4 tools/3747: xspace doesn't work with babel
6 Description of bug: All tests inside \@xspace fail when the
7 characters are active so using xspace in conjunction with babel is
8 great fun. As an example, using "!" after a command using \xspace in
9 French works because "!" starts with \unskip, but when switching to
10 English you get a space before the "!".
13 This version runs *with* eTeX as compiler.
15 The logfile should show xspace not inserting a space in all the
16 cases except for |\Gb a| and |\GB \textbf{a}|. The seven tokens
17 ";:?!,'-" are recognized both when active and when having category
18 code 12 courtesy of |\scantokens|.
24 \documentclass{article}
26 \AUTHOR{Morten H\o gholm}
27 \PACKAGE{xspace v1.08 Space after command names (DPC,MH)}
30 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
33 \newcommand*\GB{x\xspace}
34 \newcommand*\GBi[1]{#1\xspace}
47 % ,.'/?;:!~-)\ \/\bgroup\egroup\@sptoken\space\@xobeysp
48 % \footnote\footnotemark
64 \GB\footnotemark{} a \\
84 \xspaceaddexceptions{\textbf}
86 \xspaceremoveexception{\textbf}