3 Cloudflare (also know as cuckflare, clownflare, hitlerflare or crimeflare) is a [capitalist](capitalism.md) terrorist organization most famous for its Internet [censorship](censorship.md) delivery network. Its goal is to own the [Internet](internet.md) and it is currently killing what's left of the [web](www.md).
5 *Prove you're a human to read this paragraph: `[ ]`*
7 `[paragraph protected]`, enable [Javashit](js.md) to read it.
9 *We don't support censorship but we make an exception for this paragraph. --cucks*
11 *Someone from your country attempted DDOS so this paragraph is blocked for you. Thanks for understanding.*
13 *This paragraph didn't pass fact check so it was removed.*
15 *From your browsing history we have judged you are a potential [pedophile](pedophilia.md), so this paragraph is hidden from you.*
17 *We provide free censorship services for artists and journalists, we call it "project free speech". `[advertising message inserted into the article by cucks, providers and police of your packets]`*
19 We hope you enjoyed reading this article. *(Message inserted by cucks.)*
23 - [censorship](censorship.md)
24 - [genocide](genocide.md)
26 - [dystopia](dystopia.md)
27 - [Nord VPN](nord_vpn.md)