1 # Liberty MediaWiki Skin
3 Default skin of [LibreWiki](https://librewiki.net). This skin will be the main skin for the Liberty Wiki Engine.
7 Our canonical source is [GitHub.com](https://github.com/librewiki/liberty-skin), and we receive bug reports via [GitHub.com](https://github.com/librewiki/liberty-skin/issues) and patches via Github.com only. Any source code found elsewhere is mirrored there, and developers do not guarantee about the code found elsewhere to work.
8 Issues and PRs for mirrored repository may not be reflected.
10 Security vulnerability should be reported using email (dev (골뱅이!) librewiki.net) (replace (Korean text) with @).
13 * Unzip to the MediaWiki Skins folder or perform a git clone. The name of the unzipped folder should be `Liberty`.
14 * Add `wfLoadSkin( 'Liberty' );` to your LocalSettings.php file.
17 Please set these variables in the LocalSettings.php file.
19 | Name | Description | Example Variable | Default Variable |
20 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
21 | `$wgLibertyMainColor` | `theme-color` configurations, main color of site | `#4188F1` | `#4188F1` |
22 | `$wgLibertySecondColor` | Configure of second color of site | `#2774DC` | The value of `$wgLibertyMainColor` subtracted by `1A1415` |
23 | `$wgTwitterAccount` | Default Twitter account to set a mention | `librewiki` | (none) |
24 | `$wgLibertyOgLogo` | OpenGraph Image Logo | `https://librewiki.net/images/6/6a/Libre_favicon.png` | (Value of `$wgLogo`) |
25 | `$wgNaverVerification` | Naver Webmater Tool Verification Code | (Value supplied by Naver.com) | (none) |
26 | `$wgLibertyAdSetting` | Google Adsense Settings | `array( 'client' => '(Value supplied by Google)', 'header' => '1234567890', 'right' => '0987654321', 'belowarticle' => 1313135452 )` | (none) |
27 | `$wgLibertyAdGroupwgLibertyAdGroup` | Differentiation of ads by usergroup | `differ` | `null`|
28 | `$wgLibertyMobileReplaceAd` | In a mobile environment, move the sidebar ads to the bottom. | `true` | `false` |
29 | `$wgLibertyEnableLiveRC` | Enables 'Recent Cahnges' on the right side | `true` | `true` |
30 | `$wgLibertyMaxRecent` | Recent X edits appearing in 'Recent Changes' | `10` | `10` |
31 | `$wgLibertyLiveRCArticleNamespaces` | Namespaces for the first tab in 'Recent Changes' | `[NS_MAIN, NS_PROJECT, NS_TEMPLATE, NS_HELP, NS_CATEGORY]` | `[NS_MAIN, NS_PROJECT, NS_TEMPLATE, NS_HELP, NS_CATEGORY]` |
35 Please fill out `MediaWiki:Liberty-Navbar` article in the following format.
38 * `* icon=icon | display=display text | title=hover text | link=link | access=shortcut key | class=custom HTML classes | group=required user group | right=required user right`
40 * `** icon=icon | display=display text | title=hover text | link=link | access=shortcut key | class=custom HTML classes | group=required user group | right=required user right`
42 * `*** icon=icon | display=display text | title=hover text | link=link | access=shortcut key | class=custom HTML classes | group=required user group | right=required user right`
44 * All values are optional, but at least one of `icon` or `display` must be set.
45 * If `title` is not set, `display` is used instead.
46 * If you don't want to set some parameters, you can skip them. As an example, if you don't want to set an icon, skip `icon=...`.
47 * You can use i18n message names of MediaWiki for the values of `display` and `title` to show the i18n messages (e.g., write `recentchanges` to show `Recent changes`).
48 * Shortcut keys can be used as `Alt-Shift-(Key)`.
49 * When setting shortcuts, be careful not to overlap with the default shortcuts provided by MediaWiki.
50 * Custom classes are separated by `,` (e.g., write `classA, classB` to add `classA` and `classB` class).
52 You can see an example on [LibreWiki](https://librewiki.net/wiki/MediaWiki:Liberty-Navbar).
55 Four rights have been added to this to implement ad differentiation by user rights. if $wgLibertyAdGroup is set to 'differ', add user preferences to remove ads.
56 * blockads-header : User can remove header ads.
57 * blockads-right : User can remove header ads.
58 * blockads-belowarticle : User can remove ads below article.
59 * blockads-bottom : User can remove bottom ads.