Fix gcc10 compiler warnings
[legacy-proxmark3.git] / fpga / tests / tb_min_max_tracker.v
1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (C) 2014 iZsh <izsh at>
3 //
4 // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
5 // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
6 // the license.
7 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 // testbench for min_max_tracker
9 `include "min_max_tracker.v"
11 `define FIN "tb_tmp/"
12 `define FOUT_MIN "tb_tmp/data.min"
13 `define FOUT_MAX "tb_tmp/data.max"
15 module min_max_tracker_tb;
17 integer fin;
18 integer fout_min, fout_max;
19 integer r;
21 reg clk;
22 reg [7:0] adc_d;
23 wire [7:0] min;
24 wire [7:0] max;
26 initial
27 begin
28 clk = 0;
29 fin = $fopen(`FIN, "r");
30 if (!fin) begin
31 $display("ERROR: can't open the data file");
32 $finish;
33 end
34 fout_min = $fopen(`FOUT_MIN, "w+");
35 fout_max = $fopen(`FOUT_MAX, "w+");
36 if (!$feof(fin))
37 adc_d = $fgetc(fin); // read the first value
38 end
40 always
41 # 1 clk = !clk;
43 // input
44 initial
45 begin
46 while (!$feof(fin)) begin
47 @(negedge clk) adc_d <= $fgetc(fin);
48 end
50 if ($feof(fin))
51 begin
52 # 3 $fclose(fin);
53 $fclose(fout_min);
54 $fclose(fout_max);
55 $finish;
56 end
57 end
59 initial
60 begin
61 // $monitor("%d\t min: %x, max: %x", $time, min, max);
62 end
64 // output
65 always @(negedge clk)
66 if ($time > 2) begin
67 r = $fputc(min, fout_min);
68 r = $fputc(max, fout_max);
69 end
71 // module to test
72 min_max_tracker tracker(clk, adc_d, 8'd127, min, max);
74 endmodule