del net-oscar
[learning-git.git] / pgworksheet_yvesf / trash / pgworksheet
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
4 # PgWorksheet - PostgreSQL Front End
5 #
7 # Copyright © 2004-2005 Henri Michelon & CML
9 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details (read LICENSE.txt).
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 # $Id: pgworksheet,v 1.88 2006/01/10 21:31:35 hmichelon Exp $
25 import os
26 import sys
27 import string
28 import gettext
29 import locale
30 import ConfigParser
31 #this is needed for py2exe
32 if sys.platform == 'win32':
33 #win32 platform, add the "lib" folder to the system path
34 os.environ['PATH'] += ";gtk/bin;gtk/lib;postgresql;"
35 import pygtk
36 else:
37 import pygtk
38 #not win32, ensure version 2.0 of pygtk is imported
39 pygtk.require('2.0')
40 import gtk
42 import pgw
43 import pgw.UI
44 import pgw.RunSQL
45 import pgw.Execute
46 import pgw.DBConnection
48 # maximum entries in the SQL queries history
50 # maximum entries in the connection parameters history
54 class PgWorksheet:
56 def __init__(self, app_name, app_version, pixmap_path, locale_path):
57 # Initialize I18N
58 if (pgw.mswindows()):
59 try:
60 # try to get the default language
61 lang = gettext.translation(app_name, locale_path,
62 [ locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] ])
63 lang.install()
64 except IOError:
65 # fallback to the default method
66 gettext.bindtextdomain(app_name, locale_path)
67 gettext.textdomain(app_name)
68 gettext.install(app_name, locale_path, unicode=1)
69 else:
70 gettext.bindtextdomain(app_name, locale_path)
71 gettext.textdomain(app_name)
72 gettext.install(app_name, locale_path, unicode=1)
73 # Build UI
74 self.ui = pgw.UI.UI(self, app_name, app_version, pixmap_path)
75 # Default connection state : not connected
76 self.db = None
77 self.disconnect()
78 # Initialize prev/next query lifos
79 self.prev_statements = []
80 self.next_statements = []
81 self.load_history()
82 self.prev_saved = 1
83 # Display connection dialog on startup
84 self.on_menu_connect(None)
85 # Start application
86 gtk.main()
89 def add_prevstatement(self, sql):
90 """Add a query to the previous queries lifo"""
91 # do not add the same query two times
92 if (len(self.prev_statements) > 0):
93 prev = self.prev_statements[len(self.prev_statements)-1]
94 if (prev == sql): return
95 # add the query to the lifo
96 self.prev_statements.append(sql)
97 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
100 def get_history_path(self):
101 """Returns the path to the configuration file"""
102 return os.path.join(pgw.get_user_configdir(), '.pgworksheet_history');
105 def save_history(self):
106 """Save the history in a text file"""
107 try:
108 fd = open(self.get_history_path(), 'w')
109 self.add_prevstatement(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
110 for sql in self.prev_statements:
111 fd.write("\n#$#\n")
112 fd.write(string.rstrip(sql))
113 for sql in self.next_statements:
114 fd.write("\n#$#\n")
115 fd.write(string.rstrip(sql))
116 fd.write("\n#$#\n")
117 fd.close()
118 except IOError:
119 pass
122 def load_history(self):
123 """Load the history from a text file"""
124 try:
125 fd = open(self.get_history_path(), 'r')
126 sql = ''
127 count = 0
128 for line in fd:
129 line = string.rstrip(line)
130 if (line == '') :
131 continue
132 try:
133 line = unicode(line, 'UTF-8')
134 except UnicodeDecodeError:
135 try:
136 line = unicode(line, pgw.get_user_encoding())
137 except UnicodeDecodeError:
138 pass
139 if (line == '#$#'):
140 if (len(sql) > 0):
141 self.prev_statements.append(sql)
142 count = count + 1
143 sql = ''
144 continue
145 sql += line
146 sql += '\n'
147 if (len(sql) > 0):
148 self.prev_statements.append(sql)
149 fd.close()
150 if (count > PGW_MAX_HISTORY):
151 self.prev_statements = self.prev_statements[count - PGW_MAX_HISTORY : count]
152 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
153 except IOError:
154 pass
157 def is_connected(self):
158 """Return TRUE if connected to a database"""
159 if (self.db is None):
160 return None
161 else:
162 return self.db.is_connected()
165 def connect(self, host = None, port = None, db = None,
166 user = None, password = None):
167 """Connect to a database"""
168 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH))
169 self.ui.status(_('Trying to connect as <b>%(user)s</b> to <b>%(db)s</b> on <b>%(host)s</b>') %
170 {'user':user, 'db':db, 'host':host}, _('connecting...'))
171 while (gtk.events_pending() == True):
172 gtk.main_iteration_do(False)
173 # Disconnect the re-connect
174 self.disconnect()
175 self.db = pgw.DBConnection.DBConnection(host, port, db, user, password)
176 # we are connected
177 if (self.is_connected()):
178 # update the UI to reflect the connection state
179 self.ui.enable_disconnect()
180 self.ui.enable_runsql()
181 self.ui.status(_('connected as <b>%(user)s</b> to <b>%(db)s</b> on <b>%(host)s</b>') %
182 {'user':user, 'db':db, 'host':host}, self.db.pgversion())
183 new_conn = "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (host, port, db, user)
184 # update the connection history
185 n = 0
186 for conn in self.all_connections:
187 # remove the connection from the history if it already exists
188 if (conn == new_conn):
189 self.all_connections.pop(n)
190 break
191 n = n + 1
192 # add the connection to the history, making it the first of the list
193 self.all_connections.insert(0, new_conn)
194 # save the connection history in the config file
195 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
196 try:
197 cp.readfp(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'r'))
198 except IOError:
199 pass
200 if (not cp.has_section("connections")):
201 cp.add_section("connections")
202 n = 0
203 while ((n <= PGW_MAX_CONNECTION_HISTORY) and
204 (n < len(self.all_connections))):
205 cp.set("connections", "conn%d" % (n + 1), self.all_connections[n])
206 n = n + 1
207 try:
208 cp.write(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'w'))
209 except IOError:
210 pass
211 # ready to type queries, give the focus to the text field
212 self.ui.setfocus_sqlbuffer()
213 # initialize the objects used to execute the queries
214 self.execute = pgw.Execute.Execute(self.db)
215 = pgw.RunSQL.RunSQL(self.execute,
216 self.ui.sqlview,
217 self.ui.resulttab)
218 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(None)
221 def disconnect(self):
222 """Disconnect from the current database"""
223 # disconnect from the database
224 if (self.is_connected()): self.db.disconnect()
225 # destroy the objects used for this connection
226 self.db = None
227 self.execute = None
228 = None
229 # update the UI to reflect the connection state
230 self.ui.status(_('not connected'), 'PgWorksheet v' + app_version)
231 self.ui.enable_disconnect(False)
232 self.ui.enable_runsql(False)
235 def on_wndmain_destroy(self, widget):
236 """Called when the application quits"""
237 self.disconnect()
238 self.save_history()
239 gtk.main_quit()
240 sys.exit(0)
243 def on_wndmain_delete(self, widget, event):
244 """Called when the user wants to close the main window"""
245 return False
248 def on_menu_connect(self, widget):
249 """Called when the user want the connection dialog box"""
250 # fill the connection dialog box with default parameters
251 if os.environ.has_key('USERNAME'):
252 self.username = os.environ['USERNAME']
253 elif os.environ.has_key('USER'):
254 self.username = os.environ['USER']
255 else:
256 self.username = ""
257 host = 'localhost'
258 port = '5432'
259 database = 'template1'
260 username = 'pgsql'
261 self.display_connect_dialog(host, port, username, database, 0)
264 def display_connect_dialog(self, host, port, username, database, overwrite_entry):
265 # display and execute the connection dialog box
266 params = self.ui.connect_dialog(self, host, port, username, database, overwrite_entry)
267 # check if the user have clicked "Cancel"
268 if (params is not None):
269 # connect to the database
270 host, port, username, passwd, database = params;
271 self.connect(host, port, database, username, passwd)
272 # error connecting to the database, retry
273 if (not self.is_connected()):
274 self.ui.error_box(_('Error connecting to %s:%s@%s:%s') %
275 (username, database, host, port))
276 self.display_connect_dialog(host, port, username, database, 1)
279 def on_dlgconnect_map(self, widget):
280 """Called when the connection dialog box is displayed"""
281 # clear the connections history
282 self.all_connections = []
283 # load the connections history from the config file
284 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
285 try :
286 cp.readfp(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'r'))
287 n = 1
289 try:
290 line = cp.get("connections", "conn%d" % n)
291 # add the connection to the connections history
292 self.all_connections.append(line)
293 host, port, db, user = string.split(line, ',')
294 # add the connections to the connections history list of the dialog box
295 self.ui.storeconn.append(["%s:%s@%s" % (user, db, host), line])
296 n = n + 1
297 except:
298 break
299 # if we have at least one connection in the history, made it the default
300 if (n > 1) :
301 # select the last used connection
302 self.ui.viewconn.set_cursor(self.ui.storeconn.get_path(
303 self.ui.storeconn.get_iter_first()))
304 except IOError:
305 pass
308 def on_dlgconnect_change(self, treeview):
309 """Called when the user choose a connection in the connection history list"""
310 # fill the connection dialog with the selected connection parameters
311 model, iter = treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
312 host, port, db, user = string.split(model.get(iter, 1)[0], ',')
313 self.ui.entry_host.set_text(host)
314 self.ui.entry_port.set_text(port)
315 self.ui.entry_database.set_text(db)
316 self.ui.entry_user.set_text(user)
317 self.ui.entry_password.set_text('')
320 def on_menu_disconnect(self, widget):
321 """Called when the user wants to disconnect from the database"""
322 self.disconnect()
325 def on_menu_opensql(self, widget):
326 """The user wants to open a file with some queries"""
327 filename = self.ui.file_dialog(_('Select a SQL text file'));
328 if (filename is not None):
329 self.ui.undo.lock = True
330 for handler in self.ui.buffer_handlers:
331 self.ui.sqlbuffer.handler_block(handler)
332 self.ui.set_sqlbuffer_text('')
333 try:
334 input = open(filename, 'r')
335 for line in input:
336 try:
337 self.ui.sqlbuffer.insert_at_cursor(unicode(line, 'UTF-8'))
338 except UnicodeDecodeError:
339 try:
340 self.ui.sqlbuffer.insert_at_cursor(unicode(line, pgw.get_user_encoding()))
341 except UnicodeDecodeError:
342 self.ui.sqlbuffer.insert_at_cursor(line)
343 except IOError:
344 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while opening or reading from %s') %filename)
345 for handler in self.ui.buffer_handlers:
346 self.ui.sqlbuffer.handler_unblock(handler)
347 self.ui.undo.reset()
348 self.ui.undo.lock = False
349 self.ui.syntax.refresh()
350 pgw.set_proportional(self.ui.sqlbuffer)
353 def file_overwrite(self, title):
354 """Display a "Save As" dialopg box and prompt a confirmation if the selected file exists"""
355 filename = self.ui.file_dialog(title, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,
356 gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS);
357 if (filename is not None):
358 try:
359 os.stat(filename)
360 if (self.ui.yesno_box(_('%s already exists, overwrite ?') % filename) ==
361 gtk.RESPONSE_YES):
362 return filename
363 return self.file_overwrite(title)
364 except OSError: # file does not exists
365 return filename
366 return None
369 def on_menu_savesql(self, widget):
370 """The user wants to save his queries"""
371 filename = self.file_overwrite(_('Save SQL queries'))
372 if (filename is not None):
373 try:
374 output = open(filename, 'w')
375 output.write(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
376 except IOError:
377 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while creating or writing %s') % filename)
380 def save_list_row(self, model, path, iter, output):
381 """Save a row of a TreeView in a tabular form"""
382 col = 0
383 while (col < model.get_n_columns()):
384 val = string.replace(model.get_value(iter, col), '"', '\"')
385 output.write('"' + val + '"')
386 col = col + 1
387 if (col < model.get_n_columns()):
388 output.write('\t')
389 output.write('\n')
392 def saveresults(self, widget, output):
393 """Save the content of a TreeView to a tab separated file"""
394 widget = widget.get_child()
395 if (isinstance(widget, gtk.TextView)):
396 buffer = widget.get_buffer()
397 output.write(buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(),
398 buffer.get_end_iter()))
399 elif (isinstance(widget, gtk.TreeView)):
400 widget.get_model().foreach(self.save_list_row, output)
403 def on_menu_saveallresults(self, widget):
404 """The user wants to save ALL the results"""
405 if (self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() > 0):
406 filename = self.file_overwrite(_('Save all the results'))
407 if (filename is not None):
408 try:
409 output = open(filename, 'w')
410 page = 0
411 while page < self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() :
412 self.saveresults(self.ui.resulttab.get_nth_page(page), output)
413 page = page + 1
414 except IOError:
415 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while creating or writing %s') % filename)
418 def on_menu_saveresults(self, widget):
419 """The user wants to save the current result"""
420 if (self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() > 0):
421 filename = self.file_overwrite(_('Save the results'))
422 if (filename is not None):
423 try:
424 output = open(filename, 'w')
425 self.saveresults(self.ui.resulttab.get_nth_page(
426 self.ui.resulttab.get_current_page()), output)
427 except IOError:
428 self.ui.error_box(_('Error while creating or writing %s') % filename)
431 def on_menu_cut(self, widget):
432 """Cut text to the clipboard"""
433 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
434 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
435 w.emit('cut-clipboard')
438 def on_menu_copy(self, widget):
439 """Copy text to the clipboard"""
440 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
441 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
442 w.emit('copy-clipboard')
443 elif (isinstance(w, gtk.TreeView)):
444 model, iter = w.get_selection().get_selected()
445 if (iter is not None):
446 col = 0
447 result = ''
448 while (col < model.get_n_columns()):
449 val = string.replace(model.get_value(iter, col), '"', '\"')
450 result = result + val
451 col = col + 1
452 if (col < model.get_n_columns()):
453 result = result + '\t'
454 clip = gtk.Clipboard()
455 clip.set_text(result)
458 def on_menu_paste(self, widget):
459 """Paste from the clipboard"""
460 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
461 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
462 w.emit('paste-clipboard')
465 def on_menu_selectall(self, widget):
466 """Select the entire text"""
467 w = self.ui.wndmain.get_focus()
468 if (isinstance(w, gtk.TextView)):
469 buffer = w.get_buffer()
470 buffer.move_mark_by_name('selection_bound', buffer.get_start_iter())
471 buffer.move_mark_by_name('insert', buffer.get_end_iter())
474 def on_sqlview_focus_in(self, widget, event):
475 self.ui.enable_cut()
476 self.ui.enable_paste()
479 def on_sqlview_focus_out(self, widget, event):
480 self.ui.enable_cut(False)
481 self.ui.enable_paste(False)
484 def on_sqlview_keypress(self, widget, event):
485 """Save the last statement in the history
486 if needed (after an execution"""
487 if (event is None) : return
488 if (event.keyval != 65507):
489 if (self.prev_saved == 0):
490 self.add_prevstatement(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
491 self.prev_saved = 1
494 def on_menu_about(self, widget):
495 self.ui.about_dialog()
498 def on_menu_runsql(self, widget):
499 """Execute the SQL queries"""
500 if (not self.is_connected()):
501 if (self.ui.yesno_box(_('Not connected to a database.\nDo you want to connect now ?')) ==
502 gtk.RESPONSE_NO):
503 return
504 self.on_menu_connect(widget)
505 if (not self.is_connected()):
506 return
507 self.on_text_change(widget)
508 self.prev_saved = 0
509 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH))
511 self.ui.enable_saveresult(self.ui.resulttab.get_n_pages() > 0)
512 self.ui.wndmain.window.set_cursor(None)
515 def on_menu_prevsql(self, widget):
516 """Display the previous statement from the history"""
517 self.ui.undo.lock = True
518 if (len(self.prev_statements) > 0):
519 s = self.prev_statements.pop()
520 self.next_statements.append(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
521 self.ui.set_sqlbuffer_text(s)
522 self.prev = s
523 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
524 self.ui.enable_nextsql(len(self.next_statements) > 0)
525 self.ui.undo.lock = False
528 def on_menu_nextsql(self, widget):
529 """Display the next statement from the history"""
530 self.ui.undo.lock = True
531 if (len(self.next_statements) > 0):
532 s = self.next_statements.pop()
533 self.prev_statements.append(self.ui.get_sqlbuffer_text())
534 self.ui.set_sqlbuffer_text(s)
535 self.prev = s
536 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
537 self.ui.enable_nextsql(len(self.next_statements) > 0)
538 self.ui.undo.lock = False
541 def on_text_change(self, widget):
542 """The text have been changed after navigation the history"""
543 if (self.ui.undo.lock):
544 return
545 if (len(self.next_statements) > 0):
546 if (self.next_statements[0] == ''):
547 self.next_statements.pop(0)
548 self.prev_statements.append(self.prev)
549 for i in reversed(self.next_statements):
550 self.prev_statements.append(i)
551 self.next_statements = []
552 self.ui.enable_prevsql(len(self.prev_statements) > 0)
553 self.ui.enable_nextsql(len(self.next_statements) > 0)
556 # Application parameters
557 app_name = 'pgworksheet'
558 app_version = '1.8.1'
559 # Default pixmap path
560 pixmap_path = '@PIXMAP_PATH@'
561 # Find current pixmap path
562 if (not os.access(os.path.join(pixmap_path, 'pgworksheet-32.png'), os.F_OK)):
563 pixmap_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/pixmaps/pgworksheet')
564 if (not os.access(os.path.join(pixmap_path, 'pgworksheet-32.png'), os.F_OK)):
565 pixmap_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'pixmaps/pgworksheet')
566 # Find current locale path
567 locale_path = '@LOCALE_PATH@'
568 if (not os.access(os.path.join(locale_path, 'fr/LC_MESSAGES/'), os.F_OK)):
569 locale_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/locale')
570 if (not os.access(os.path.join(locale_path, 'fr/LC_MESSAGES/'), os.F_OK)):
571 locale_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'locale')
572 # Start program
573 p = None
574 try:
575 p = PgWorksheet(app_name, app_version, pixmap_path, locale_path)
576 except KeyboardInterrupt:
577 if (p is not None):
578 p.on_wndmain_destroy(None)