\cite{kn:TeX}
56 \begin{thebibliography}{99}
57 \bibitem{kn:gnus} D. E. Knudson. {\em 1966 World Gnus Almanac.}
58 \bibitem{kn:TeX} D. E. Knuth. {\em 1990 The \TeX{}book.}
59 \end{thebibliography}%
62 %114. Spaces produced by a \verb command (e.g., `verb| x |') are
63 %deleted if they appear at the beginning of a line. I don't know
64 %if this is a bug or a feature. (Discovered by R. J. Smith.)
66 %%%% I don't see any problem...
70 \noindent \verb| xxx |
72 \noindent normal text\\
75 %119. The `p' option in an array or tabular environment puts a normal
76 %depth strut at the bottom of the parbox, which results in too much
77 %space if the last line of the box has a descender. I don't see
78 %any reasonable way to fix this. (Discovered by John Lavagnino.)
80 %139. Extra vertical space appears below a `p' entry in a tabular or
81 %array environment if the last line has nonzero depth. (Reported by
82 %Michael DeCorte. Corrected 14 Jan 1989.)
87 \begin{tabular}{|l|p{4cm}|r|} \hline
88 type &formula &price \\ \hline
90 smart &$\frac{x}{y}$ &100 \\ \hline
93 %149. A \multicolumn command did not work right immediately
94 %before a \\[D] command when D was a positive length.
95 %(Reported by John Lee. Corrected 8 Feb 89.)
100 \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|} \hline
101 type &\multicolumn{2}{c|}{size}\\[5mm]\hline
102 smart &short &tall \\ \hline