3 { For legal reasons let's consider this a **CUSTOMER REVIEW** :D Though I'm not that stupid to ever have tried this myself, I've heard things from people. ~drummyfish }
5 NordVPN is a [proprietary](proprietary.md) predatory [scam](scam.md) service that steals personal data while trying to [market](marketing.md) itself as a "[VPN](vpn.md) for [security](security.md) and [privacy](privacy.md)"; it is useless at best and highly harmful to society at worst and only a retard would fall for it. It's a business similar to that of e.g. [antiviruses](antivirus.md), it builds on [fear culture](fear_culture.md), privacy hysteria and lack of technological education, abusing people who have little to no knowledge of technology, stealing not just their money, but also their data, computing power etc. NordVPN furthermore utilizes all the unethical [capitalist](capitalism.md) practice to make society as bad as possible, notably aggressive advertising (remember, good things don't need advertising, and this shit relies basically solely on advertising), [brainwashing](brainwashing.md) and promotion of [fear culture](fear_culture.md) -- [YouTube](youtube.md) is infamous for having NordVPN propaganda inserted into every single video.