3 Stereotypes are general statistical observations about groups of people (such as different [races](race.md) or nations) which have been discovered naturally and became part of common knowledge (without rigorous [scientific](science.md) effort). Stereotypes are good because they tell us what we may expect from different kinds of people. Of course no one, maybe with the exception of blonde women, is so stupid as to think stereotypes apply 100% of the times -- let us repeat they are STATISTICAL observations, they talk about probabilities.
5 Stereotypes are also good for showing us the diversity of human races and cultures. [Pseudoleftists](pseudoleft.md) want to suppress awareness of stereotypes by calling them "offensive" or "discriminating", aiming for creating a sterile society without any differences, without any beauty of diversity. Do not support that, spread the knowledge of stereotypes. This page is dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of stereotypes.
9 - **by region/nation**:
11 - primitive bushmen still in stone age dancing around fire to the sound of drums, worship animals as gods, may be cannibals
12 - countries change constantly, never ending revolutions and civil wars, extremely corrupt governments and presidents
13 - peak suffering: hunger, AIDs, malaria, no education, no healthcare, no water, flies eat you alive, ...
14 - **[Americans](usa.md)**:
15 - extremely stupid, primitive, close-minded, not knowing geography/history besides the US, think US is the center of the world (and probably whole [Universe](universe.md)), fascist and proud of their country beyond any measure, wear USA flag as a shirt
16 - extremely fat, eat only fast food, have no real cuisine
17 - shallow, obsessed with looks (white teeth, plastic surgeries etc.)
18 - materialist, obsessed with [money](money.md), hardcore [capitalists](capitalism.md), panic fear of anything resembling [communism](communism.md)/[socialism](socialism.md)
19 - arrogant, rude, individualist, self-centered
20 - eccentric, extroverted, loud behavior
21 - violent, militant, imperialist, constantly invade other countries, everyone has a gun and shoots at everything including their own presidents
22 - don't mind violence but are afraid of public nudity, get panic attacks when see a naked child or nipple on TV
23 - solve things by brute force rather than by smartness
24 - obsessed with working as much as possible and forcing others to do the same
26 - degenerated, first world problems
27 - US south: slow, even more stupid, racist, rednecks, inbred, for slavery, for guns
28 - shit products, anything "made in USA" breaks fast
30 - no stereotypes yet, wait maybe four or five centuries
32 - terrorists, suicidal bombers
33 - women are belly dancers
34 - [pedophiles](pedophilia.md), bigamists
36 - **Asians**: see asian race
37 - **[Chinese](china.md)**:
40 - eat bats, [cats](cat.md) and [dogs](dog.md)
41 - make crappy off brands and cheap copies of western art, steal "intellectual property", manufacture cheap things at large quantities, everything is "made in China"
42 - don't value "human rights", no work safety
44 - like extremely weird things like studying train schedules for fun or marrying sex dolls instead of human partners
45 - salarymen regularly jump out of skyscraper windows due to overworking depression
46 - men talking Japanese to other men sound as if being aggressive to each other even if in fact being polite or talking something uninteresting
47 - everyone reads manga and goes to karaoke after work
48 - extremely precise, always on time, well organized
49 - have extremely technologically advanced toilets
50 - commit seppuku when fail at something important
51 - as tourists in other countries are fascinated by mundane things
52 - hentai, weird porn often involving tentacles and lolis
53 - can't say "l", they replace it with "r", and they end every word with "u"
55 - these stereotypes are highly secret to foreigners
57 - tough men, living surrounded by extremely dangerous animals such as flying spiders, fight crocodiles every day
58 - hunt with boomerangs
60 - everyone is extroverted, cheerful, horny and dances samba
61 - everyone plays [football](football.md)
62 - nice tanned bodies, full shapes, big asses and tits, everyone wears bikini
63 - slums, poverty, drugs, violence
68 - withstand tough conditions
69 - **[Earth](earth.md)**:
70 - no stereotypes yet (until we establish colonies on other planets)
71 - **[European](europe.md)**:
73 - socialists and [communists](communism.md) (from US perspective)
74 - europoor (also from US perspective)
75 - **[Czech](czechia.md)**:
76 - you mean Czechoslovakia?
77 - heavy drinkers, especially beer
78 - friendly but appear cold
79 - beautiful women, sluts
80 - whores and pornstars
82 - nightmare tourists, behave like shit in foreign countries
84 - everyone rides bicycles
85 - all drugs legal and sold everywhere
86 - everyone wears weird wooden shoes
88 - well behaved, reserved, educated, classy
89 - conservative, old fashioned
92 - [football](football.md) fans
96 - good lovers, passionate
97 - lazy, Bohemian life, hate [work](work.md)
98 - eat baguettes and frogs
100 - revolutionaries, constantly protest, strikes
101 - artists, intellectuals
102 - arrogant, annoying snobs
104 - no sense of [humor](fun.md), being kind of robots
105 - precise, efficient, organized, great technology
107 - love beer and sausage
109 - women are cold, incapable of love
114 - handsome men who are passionate lovers
115 - extremely passionate, have heated emotional arguments about even trivial things
116 - involved with mafia
117 - great focus on family, know and regularly meet distant relatives
118 - have mustaches, eat pizza and pasta
123 - ugly depressive environment
126 - cold, show no emotion
127 - extremely liberal politics, [SJWs](sjw.md)
129 - thanks to sauna people don't know shame of nudity -- like in Japan you go to karaoke after work, in Finland you will go to sauna after work with your colleagues and boss, all naked of course
131 - vikings, big tall, strong, muscular blonde men
135 - women are all super hot blonde chicks with pigtails (like that one from Abba lol)
136 - IKEA, meatballs n shit
142 - sheep shepherds living in mountains
143 - poorer version of Czechs
145 - extroverted, passionate, hot blooded, dance flamenco
146 - take naps on siesta
148 - attractive tanned men
149 - **Eskimos** (also Nanook):
150 - have ten thousand different words for snow and/or color [white](white.md)
152 - extremely friendly, often too much
155 - good at [IT](it.md) but usually tech support scammers
156 - spiritual, peaceful, meditate a lot, do yoga
157 - don't know what work safety means
158 - transport extremely big loads on bicycles or small motorcycles
159 - **Israel**: see the jewish race
161 - all just have sombreros and mustaches
162 - love and drink tequila all day
163 - lazy, poor, dirty, drugs and crime
164 - constantly trying to get over US borders to steal their jobs
165 - those who already got into Murica work basically as slaves, e.g. cleaners, nannies, janitors etc.
167 - very tough, big and strong, endure conditions that would kill other people (such as extreme cold), keep pet bears
168 - drunk (especially by vodka), aggressive, rude
170 - act straight without talking too much, ignore work safety
171 - ugly and depressive post-Soviet environment
172 - don't give a shit about anything
173 - Marxist communists, USSR, soviet pride
174 - good at [chess](chess.md)
175 - **by [races](race.md)**:
177 - extremely smart and educated
181 - very strict parents, children only expected to get As in school and must go to University else they'll be disowned
182 - work extremely hard
184 - can't see because of weird eyes
186 - martial arts, everyone knows at least Kung Fu or Karate
187 - collectivist, sacrifice themselves for society, individual's opinions and needs never matter
188 - there are too many of them, lives of the poor ones have no value, work safety of peasants is non existent
189 - very spiritual, mentally advanced, calm and balanced, deep insight and wisdom about philosophical questions
190 - **[black](nigger.md)** (also negro):
191 - unintelligent, stupid, uneducated, primitive, poor, thieves and criminals
192 - physically fit, good at sports, run very fast
193 - good at music, especially rhythmic music and jazz
194 - fathers leave their children
195 - all look the same, similar to monkeys
197 - love chicken and watermelon
198 - in certain situations act like monkeys (so called chimp out), e.g. when excited they start jumping around like crazy, or when scared instinctively react by punching the perceived danger
200 - don't work, steal stuff, welfare leeches, make a lot of children
201 - children don't go to school, uneducated, can hardly read
202 - passionate, emotional, friendly
203 - talent for [music](music.md)
204 - **[jews](jew.md)**:
205 - very smart, inventive
207 - good at [business](business.md), filthy [capitalists](capitalism.md), just count money all day
208 - have the "eagle nose"
209 - members of secret societies, closed jew-only communities, conspire for world control, some being [fascists](fascism.md) wanting to become the ruling race
210 - spread everywhere like rats
211 - can adapt to any environment
212 - do all kinds of weird religious rituals
213 - **[slavs](slav.md)**:
215 - don't give a shit much about anything
216 - either poor or rich Russian mafia bosses
217 - **[white](white.md)**
218 - pinnacle of [evolution](evolution.md), like Michelangelo's Davis is the peak of [art](art.md)
219 - smart, beautiful, generally good at everything
221 - privileged, rich, go to prestigious universities, wear suits, play golf, are members of VIP clubs
222 - sometimes supremacists, "oppress" other races (knowingly or not)
223 - not many strong stereotypes as whiteness is seen as the default, the norm to which others are compared
224 - **by sex/gender/orientation**:
225 - **[gays](gay.md)**:
226 - men act feminine, are good at art and women jobs, like pink color, fashion, cooking and cleaning
227 - there are two types: the feminine sissy and the big hairy bear biker, in a pair one does mommy and the other one daddy
228 - loves to wear latex
229 - women (lesbian) are masculine, ugly with short pink hair
231 - direct, strong, decisive, stubborn, overconfident, primitive, conservative, when provoked may easily become rude and aggressive, beat their wives
232 - [competitive](competition.md)
233 - good at [math](math.md) and exact sciences, often on detriment of being good at art, humanities and "soft skills" (these are seen as gay)
234 - hide their feelings, trash talk ever best friends, revealing feminine emotions is seen as a weakness and sign of [homosexuality](gay.md)
235 - thinking only of [sex](sex.md), will have sex with every woman any time and everywhere, will have as many sexual partners as possible, however romantically will love only one woman, to the point of dying for her (but will rather die than marry her)
236 - obsessed with and insecure about penis size
237 - like cars, guns, military, machines in general, building and repairing "[do it yourself](dyi.md)" style, not reading manuals (that's for sissies)
238 - at heart stay a little boy their whole lives, just need bigger and more expensive toys, never mature (from woman point of view)
239 - **[women](woman.md)** (may also apply to gay men):
240 - bad at driving, bad spatial skills
241 - bad at logical thinking and [math](math.md)
245 - don't know what they want, "no" can mean "yes" and vice versa
246 - too emotional, especially on period
247 - attracted to douchebags, assholes and money, golddigging, avoid nice guys
248 - can distinguish and name different shades of similar colors
249 - on board of a ship bring bad luck
250 - love fashion, the color pink, Barbie dolls, cleaning, ironing, cooking etc.
251 - secretly want to have sex with [dogs](dog.md) rather than with men
252 - **blonde**, attractive ones:
254 - even more gold digging
259 - lowest form of life, parasites and leeches
260 - no morals whatsoever, lie is their daily bread
261 - will defend corporations and murderers for a few bucks
262 - **[programmers](programming.md)**:
263 - white fat male neckbeard, has no life, lives in basement
264 - genius, [nerd](nerd.md), loves tabletop games and similar things
265 - [never had sex](wizard.md) and never will
266 - **[zoomers](zoomer.md)**:
268 - males are 3 meters tall but anorexic and thin like paper, weights 40 kg (this is the beauty ideal of a zoomer girl)
269 - has no idea what gender or [species](furry.md) he is, switches genders every few minutes
270 - has 20 mental diseases, constant depression and self harm scars: paranoid schizo bipolar split personality with social anxiety, [autism](autism.md), "body dysmorphia", agoraphobia, [OCD](ocd.md) and ADHD is the standard base line -- despite breaking world records for simultaneously present crippling mental diseases he is able to function quite normally
271 - techno slaves, against expectations very bad with technology -- is only a tech consumer but doesn't know how computers work (can't operate mouse, doesn't know what a file is, can't [torrent](torrent.md), can't use [email](email.md), can't do anything if it can't be done by issuing a voice command to a spy agent in his phone)
272 - extremely short attention span
273 - addicted to consuming Internet content, without cell phone will die within a few hours
274 - due to having grown up in extremely toxic capitalist dystopia, being forced to consume since birth and never knowing normal childhood and healthy habits, they are prone to developing unhealthy addictions to normal things that others can control without problems but which a zoomer will self destruct with, e.g.: masturbation and porn, energy drinks, consuming Internet, listening to music, playing games etc.
275 - in general just most degenerated and doomed generation as of yet (of course, until the next one comes)