4 rem change babel to same system?
6 rem Makefile for LaTeX2e files
8 if not [%1] == [] goto :init
13 echo make check - runs the automated test suite
14 echo make doc - runs all documentation files
15 echo make clean - clean out directory tree
16 echo make ctan - create CTAN-ready archives
17 echo make ctan ^<name^> - create CTAN-ready archive for required\name
18 echo make localinstall - install files in local texmf tree
19 echo make unpack - extract packages
25 rem Avoid clobbering anyone else's variables
29 rem Safety precaution against awkward paths
37 rem Bundles that are part of the overall LaTeX2e structure
39 set BUNDLES=base doc required\tools required\graphics required\cyrillic
40 rem set BUNDLES=required\cyrillic
43 set DISTRIBDIR=%MAINDIR%\distrib
44 set UNPACKDIR=%MAINDIR%\unpacked
45 set BUILDDIR=%MAINDIR%\build
46 set TESTDIR=%MAINDIR%\test
51 rem Cross-compatibility with *nix
53 if /i [%1] == [-s] shift
55 if /i [%1] == [check] goto check
56 if /i [%1] == [doc] goto doc
57 if /i [%1] == [clean] goto clean
58 if /i [%1] == [cleanall] goto clean
59 if /i [%1] == [ctan] goto ctan
60 if /i [%1] == [localinstall] goto localinstall
61 if /i [%1] == [unpack] goto unpack
67 for %%I in (%BUNDLES%) do (
68 echo ======================================
70 echo ======================================
80 for %%I in (%BUNDLES%) do (
81 echo ======================================
83 echo ======================================
93 for %%I in (%BUNDLES%) do (
94 echo ======================================
96 echo ======================================
102 echo ======================================
104 echo ======================================
105 for %%I in (%CLEAN%) do (
106 if exist *.%%I del /q *.%%I
113 if [%2] == [] goto ctanall
115 if not exist required\%2 (
117 echo Module required\%2 not found!
125 call make localinstall
127 rem call make doc -- done in ctan
132 pushd distrib\required
134 zip -v -r -ll latex2e-distrib-%2.zip %2 -x "*~" "*.pdf"
135 zip -v -r -g latex2e-distrib-%2.zip %2\*.pdf -x "*~"
139 mv distrib\required\*.zip .
141 if "%GLOBALPROBLEM%" == "true" (
143 echo ==================================
144 echo There have been some problems!!!!!
145 echo ==================================
150 endlocal & set GLOBALPROBLEM=
159 rem call :doc --- done in :ctan
161 for %%I in (%BUNDLES%) do (
162 echo ======================================
164 echo ======================================
170 echo ======================================
172 echo ======================================
174 zip -v -r -ll latex2e-distrib.zip distrib\base distrib\doc\ distrib\unpacked -x "*~" "*.pdf"
175 zip -v -r -g latex2e-distrib.zip distrib\base distrib\doc\*.pdf distrib\unpacked\*.pdf -x "*~"
177 pushd distrib\required
179 for %%I in (tools graphics cyrillic) do (
180 zip -v -r -ll latex2e-distrib-%%I.zip %%I -x "*~" "*.pdf"
181 zip -v -r -g latex2e-distrib-%%I.zip %%I\*.pdf -x "*~"
186 mv distrib\required\*.zip .
188 if "%GLOBALPROBLEM%" == "true" (
190 echo ==================================
191 echo There have been some problems!!!!!
192 echo ==================================
195 endlocal & set GLOBALPROBLEM=
201 for %%I in (%BUNDLES%) do (
202 echo ======================================
203 echo == [%%I] localinstall
204 echo ======================================
206 call make localinstall
214 for %%I in (%BUNDLES%) do (
215 echo ======================================
217 echo ======================================
228 if not [%1] == [] goto main