Merged in corvusvcorax/librepilot/LP-490_insgps13state_mag_fixes (pull request #398)
[librepilot.git] / make / scripts /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Utility functions to access git repository info and
4 # generate source files and binary objects using templates.
6 # (C) 2015, The LibrePilot Project,
7 # (c) 2011, The OpenPilot Team,
8 # See also: The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
11 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
12 from re import search, MULTILINE
13 from datetime import datetime
14 from string import Template
15 import optparse
16 import hashlib
17 import sys
18 import os.path
19 import json
21 class Repo:
22 """A simple git repository HEAD commit info class
24 This simple class provides object notation to access
25 the git repository current commit info. If one needs
26 better access one can try the GitPython class available
27 here:
29 It is not installed by default, so we cannot rely on it.
31 Example:
32 r = Repo('/path/to/git/repository')
33 print "path: ", r.path()
34 print "origin: ", r.origin()
35 print "hash: ", r.hash()
36 print "short hash: ", r.hash(8)
37 print "Unix time: ", r.time()
38 print "commit date:", r.time("%Y%m%d")
39 print "commit tag: ", r.tag()
40 print "branch: ", r.branch()
41 print "release tag:", r.reltag()
42 """
44 def _exec(self, cmd):
45 """Execute git using cmd as arguments"""
46 self._git = 'git'
47 git = Popen(self._git + " " + cmd, cwd = self._path,
48 shell = True, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE)
49 self._out, self._err = git.communicate()
50 self._rc = git.poll()
52 def _get_origin(self):
53 """Get and store the repository fetch origin path"""
54 self._origin = None
55 self._exec('remote -v')
56 if self._rc == 0:
57 m = search(r"^origin\s+(.+)\s+\(fetch\)$", self._out, MULTILINE)
58 if m:
59 self._origin =
61 def _get_time(self):
62 """Get and store HEAD commit timestamp in Unix format
64 We use commit timestamp rather than the build time,
65 so it always is the same for the current commit or tag.
66 """
67 self._time = None
68 self._exec('log -n1 --no-color --format=format:%ct HEAD')
69 if self._rc == 0:
70 self._time = self._out
72 def _get_last_tag(self):
73 """Get and store git tag for the HEAD commit"""
74 self._last_tag = None
75 self._num_commits_past_tag = None
76 self._exec('describe --tags --long')
77 if self._rc == 0:
78 descriptions = self._out.rsplit('-', 2)
79 self._last_tag = descriptions[-3]
80 self._num_commits_past_tag = descriptions[-2]
82 def _get_branch(self):
83 """Get and store current branch containing the HEAD commit"""
84 self._branch = None
85 self._exec('branch --contains HEAD')
86 if self._rc == 0:
87 m = search(r"^\*\s+(.+)$", self._out, MULTILINE)
88 if m:
89 self._branch =
91 def _get_dirty(self):
92 """Check for dirty state of repository"""
93 self._dirty = False
94 self._exec('update-index --refresh --unmerged')
95 self._exec('diff-index --name-only --exit-code --quiet HEAD')
96 if self._rc:
97 self._dirty = True
99 def _load_json(self):
100 """Loads the repo data from version-info.json"""
101 json_path = os.path.join(self._path, 'version-info.json')
102 if os.path.isfile(json_path):
103 with open(json_path) as json_file:
104 json_data = json.load(json_file)
106 self._hash = json_data['hash']
107 self._origin = json_data['origin']
108 self._time = json_data['time']
109 self._last_tag = json_data['last_tag']
110 self._num_commits_past_tag = json_data['num_commits_past_tag']
111 self._branch = json_data['branch']
112 self._dirty = json_data['dirty']
114 return True
115 return False
117 def __init__(self, path = "."):
118 """Initialize object instance and read repo info"""
119 self._path = path
120 self._exec('rev-parse --verify HEAD')
121 if self._load_json():
122 pass
123 elif self._rc == 0:
124 self._hash = self._out.strip(' \t\n\r')
125 self._get_origin()
126 self._get_time()
127 self._get_last_tag()
128 self._get_branch()
129 self._get_dirty()
130 else:
131 self._hash = None
132 self._origin = None
133 self._time = None
134 self._last_tag = None
135 self._num_commits_past_tag = None
136 self._branch = None
137 self._dirty = None
139 def path(self):
140 """Return the repository path"""
141 return self._path
143 def origin(self, none = None):
144 """Return fetch origin of the repository"""
145 if self._origin == None:
146 return none
147 else:
148 return self._origin
150 def hash(self, n = 40, none = None):
151 """Return hash of the HEAD commit"""
152 if self._hash == None:
153 return none
154 else:
155 return self._hash[:n]
157 def time(self, format = None, none = None):
158 """Return Unix or formatted time of the HEAD commit"""
159 if self._time == None:
160 return none
161 else:
162 if format == None:
163 return self._time
164 else:
165 return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(self._time)).strftime(format)
167 def tag(self, none = None):
168 """Return git tag for the HEAD commit or given string if none"""
169 if self._last_tag == None or self._num_commits_past_tag != "0":
170 return none
171 else:
172 return self._last_tag
174 def branch(self, none = None):
175 """Return git branch containing the HEAD or given string if none"""
176 if self._branch == None:
177 return none
178 else:
179 return self._branch
181 def dirty(self, dirty = "-dirty", clean = ""):
182 """Return git repository dirty state or empty string"""
183 if self._dirty:
184 return dirty
185 else:
186 return clean
188 def label(self):
189 """Return package label (similar to git describe)"""
190 try:
191 if self._num_commits_past_tag == "0":
192 return self._last_tag + self.dirty()
193 else:
194 return self._last_tag + "+r" + self._num_commits_past_tag + "-g" + self.hash(7, '') + self.dirty()
195 except:
196 return None
198 def version_four_num(self):
199 """Return package version in format X.X.X.X using only numbers"""
201 try:
202 (release, junk, candidate) = self._last_tag.partition("-RC")
203 (year, dot, month_and_patch) = release.partition(".")
204 (month, dot, patch) = month_and_patch.partition(".")
206 if candidate == "":
207 candidate = "64" # Need to stay below 65536 for last part
209 if patch == "":
210 patch = "0"
212 return "{}.{}.{}.{}{:0>3.3}".format(year,month,patch,candidate,self._num_commits_past_tag)
213 except:
214 return None
217 def revision(self):
218 """Return full revison string (tag if defined, or branch:hash date time if no tag)"""
219 try:
220 if self._num_commits_past_tag == "0":
221 return self.tag('') + self.dirty()
222 else:
223 return self.branch('no-branch') + ":" + self.hash(8, 'no-hash') + self.dirty() + self.time(' %Y%m%d %H:%M')
224 except:
225 return None
227 def info(self):
228 """Print some repository info"""
229 print "path: ", self.path()
230 print "origin: ", self.origin()
231 print "Unix time: ", self.time()
232 print "commit date:", self.time("%Y%m%d")
233 print "hash: ", self.hash()
234 print "short hash: ", self.hash(8)
235 print "branch: ", self.branch()
236 print "commit tag: ", self.tag('')
237 print "dirty: ", self.dirty('yes', 'no')
238 print "label: ", self.label()
239 print "revision: ", self.revision()
241 def save_to_json(self, path):
242 """Saves the repo data to version-info.json"""
244 json_data = dict()
245 json_data['hash'] = self._hash
246 json_data['origin'] = self._origin
247 json_data['time'] = self._time
248 json_data['last_tag'] = self._last_tag
249 json_data['num_commits_past_tag'] = self._num_commits_past_tag
250 json_data['branch'] = self._branch
251 # version-info.json is for use with git archive which doesn't take in dirty changes
252 json_data['dirty'] = False
254 json_path = os.path.join(path, 'version-info.json')
256 write_if_different(json_path, json.dumps(json_data))
259 def write_if_different(out_name, out):
260 """Write ouput to file only if it differs from current"""
262 # Check if output file already exists
263 try:
264 of = open(out_name, "rb")
265 except IOError:
266 # No file - create new
267 of = open(out_name, "wb")
268 of.write(out)
269 of.close()
270 else:
271 # File exists - overwite only if content is different
272 inp =
273 of.close()
274 if inp != out:
275 of = open(out_name, "wb")
276 of.write(out)
277 of.close()
279 def escape_dict(dictionary):
280 """Escapes dictionary values for C"""
282 # We need to escape the strings for C
283 for key in dictionary:
284 # Using json.dumps and removing the surounding quotes escapes for C
285 dictionary[key] = json.dumps(dictionary[key])[1:-1]
288 def file_from_template(tpl_name, out_name, dictionary):
289 """Create or update file from template using dictionary
291 This function reads the template, performs placeholder replacement
292 using the dictionary and checks if output file with such content
293 already exists. If no such file or file data is different from
294 expected then it will be ovewritten with new data. Otherwise it
295 will not be updated so make will not update dependent targets.
297 Example:
298 # template.c:
299 # char source[] = "${OUTFILENAME}";
300 # uint32_t timestamp = ${UNIXTIME};
301 # uint32_t hash = 0x${HASH8};
303 r = Repo('/path/to/git/repository')
304 tpl_name = "template.c"
305 out_name = "output.c"
307 dictionary = dict(
308 HASH8 = r.hash(8),
309 UNIXTIME = r.time(),
310 OUTFILENAME = out_name,
313 file_from_template(tpl_name, out_name, dictionary)
316 # Read template first
317 tf = open(tpl_name, "rb")
318 tpl =
319 tf.close()
321 # Replace placeholders using dictionary
322 out = Template(tpl).substitute(dictionary)
324 write_if_different(out_name, out)
327 def sha1(file):
328 """Provides C source representation of sha1 sum of file"""
329 if file == None:
330 return ""
331 else:
332 sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
333 with open(file, 'rb') as f:
334 for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
335 sha1.update(chunk)
336 hex_stream = lambda s:",".join(['0x'+hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2) for c in s])
337 return hex_stream(sha1.digest())
339 def xtrim(string, suffix, length):
340 """Return string+suffix concatenated and trimmed up to length characters
342 This function appends suffix to the end of string and returns the result
343 up to length characters. If it does not fit then the string will be
344 truncated and the '+' will be put between it and the suffix.
346 if len(string) + len(suffix) <= length:
347 return ''.join([string, suffix])
348 else:
349 n = length - 1 - len(suffix)
350 assert n > 0, "length of truncated string+suffix exceeds maximum length"
351 return ''.join([string[:n], '+', suffix])
353 def get_hash_of_dirs(directory, verbose = 0, raw = 0, n = 40):
354 """Return hash of XML files from UAVObject definition directory"""
355 import hashlib, os
356 SHAhash = hashlib.sha1()
358 if not os.path.exists(directory):
359 return -1
361 try:
362 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
363 # os.walk() is unsorted. Must make sure we process files in sorted
364 # order so that the hash is stable across invocations and across OSes.
365 if files:
366 files.sort()
368 for names in files:
369 if names.endswith('.xml'):
370 if verbose == 1:
371 print 'Hashing', names
372 filepath = os.path.join(root, names)
373 try:
374 f1 = open(filepath, 'rU')
375 except:
376 # You can't open the file for some reason
377 continue
379 # Compute file hash. Same as running "sha1sum <file>".
380 f1hash = hashlib.sha1()
381 while 1:
382 # Read file in as little chunks
383 buf =
384 if not buf:
385 break
386 f1hash.update(buf)
387 f1.close()
389 if verbose == 1:
390 print 'Hash is', f1hash.hexdigest()
392 # Append the hex representation of the current file's hash into the cumulative hash
393 SHAhash.update(f1hash.hexdigest())
395 except:
396 import traceback
397 # Print the stack traceback
398 traceback.print_exc()
399 return -2
401 if verbose == 1:
402 print 'Final hash is', SHAhash.hexdigest()
404 if raw == 1:
405 return SHAhash.hexdigest()[:n]
406 else:
407 hex_stream = lambda s:",".join(['0x'+hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2) for c in s])
408 return hex_stream(SHAhash.digest())
410 def main():
411 """This utility uses git repository in the current working directory
412 or from the given path to extract some info about it and HEAD commit.
413 Then some variables in the form of ${VARIABLE} could be replaced by
414 collected data. Optional board type, board revision and sha1 sum
415 of given image file could be applied as well or will be replaced by
416 empty strings if not defined.
418 If --info option is given, some repository info will be printed to
419 stdout.
421 If --format option is given then utility prints the format string
422 after substitution to the standard output.
424 If --outfile option is given then the --template option should be
425 defined too. In that case the utility reads a template file, performs
426 variable substitution and writes the result into output file. Output
427 file will be overwritten only if its content differs from expected.
428 Otherwise it will not be touched, so make utility will not remake
429 dependent targets.
431 Optional positional arguments may be used to add more dictionary
432 strings for replacement. Each argument has the form:
433 VARIABLE=replacement
434 and each ${VARIABLE} reference will be replaced with replacement
435 string given.
438 # Parse command line.
439 class RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
440 """optparse formatter function to pretty print raw epilog"""
441 def format_epilog(self, epilog):
442 if epilog:
443 return "\n" + epilog + "\n"
444 else:
445 return ""
447 parser = optparse.OptionParser(
448 formatter=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(),
449 description = "Performs variable substitution in template file or string.",
450 epilog = main.__doc__);
452 parser.add_option('--path', default='.',
453 help='path to the git repository');
454 parser.add_option('--info', action='store_true',
455 help='print repository info to stdout');
456 parser.add_option('--format',
457 help='format string to print to stdout');
458 parser.add_option('--template',
459 help='name of template file');
460 parser.add_option('--outfile',
461 help='name of output file');
462 parser.add_option('--escape', action="store_true",
463 help='do escape strings for C (default based on file ext)');
464 parser.add_option('--no-escape', action="store_false", dest="escape",
465 help='do not escape strings for C');
466 parser.add_option('--image',
467 help='name of image file for sha1 calculation');
468 parser.add_option('--type', default="",
469 help='board type, for example, 0x04 for CopterControl');
470 parser.add_option('--revision', default = "",
471 help='board revision, for example, 0x01');
472 parser.add_option('--uavodir', default = "",
473 help='uav object definition directory');
474 parser.add_option('--jsonpath',
475 help='path to save version info');
476 (args, positional_args) = parser.parse_args()
478 # Process arguments. No advanced error handling is here.
479 # Any error will raise an exception and terminate process
480 # with non-zero exit code.
481 r = Repo(args.path)
483 dictionary = dict(
484 TEMPLATE = args.template,
485 OUTFILENAME = args.outfile,
486 ORIGIN = r.origin("local repository or using build servers"),
487 HASH = r.hash(),
488 HASH8 = r.hash(8),
489 TAG = r.tag(''),
490 TAG_OR_BRANCH = r.tag(r.branch('unreleased')),
491 TAG_OR_HASH8 = r.tag(r.hash(8, 'untagged')),
492 LABEL = r.label(),
493 VERSION_FOUR_NUM = r.version_four_num(),
494 REVISION = r.revision(),
495 DIRTY = r.dirty(),
496 FWTAG = xtrim(r.tag(r.branch('unreleased')), r.dirty(), 25),
497 UNIXTIME = r.time(),
498 DATE = r.time('%Y%m%d'),
499 DATETIME = r.time('%Y%m%d %H:%M'),
500 DAY = r.time('%d'),
501 MONTH = r.time('%m'),
502 YEAR = r.time('%Y'),
503 HOUR = r.time('%H'),
504 MINUTE = r.time('%M'),
505 BOARD_TYPE = args.type,
506 BOARD_REVISION = args.revision,
507 UAVO_HASH = get_hash_of_dirs(args.uavodir, verbose = 0, raw = 1),
508 UAVO_HASH8 = get_hash_of_dirs(args.uavodir, verbose = 0, raw = 1, n = 8),
509 UAVO_HASH_ARRAY = get_hash_of_dirs(args.uavodir, verbose = 0, raw = 0),
510 IMAGE_HASH_ARRAY = sha1(args.image),
513 # Process positional arguments in the form of:
514 # VAR1=str1 VAR2="string 2"
515 for var in positional_args:
516 (key, value) = var.split('=', 1)
517 dictionary[key] = value
519 if
522 files_to_escape = ['.c', '.cpp']
524 if (args.escape == None and args.outfile != None and
525 os.path.splitext(args.outfile)[1] in files_to_escape) or args.escape:
526 escape_dict(dictionary)
528 if args.format != None:
529 print Template(args.format).substitute(dictionary)
531 if args.outfile != None:
532 file_from_template(args.template, args.outfile, dictionary)
534 if args.jsonpath != None:
535 r.save_to_json(args.jsonpath)
537 return 0
539 if __name__ == "__main__":
540 sys.exit(main())