del net-oscar
[learning-git.git] / pgworksheet_1.9 / pgworksheet
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: latin-1; -*-
4 # PgWorksheet - PostgreSQL Front End
5 #
7 # Copyright © 2004-2008 Henri Michelon & CML
9 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details (read LICENSE.txt).
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 # $Id: pgworksheet,v 1.94 2008/03/13 11:05:32 hmichelon Exp $
25 import os
26 import sys
27 # Application parameters
28 app_name = 'pgworksheet'
29 app_version = '1.9'
30 # Default pixmap path
31 pixmap_path = '@PIXMAP_PATH@'
32 # Find current pixmap path
33 if (not os.access(os.path.join(pixmap_path, 'pgworksheet-32.png'), os.F_OK)):
34 pixmap_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/pixmaps/pgworksheet')
35 if (not os.access(os.path.join(pixmap_path, 'pgworksheet-32.png'), os.F_OK)):
36 pixmap_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'pixmaps/pgworksheet')
37 # Find current locale path
38 locale_path = '@LOCALE_PATH@'
39 if (not os.access(os.path.join(locale_path, 'fr/LC_MESSAGES/'), os.F_OK)):
40 locale_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/locale')
41 if (not os.access(os.path.join(locale_path, 'fr/LC_MESSAGES/'), os.F_OK)):
42 locale_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'locale')
44 import string
45 import gettext
46 import locale
48 # Initialize I18N
49 if sys.platform == 'win32':
50 try:
51 # try to get the default language
52 lang = gettext.translation(app_name, locale_path,
53 [ locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] ])
54 lang.install()
55 except IOError:
56 # fallback to the default method
57 gettext.bindtextdomain(app_name, locale_path)
58 gettext.textdomain(app_name)
59 gettext.install(app_name, locale_path, unicode=1)
60 else:
61 gettext.bindtextdomain(app_name, locale_path)
62 gettext.textdomain(app_name)
63 gettext.install(app_name, locale_path, unicode=1)
66 if sys.platform == 'win32':
67 # win32 platform, add the "lib" folder to the system path
68 os.environ['PATH'] = "gtk/bin;gtk/lib;" + os.environ['PATH']
69 import pygtk
70 # search for the postgresql installation
71 import _winreg
72 reg = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
73 try:
74 keyname = "SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations"
75 key = _winreg.OpenKey(reg, keyname)
76 keyname = keyname + "\\" + _winreg.EnumKey(key, 0);
77 _winreg.CloseKey(key)
78 key = _winreg.OpenKey(reg, keyname)
79 val, typ = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Base Directory")
80 _winreg.CloseKey(key)
81 os.environ['PATH'] = val + "\\bin;" + os.environ['PATH']
82 except WindowsError:
83 msg = _("Please install PostgreSQL.\n\nDownload it at\n\nNote : if you use PgWorksheet to connect to remote databases only, you don't need to install PostgreSQL as a service.")
84 print(msg)
85 import gtk
86 dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(None,
88 gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, msg)
89 result =
90 dialog.destroy()
91 sys.exit(0)
92 else:
93 import pygtk
94 # not win32, ensure version 2.0 of pygtk is imported
95 pygtk.require('2.0')
97 import gtk
98 import ConfigParser
100 import pgw
101 import pgw.UI
102 import pgw.RunSQL
103 import pgw.Execute
104 import pgw.DBConnection
106 # maximum entries in the SQL queries history
108 # maximum entries in the connection parameters history
112 class PgWorksheet:
114 def __init__(self, app_name, app_version, pixmap_path):
115 # Build UI
116 self.ui = pgw.UI.UI(self, app_name, app_version, pixmap_path)
117 # Default connection state : not connected
118 self.db = None
119 self.disconnect()
120 # Initialize prev/next query lifos for history
121 self.prev_statements = []
122 self.next_statements = []
123 self.load_history()
124 self.prev_saved = 1
125 # Display connection dialog on startup
126 self.on_menu_connect(None)
127 # Start application
128 gtk.main()
131 def add_prevstatement(self, sql):
132 """Add a query to the previous queries lifo"""
133 # do not add the same query two times
134 if (len(self.prev_statements) > 0):
135 prev = self.prev_statements[len(self.prev_statements)-1]
136 if (prev == sql): return
137 # add the query to the lifo
138 self.prev_statements.append(sql)
139 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
142 def get_history_path(self):
143 """Returns the path to the configuration file"""
144 return os.path.join(pgw.get_user_configdir(), '.pgworksheet_history');
147 def save_history(self):
148 """Save the history in a text file"""
149 try:
150 fd = open(self.get_history_path(), 'w')
151 self.add_prevstatement(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
152 for sql in self.prev_statements:
153 fd.write("\n#$#\n")
154 fd.write(string.rstrip(sql))
155 for sql in self.next_statements:
156 fd.write("\n#$#\n")
157 fd.write(string.rstrip(sql))
158 fd.write("\n#$#\n")
159 fd.close()
160 except IOError:
161 pass
164 def load_history(self):
165 """Load the history from a text file"""
166 try:
167 fd = open(self.get_history_path(), 'r')
168 sql = ''
169 count = 0
170 for line in fd:
171 line = string.rstrip(line)
172 if (line == '') :
173 continue
174 try:
175 line = unicode(line, 'UTF-8')
176 except UnicodeDecodeError:
177 try:
178 line = unicode(line, pgw.get_user_encoding())
179 except UnicodeDecodeError:
180 pass
181 if (line == '#$#'):
182 if (len(sql) > 0):
183 self.prev_statements.append(sql)
184 count = count + 1
185 sql = ''
186 continue
187 sql += line
188 sql += '\n'
189 if (len(sql) > 0):
190 self.prev_statements.append(sql)
191 fd.close()
192 if (count > PGW_MAX_HISTORY):
193 self.prev_statements = self.prev_statements[count - PGW_MAX_HISTORY : count]
194 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
195 except IOError:
196 pass
199 def is_connected(self):
200 """Return TRUE if connected to a database"""
201 if (self.db is None):
202 return None
203 else:
204 return self.db.is_connected()
207 def connect(self, host = None, port = None, db = None,
208 user = None, password = None):
209 """Connect to a database"""
210 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH))
211 self.ui.status(_('Trying to connect as <b>%(user)s</b> to <b>%(db)s</b> on <b>%(host)s</b>') %
212 {'user':user, 'db':db, 'host':host}, _('connecting...'))
213 while (gtk.events_pending() == True):
214 gtk.main_iteration_do(False)
215 # Disconnect then re-connect
216 self.disconnect()
217 self.db = pgw.DBConnection.DBConnection(host, port, db, user, password)
218 # we are connected
219 if (self.is_connected()):
220 # update the UI to reflect the connection state
221 self.ui.enable_disconnect()
222 self.ui.enable_runsql()
223 self.ui.status(_('connected as <b>%(user)s</b> to <b>%(db)s</b> on <b>%(host)s</b>') %
224 {'user':user, 'db':db, 'host':host}, self.db.pgversion())
225 new_conn = "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (host, port, db, user)
226 # update the connection history
227 n = 0
228 for conn in self.all_connections:
229 # remove the connection from the history if it already exists
230 if (conn == new_conn):
231 self.all_connections.pop(n)
232 break
233 n = n + 1
234 # add the connection to the history, making it the first of the list
235 self.all_connections.insert(0, new_conn)
236 # save the connection history in the config file
237 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
238 try:
239 cp.readfp(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'r'))
240 except IOError:
241 pass
242 if (not cp.has_section("connections")):
243 cp.add_section("connections")
244 n = 0
245 while ((n <= PGW_MAX_CONNECTION_HISTORY) and
246 (n < len(self.all_connections))):
247 cp.set("connections", "conn%d" % (n + 1), self.all_connections[n])
248 n = n + 1
249 try:
250 cp.write(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'w'))
251 except IOError:
252 pass
253 # ready to type queries, give the focus to the text field
254 self.ui.setfocus_sqlbuffer()
255 # initialize the objects used to execute the queries
256 self.execute = pgw.Execute.Execute(self.db)
257 = pgw.RunSQL.RunSQL(self.execute,
258 self.ui.sqlview,
259 self.ui.resulttab,
260 self.ui.status_result)
261 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(None)
264 def disconnect(self):
265 """Disconnect from the current database"""
266 # disconnect from the database
267 if (self.is_connected()): self.db.disconnect()
268 # destroy the objects used for this connection
269 self.db = None
270 self.execute = None
271 = None
272 # update the UI to reflect the connection state
273 self.ui.status(_('not connected'), 'PgWorksheet v' + app_version)
274 self.ui.enable_disconnect(False)
275 self.ui.enable_runsql(False)
278 def on_wndmain_destroy(self, widget):
279 """Called when the application quits"""
280 self.disconnect()
281 self.save_history()
282 gtk.main_quit()
283 sys.exit(0)
286 def on_wndmain_delete(self, widget, event):
287 """Called when the user wants to close the main window"""
288 return False
291 def on_menu_connect(self, widget):
292 """Called when the user want the connection dialog box"""
293 # fill the connection dialog box with default parameters
294 try:
295 self.username = os.environ['USERNAME']
296 except KeyError:
297 try:
298 self.username = os.environ['USER']
299 except KeyError:
300 pass
301 host = 'localhost'
302 port = '5432'
303 database = 'template1'
304 username = 'postgres'
305 self.display_connect_dialog(host, port, username, database, 0)
308 def display_connect_dialog(self, host, port, username, database, overwrite_entry):
309 # display and execute the connection dialog box
310 params = self.ui.connect_dialog(self, host, port, username, database, overwrite_entry)
311 # check if the user have clicked "Cancel"
312 if (params is not None):
313 # connect to the database
314 host, port, username, passwd, database = params;
315 self.connect(host, port, database, username, passwd)
316 # error connecting to the database, retry
317 if (not self.is_connected()):
318 self.ui.error_box(_('Error connecting to %s:%s@%s:%s') %
319 (username, database, host, port))
320 self.display_connect_dialog(host, port, username, database, 1)
323 def on_dlgconnect_map(self, widget):
324 """Called when the connection dialog box is displayed"""
325 # clear the connections history
326 self.all_connections = []
327 # load the connections history from the config file
328 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
329 try :
330 cp.readfp(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'r'))
331 n = 1
333 try:
334 line = cp.get("connections", "conn%d" % n)
335 # add the connection to the connections history
336 self.all_connections.append(line)
337 host, port, db, user = string.split(line, ',')
338 # add the connections to the connections history list of the dialog box
339 self.ui.storeconn.append(["%s:%s@%s" % (user, db, host), line])
340 n = n + 1
341 except:
342 break
343 # if we have at least one connection in the history, made it the default
344 if (n > 1) :
345 # select the last used connection
346 self.ui.viewconn.set_cursor(self.ui.storeconn.get_path(
347 self.ui.storeconn.get_iter_first()))
348 except IOError:
349 pass
352 def on_dlgconnect_change(self, treeview):
353 """Called when the user choose a connection in the connection history list"""
354 # fill the connection dialog with the selected connection parameters
355 model, iter = treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
356 host, port, db, user = string.split(model.get(iter, 1)[0], ',')
357 self.ui.entry_host.set_text(host)
358 self.ui.entry_port.set_text(port)
359 self.ui.entry_database.set_text(db)
360 self.ui.entry_user.set_text(user)
361 self.ui.entry_password.set_text('')
364 def on_menu_disconnect(self, widget):
365 """Called when the user wants to disconnect from the database"""
366 self.disconnect()
369 def on_menu_opensql(self, widget):
370 """The user wants to open a file with some queries"""
371 filename = self.ui.file_dialog(_('Select a SQL text file'));
372 if (filename is not None):
373 self.ui.undo.lock = True
374 for handler in self.ui.buffer_handlers:
375 self.ui.sqlbuffer.handler_block(handler)
376 self.ui.set_sqlbuffer_text('')
377 try:
378 input = open(filename, 'r')
379 for line in input:
380 try:
381 self.ui.sqlbuffer.insert_at_cursor(unicode(line, 'UTF-8'))
382 except UnicodeDecodeError:
383 try:
384 self.ui.sqlbuffer.insert_at_cursor(unicode(line, pgw.get_user_encoding()))
385 except UnicodeDecodeError:
386 self.ui.sqlbuffer.insert_at_cursor(line)
387 except IOError:
388 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while opening or reading from %s') %filename)
389 for handler in self.ui.buffer_handlers:
390 self.ui.sqlbuffer.handler_unblock(handler)
391 self.ui.undo.reset()
392 self.ui.undo.lock = False
393 self.ui.syntax.refresh()
394 pgw.set_proportional(self.ui.sqlbuffer)
397 def file_overwrite(self, title):
398 """Display a "Save As" dialopg box and prompt a confirmation if the selected file exists"""
399 filename = self.ui.file_dialog(title, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,
400 gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS);
401 if (filename is not None):
402 try:
403 os.stat(filename)
404 if (self.ui.yesno_box(_('%s already exists, overwrite ?') % filename) ==
405 gtk.RESPONSE_YES):
406 return filename
407 return self.file_overwrite(title)
408 except OSError: # file does not exists
409 return filename
410 return None
413 def on_menu_savesql(self, widget):
414 """The user wants to save his queries"""
415 filename = self.file_overwrite(_('Save SQL queries'))
416 if (filename is not None):
417 try:
418 output = open(filename, 'w')
419 output.write(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
420 except IOError:
421 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while creating or writing %s') % filename)
424 def save_list_row(self, model, path, iter, output):
425 """Save a row of a TreeView in a tabular form"""
426 col = 0
427 while (col < model.get_n_columns()):
428 val = string.replace(model.get_value(iter, col), '"', '\"')
429 output.write('"' + val + '"')
430 col = col + 1
431 if (col < model.get_n_columns()):
432 output.write('\t')
433 output.write('\n')
436 def saveresults(self, widget, output):
437 """Save the content of a TreeView to a tab separated file"""
438 widget = widget.get_child()
439 if (isinstance(widget, gtk.TextView)):
440 buffer = widget.get_buffer()
441 output.write(buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(),
442 buffer.get_end_iter()))
443 elif (isinstance(widget, gtk.TreeView)):
444 widget.get_model().foreach(self.save_list_row, output)
447 def on_menu_saveallresults(self, widget):
448 """The user wants to save ALL the results"""
449 if (self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() > 0):
450 filename = self.file_overwrite(_('Save all the results'))
451 if (filename is not None):
452 try:
453 output = open(filename, 'w')
454 page = 0
455 while page < self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() :
456 self.saveresults(self.ui.resulttab.get_nth_page(page), output)
457 page = page + 1
458 except IOError:
459 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while creating or writing %s') % filename)
462 def on_menu_saveresults(self, widget):
463 """The user wants to save the current result"""
464 if (self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() > 0):
465 filename = self.file_overwrite(_('Save the results'))
466 if (filename is not None):
467 try:
468 output = open(filename, 'w')
469 self.saveresults(self.ui.resulttab.get_nth_page(
470 self.ui.resulttab.get_current_page()), output)
471 except IOError:
472 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while creating or writing %s') % filename)
475 def on_menu_cut(self, widget):
476 """Cut text to the clipboard"""
477 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
478 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
479 w.emit('cut-clipboard')
482 def on_menu_copy(self, widget):
483 """Copy text to the clipboard"""
484 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
485 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
486 w.emit('copy-clipboard')
487 elif (isinstance(w, gtk.TreeView)):
488 model, iter = w.get_selection().get_selected()
489 if (iter is not None):
490 col = 0
491 result = ''
492 while (col < model.get_n_columns()):
493 val = string.replace(model.get_value(iter, col), '"', '\"')
494 result = result + val
495 col = col + 1
496 if (col < model.get_n_columns()):
497 result = result + '\t'
498 clip = gtk.Clipboard()
499 clip.set_text(result)
502 def on_menu_paste(self, widget):
503 """Paste from the clipboard"""
504 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
505 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
506 w.emit('paste-clipboard')
509 def on_menu_selectall(self, widget):
510 """Select the entire text"""
511 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
512 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
513 buffer = w.get_buffer()
514 buffer.move_mark_by_name('selection_bound', buffer.get_start_iter())
515 buffer.move_mark_by_name('insert', buffer.get_end_iter())
518 def on_sqlview_focus_in(self, widget, event):
519 self.ui.enable_cut()
520 self.ui.enable_paste()
523 def on_sqlview_focus_out(self, widget, event):
524 self.ui.enable_cut(False)
525 self.ui.enable_paste(False)
528 def on_sqlview_keypress(self, widget, event):
529 """Save the last statement in the history
530 if needed (after an execution"""
531 if (event is None) : return
532 if (event.keyval != 65507):
533 if (self.prev_saved == 0):
534 self.add_prevstatement(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
535 self.prev_saved = 1
538 def on_menu_about(self, widget):
539 self.ui.about_dialog()
542 def on_menu_runsql(self, widget):
543 """Execute the SQL queries"""
544 if (not self.is_connected()):
545 if (self.ui.yesno_box(_('Not connected to a database.\nDo you want to connect now ?')) ==
546 gtk.RESPONSE_NO):
547 return
548 self.on_menu_connect(widget)
549 if (not self.is_connected()):
550 return
551 self.on_text_change(widget)
552 self.prev_saved = 0
553 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH))
555 self.ui.enable_saveresult(self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() > 0)
556 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(None)
559 def on_menu_prevsql(self, widget):
560 """Display the previous statement from the history"""
561 self.ui.undo.lock = True
562 if (len(self.prev_statements) > 0):
563 s = self.prev_statements.pop()
564 self.next_statements.append(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
565 self.ui.set_sqlbuffer_text(s)
566 self.prev = s
567 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
568 self.ui.enable_nextsql(len(self.next_statements) > 0)
569 self.ui.undo.lock = False
572 def on_menu_nextsql(self, widget):
573 """Display the next statement from the history"""
574 self.ui.undo.lock = True
575 if (len(self.next_statements) > 0):
576 s = self.next_statements.pop()
577 self.prev_statements.append(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
578 self.ui.set_sqlbuffer_text(s)
579 self.prev = s
580 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
581 self.ui.enable_nextsql(len(self.next_statements) > 0)
582 self.ui.undo.lock = False
585 def on_text_change(self, widget):
586 """The text have been changed after navigation the history"""
587 if (self.ui.undo.lock):
588 return
589 if (len(self.next_statements) > 0):
590 if (self.next_statements[0] == ''):
591 self.next_statements.pop(0)
592 self.prev_statements.append(self.prev)
593 for i in reversed(self.next_statements):
594 self.prev_statements.append(i)
595 self.next_statements = []
596 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
597 self.ui.enable_nextsql(len(self.next_statements) > 0)
600 # Start program
601 p = None
602 try:
603 p = PgWorksheet(app_name, app_version, pixmap_path)
604 except KeyboardInterrupt:
605 if (p is not None):
606 p.on_wndmain_destroy(None)