change a_float to a_real
[liba.git] / include / a / linalg.h
1 /*!
2 @file linalg.h
3 @brief linear algebra functions
4 */
6 #ifndef LIBA_LINALG_H
7 #define LIBA_LINALG_H
9 #include "a.h"
11 /*!
12 @ingroup liba
13 @addtogroup a_linalg linear algebra functions
17 #if defined(__cplusplus)
18 extern "C" {
19 #endif /* __cplusplus */
21 /*!
22 @brief transpose an n x n square matrix in-place.
23 @param[in,out] A an n x n square matrix
24 @param[in] n order of square matrix A
26 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_T1(a_real *A, a_uint n);
28 /*!
29 @brief transpose a given m x n matrix A into an n x m matrix T.
30 @param[out] T the output matrix where the transposed matrix T (n x m) will be stored.
31 @param[in] A the input matrix A (m x n), stored in row-major order.
32 @param[in] m rows in the input matrix A.
33 @param[in] n columns in the input matrix A.
35 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_T2(a_real *__restrict T, a_real const *__restrict A, a_uint m, a_uint n);
37 /*!
38 @brief compute the dot product of two vectors.
39 @param[in] X points to the first vector.
40 @param[in] Y points to the second vector.
41 @param[in] n number of elements in each of the vectors X and Y.
42 @return dot product of vectors X and Y.
44 A_EXTERN a_real a_linalg_dot(a_real const *X, a_real const *Y, a_size n);
46 /*!
47 @brief multiply two matrices X and Y, storing the result in Z.
48 \f{aligned}{
49 \pmb Z_{rc}&=\pmb X_{rn}\pmb Y_{nc}
50 \\&=
51 \begin{bmatrix}
52 x_{11} & \cdots & x_{1n} \\
53 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
54 x_{r1} & \cdots & x_{rn} \\
55 \end{bmatrix}
56 \begin{bmatrix}
57 y_{11} & \cdots & y_{1c} \\
58 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
59 y_{n1} & \cdots & y_{nc} \\
60 \end{bmatrix}
61 \\&=
62 \begin{bmatrix}
63 (x_{11}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{1n}y_{n1}) & \cdots & (x_{11}y_{1c}+\ldots+x_{1n}y_{nc}) \\
64 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
65 (x_{r1}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{rn}y_{n1}) & \cdots & (x_{r1}y_{1c}+\ldots+x_{rn}y_{nc}) \\
66 \end{bmatrix}
67 \f}
68 @param[out] Z the output matrix where the result will be stored.
69 @param[in] X the first input matrix.
70 @param[in] Y the second input matrix.
71 @param[in] row rows matrix Z and rows in matrix X.
72 @param[in] c_r columns in matrix X and rows in matrix Y.
73 @param[in] col columns in matrix Z and columns in matrix Y.
75 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_mulmm(a_real *__restrict Z, a_real const *__restrict X, a_real const *__restrict Y, a_uint row, a_uint c_r, a_uint col);
77 /*!
78 @brief multiply the transpose of matrix X with matrix Y, storing the result in Z.
79 \f{aligned}{
80 \pmb Z_{rc}&=\pmb X_{nr}^{T}\pmb Y_{nc}
81 \\&=
82 \begin{bmatrix}
83 x_{11} & \cdots & x_{1r} \\
84 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
85 x_{n1} & \cdots & x_{nr} \\
86 \end{bmatrix}^T
87 \begin{bmatrix}
88 y_{11} & \cdots & y_{1c} \\
89 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
90 y_{n1} & \cdots & y_{nc} \\
91 \end{bmatrix}
92 \\&=
93 \begin{bmatrix}
94 (x_{11}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{n1}y_{n1}) & \cdots & (x_{11}y_{1c}+\ldots+x_{n1}y_{nc}) \\
95 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
96 (x_{1r}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{nr}y_{n1}) & \cdots & (x_{1r}y_{1c}+\ldots+x_{nr}y_{nc}) \\
97 \end{bmatrix}
98 \\&=
99 \begin{bmatrix}
100 x_{11}y_{11} & \cdots & x_{11}y_{1c} \\
101 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
102 x_{1r}y_{11} & \cdots & x_{1r}y_{1c} \\
103 \end{bmatrix}+\cdots+
104 \begin{bmatrix}
105 x_{n1}y_{n1} & \cdots & x_{n1}y_{nc} \\
106 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
107 x_{nr}y_{n1} & \cdots & x_{nr}y_{nc} \\
108 \end{bmatrix}
110 @param[out] Z the output matrix where the result will be stored.
111 @param[in] X the first input matrix that will be transposed during multiplication.
112 @param[in] Y the second input matrix.
113 @param[in] c_r rows in matrix X and rows in matrix Y.
114 @param[in] row rows in matrix Z and columns in matrix X.
115 @param[in] col columns in matrix Z and columns in matrix Y.
117 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_mulTm(a_real *__restrict Z, a_real const *__restrict X, a_real const *__restrict Y, a_uint c_r, a_uint row, a_uint col);
120 @brief multiply matrix X with the transpose of matrix Y, storing the result in Z.
121 \f{aligned}{
122 \pmb Z_{rc}&=\pmb X_{rn}\pmb Y_{cn}^T
123 \\&=
124 \begin{bmatrix}
125 x_{11} & \cdots & x_{1n} \\
126 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
127 x_{r1} & \cdots & x_{rn} \\
128 \end{bmatrix}
129 \begin{bmatrix}
130 y_{11} & \cdots & y_{1n} \\
131 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
132 y_{c1} & \cdots & y_{cn} \\
133 \end{bmatrix}^T
134 \\&=
135 \begin{bmatrix}
136 (x_{11}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{1n}y_{1n}) & \cdots & (x_{11}y_{c1}+\ldots+x_{1n}y_{cn}) \\
137 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
138 (x_{r1}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{rn}y_{1n}) & \cdots & (x_{r1}y_{c1}+\ldots+x_{rn}y_{cn}) \\
139 \end{bmatrix}
141 @param[out] Z the output matrix where the result will be stored.
142 @param[in] X the first input matrix.
143 @param[in] Y the second input matrix that will be transposed during multiplication.
144 @param[in] row rows matrix Z and rows in matrix X.
145 @param[in] col columns in matrix Z and rows in matrix Y.
146 @param[in] c_r columns in matrix X and columns in matrix Y.
148 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_mulmT(a_real *__restrict Z, a_real const *__restrict X, a_real const *__restrict Y, a_uint row, a_uint col, a_uint c_r);
151 @brief multiply the transpose of matrix X with the transpose of matrix Y, storing the result in Z.
152 \f{aligned}{
153 \pmb Z_{rc}&=\pmb X_{nr}^T\pmb Y_{cn}^T
154 \\&=
155 \begin{bmatrix}
156 x_{11} & \cdots & x_{1r} \\
157 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
158 x_{n1} & \cdots & x_{nr} \\
159 \end{bmatrix}^T
160 \begin{bmatrix}
161 y_{11} & \cdots & y_{1n} \\
162 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
163 y_{c1} & \cdots & y_{cn} \\
164 \end{bmatrix}^T
165 \\&=
166 \begin{bmatrix}
167 (x_{11}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{n1}y_{1n}) & \cdots & (x_{11}y_{c1}+\ldots+x_{n1}y_{cn}) \\
168 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
169 (x_{1r}y_{11}+\ldots+x_{nr}y_{1n}) & \cdots & (x_{1r}y_{c1}+\ldots+x_{nr}y_{cn}) \\
170 \end{bmatrix}
172 @param[out] Z the output matrix where the result will be stored.
173 @param[in] X the first input matrix that will be transposed during multiplication.
174 @param[in] Y the second input matrix that will be transposed during multiplication.
175 @param[in] row rows matrix Z and columns in matrix X.
176 @param[in] c_r rows in matrix X and columns in matrix Y.
177 @param[in] col columns in matrix Z and rows in matrix Y.
179 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_mulTT(a_real *__restrict Z, a_real const *__restrict X, a_real const *__restrict Y, a_uint row, a_uint c_r, a_uint col);
182 @brief compute LU decomposition of a square matrix with partial pivoting.
183 @details This function performs an LU decomposition on the given square matrix A,
184 where L is a lower triangular matrix, and U is an upper triangular matrix.
185 Partial pivoting is used to improve numerical stability during the decomposition process.
186 The result is stored in the original matrix A, with L stored below, and U stored in the diagonal and above.
187 Additionally, it calculates a permutation matrix P that records the row exchanges made during partial pivoting,
188 and determines the sign of the permutation (which can be used to find the determinant's sign).
189 @param[in,out] A an n x n square matrix.
190 on input, contains the matrix to decompose. on output, contains the L and U matrices.
191 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
192 @param[out] p the row permutation indices after partial pivoting.
193 @param[out] sign store the sign of the permutation (+1 or -1).
194 @return 0 on success, or a non-zero error code if the decomposition fails.
195 @retval -1 on failure, A is a singular matrix.
197 A_EXTERN int a_linalg_plu(a_real *A, a_uint n, a_uint *p, int *sign);
200 @brief construct the permutation matrix P from a permutation vector p.
201 @param[in] p the row permutation indices after partial pivoting.
202 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix that was decomposed.
203 @param[out] P the output matrix where the permutation matrix will be stored.
205 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_get_P(a_uint const *p, a_uint n, a_real *P);
208 @brief extract the lower triangular matrix L from matrix A.
209 @param[in] A the matrix containing L and U in a compact form after LU decomposition.
210 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix that was decomposed.
211 @param[out] L the output matrix where the lower triangular matrix will be stored.
213 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_get_L(a_real const *A, a_uint n, a_real *L);
216 @brief extract the upper triangular matrix U from matrix A.
217 @param[in] A the matrix containing L and U in a compact form after LU decomposition.
218 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix that was decomposed.
219 @param[out] U the output matrix where the upper triangular matrix will be stored.
221 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_get_U(a_real const *A, a_uint n, a_real *U);
224 @brief apply the permutation P to the vector b, producing Pb.
225 @param[in] p the row permutation indices after partial pivoting.
226 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix that was decomposed.
227 @param[in] b the input vector of size n that will be permuted.
228 @param[out] Pb the output vector where the permuted result will be stored.
230 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_apply(a_uint const *p, a_uint n, a_real const *b, a_real *Pb);
233 @brief solve the lower triangular system Ly = Pb for y.
234 @param[in] L the lower triangular matrix L, stored in row-major order.
235 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix L (number of rows and columns).
236 @param[in,out] y on input, contains the permuted vector Pb. on output, contains the solution vector y.
238 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_lower(a_real const *L, a_uint n, a_real *y);
241 @brief solve the upper triangular system Ux = y for x.
242 @param[in] U the upper triangular matrix U, stored in row-major order.
243 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix U (number of rows and columns).
244 @param[in,out] x on input, contains the vector y. on output, contains the solution vector x.
246 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_upper(a_real const *U, a_uint n, a_real *x);
249 @brief solve the linear system Ax = b using LU decomposition with partial pivoting.
250 @param[in] A the matrix containing L and U in a compact form after LU decomposition.
251 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
252 @param[in] p the permutation indices obtained during LU decomposition.
253 @param[in] b the input vector b of the linear system.
254 @param[out] x the output vector x where the solution will be stored.
256 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_solve(a_real const *A, a_uint n, a_uint const *p, a_real const *b, a_real *x);
259 @brief compute the inverse of a matrix using its LU decomposition and permutation matrix.
260 @param[in] A the matrix containing L and U in a compact form after LU decomposition.
261 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
262 @param[in] p the permutation indices obtained during LU decomposition.
263 @param[in] b a pre-allocated temporary buffer of size n for intermediate computations.
264 @param[out] I the output matrix where the inverse of A will be stored.
266 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_plu_inv(a_real const *A, a_uint n, a_uint const *p, a_real *b, a_real *I);
269 @brief compute the determinant of a matrix using its LU decomposition.
270 @param[in] A the matrix containing L and U in a compact form after LU decomposition.
271 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
272 @param[in] sign the sign of the permutation matrix P (+1 or -1).
273 @return the determinant of matrix A.
275 A_EXTERN a_real a_linalg_plu_det(a_real const *A, a_uint n, int sign);
278 @brief compute the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the determinant of a matrix using its LU decomposition.
279 @param[in] A the matrix containing L and U in a compact form after LU decomposition.
280 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
281 @return the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the determinant.
283 A_EXTERN a_real a_linalg_plu_lndet(a_real const *A, a_uint n);
286 @brief compute the sign of the determinant of a matrix using its LU decomposition.
287 @param[in] A the matrix containing L and U in a compact form after LU decomposition.
288 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
289 @param[in] sign the sign of the permutation matrix P (+1 or -1).
290 @return the sign of the determinant: -1, 0, +1.
292 A_EXTERN int a_linalg_plu_sgndet(a_real const *A, a_uint n, int sign);
295 @brief compute Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite matrix.
296 @param[in,out] A an n x n square matrix.
297 on input, contains the matrix to decompose. on output, contains the L matrix.
298 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
299 @return 0 on success, or a non-zero error code if the decomposition fails.
300 @retval -1 on failure, A is a singular matrix.
302 A_EXTERN int a_linalg_cho(a_real *A, a_uint n);
305 @brief extract the lower triangular matrix L from matrix A.
306 @param[in] A the matrix containing L form after Cholesky decomposition.
307 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix that was decomposed.
308 @param[out] L the output matrix where the lower triangular matrix will be stored.
310 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_cho_get_L(a_real const *A, a_uint n, a_real *L);
313 @brief solve the lower triangular system Ly = b for y.
314 @param[in] L the lower triangular matrix L, stored in row-major order.
315 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix L (number of rows and columns).
316 @param[in,out] y on input, contains the vector b. on output, contains the solution vector y.
318 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_cho_lower(a_real const *L, a_uint n, a_real *y);
321 @brief solve the upper triangular system L^T x = y for x.
322 @param[in] L the lower triangular matrix L, stored in row-major order.
323 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix L (number of rows and columns).
324 @param[in,out] x on input, contains the vector y. on output, contains the solution vector x.
326 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_cho_upper(a_real const *L, a_uint n, a_real *x);
329 @brief solve the linear system Ax = b using the Cholesky factorization A = LL^T.
330 @param[in] A the matrix containing L form after Cholesky decomposition.
331 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
332 @param[in,out] x on input, contains the vector b. on output, contains the solution vector x.
334 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_cho_solve(a_real const *A, a_uint n, a_real *x);
337 @brief compute the inverse of a matrix using its Cholesky factorization A = LL^T.
338 @param[in] A the matrix containing L form after Cholesky decomposition.
339 @param[in] n the order of the square matrix A (number of rows and columns).
340 @param[in] b a pre-allocated temporary buffer of size n for intermediate computations.
341 @param[out] I the output matrix where the inverse of A will be stored.
343 A_EXTERN void a_linalg_cho_inv(a_real const *A, a_uint n, a_real *b, a_real *I);
345 #if defined(__cplusplus)
346 } /* extern "C" */
347 #endif /* __cplusplus */
349 /*! @} a_linalg */
351 #endif /* a/linalg.h */