LP-500 Allow HoTT Telemetry on all USARTS (Rcvr, Flexi and Main) (trivial)
[librepilot.git] / .drone.yml
1 build:
2   image: teaci/msys$$arch
3   pull: true
4   shell: mingw$$arch
5   commands:
6     - if [ $$arch = 32 ]; then target=i686; fi
7     - if [ $$arch = 64 ]; then target=x86_64; fi
8     - echo -e "[librepilot-mingw]\nSigLevel = Optional TrustAll\nServer = http://download.librepilot.org/repo/mingw" >> /etc/pacman.conf
9     - pacman -Syu --noconfirm --noprogressbar --needed git unzip tar mingw-w64-${target}-toolchain mingw-w64-${target}-ccache mingw-w64-${target}-qt5 mingw-w64-${target}-SDL mingw-w64-${target}-mesa mingw-w64-${target}-openssl mingw-w64-${target}-gdal-minimal mingw-w64-${target}-OpenSceneGraph mingw-w64-${target}-osgearth
10     - mingw32-make all_sdk_install
11     - git config core.filemode false
12     - mingw32-make build-info && cat build/build-info.txt
13     - mingw32-make fw_resource
14     - mingw32-make gcs
15     - mingw32-make package
16     - mv `ls build/LibrePilot-*.exe` build/$$BRANCH-$$COMMIT-$$arch-package.exe 
18 clone:
19   depth: 1000
20   tags: true
22 matrix:
23     arch:
24         - 32
25         - 64
27 publish:
28   bintray:
29     username: marcproe
30     api_key: $$BINTRAY_API_KEY
31     artifacts:
32       - file: build/$$BRANCH-$$COMMIT-$$arch-package.exe
33         owner: librepilot
34         type: executable
35         repository: LibrePilot
36         package: next
37         version: Windows
38         publish: true
39         override: true
40         target: $$BRANCH-$${COMMIT:0:6}-$$arch-tea-ci-package.exe
42 notify:
43   webhook:
44     urls:
45       - https://hooks.slack.com/services/$$SLACK_HOOK
46     content_type: application/json
47     template: >
48       {"text": "Tea-CI Build #{{ build.number }} finished with a {{ build.status }} status. If successful, the packages for {{ build.branch }} $${COMMIT:0:8} can be downloaded <https://bintray.com/librepilot/LibrePilot/next/Windows/view/#files|here>"}