3 Anarchism (from Greek *an*, no and *archos*, ruler) is a [socialist](socialism.md) political philosophy rejecting any social hierarchy and oppression, most notably that of [capitalism](capitalism.md) and [state](state.md) but also any other form, e.g. [nationalism](nationalism.md), [identity fascism](identity_politics.md), [hero culture](hero_culture.md) etc. **Anarchism doesn't mean without rules, but without rulers**; despite popular misconceptions **anarchism is not [chaos](chaos.md)** -- on the contrary, it strives for a stable, ideal society of equal people who live in peace. It means **order without power**. Let's also stress that **anarchism is ALWAYS incompatible with and strongly opposes [capitalism](capitalism.md)**, as it's sadly heard too many times from the mouth of common people they think anarchism to be something akin "true capitalism" or "[free market](free_market.md)" (people get very confused by abuse of the word "free") -- NO, capitalism and formal government are an anarchist's two most opposed ideas (and please do not be mislead by attempts at deception e.g. by so called "[anarcho capitalists](ancap.md)"; such a term just tries to merge two fundamentally incompatible ideas, like for example "militant pacifist" or "communist capitalist"). The symbols of anarchism include the letter A in a circle and a black flag that for different branches of anarchism is diagonally split from bottom left to top right and the top part is filled with a color specific for that branch.
5 [LRS](lrs.md) is a truly anarchist movement, specifically [anarcho pacifist](anpac.md) and [anarcho communist](ancom.md) one. **True, purest anarchism is [pacifist](pacifism.md), [communist](communism.md) and [altruistic](altruism.md)** as that's the perfect ideal of society without hierarchy. Other forms of anarchism that try to sneak in acceptance of concepts such as "justified violence" or some form of "market economy" are mostly just poses of teenage boys who really believe in capitalism but want to adopt a cool label of "anarchist".
7 A great many things about anarchism are explained in the text *An Anarchist FAQ*, which is [free licensed](free_culture.md) and can be accessed e.g. at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-faq-editorial-collective-an-anarchist-faq-full.
9 Anarchism is a wide term and encompasses many flavors such as [anarcho communism](ancom.md), [anarcho pacifism](anpac.md), [anarcho syndicalism](ansyn.md), [anarcho primitivism](anprim.md) or [anarcho mutualism](anmut.md). Some of the branches disagree on specific questions, e.g. about whether [violence](violence.md) is ever justifiable, or propose different solutions to issues such as organization of society, however **all branches of anarchism are socialist** and all aim for **elimination of social hierarchy** such as social classes created by wealth, jobs and weapons, i.e. anarchism opposes [state](state.md) (e.g. police having power over citizens) and [capitalism](capitalism.md) (employers exploiting employees, corporations exploiting consumers etc.).
11 There exist many **fake, pseudoanarchist ideologies** such as ["anarcho" capitalism](ancap.md) (which includes e.g. so caleed [crypto "anarchism"](crypto_anarchism.md)) that deceive by their name despite by their very definition NOT fitting the definition of anarchism (just like [Nazis](nazi.md) called themselves [socialists](socialism.md) despite being the opposite). Also the "new", western [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) "anarchism" is NOT true anarchism, e.g. ["anarcha" feminism](anfem.md) is just fascist bullshit. Anything individualist, connected to [feminism](feminism.md), [LGBT](lgbt.md) etc. is not true anarchism. The propaganda also tries to deceive the public by calling various violent criminals anarchists, even though they very often can't fit the definition of a true anarchist.
15 - [communism](communism.md)
16 - [libertarianism](libertarianism.md)