1 # Ignore artifacts of top-level Makefile
11 # Exclude temporary and system files
28 /flight/Project/OpenPilotOSX/OpenPilotOSX.xcodeproj/*.mode1v3
29 /flight/Project/OpenPilotOSX/OpenPilotOSX.xcodeproj/*.pbxuser
33 ground/gcs/.cproject
35 ground/gcs/.settings
37 # Ignore .pro.user files
43 /ground/gcs/share/translations/extract-mimetypes.xq
44 /ground/gcs/src/experimental/tools/DocumentationHelper/ui_mainwindow.h
45 /ground/gcs/src/libs/qextserialport/.hg
46 /ground/gcs/src/libs/qextserialport/.hgtags
47 /ground/gcs/src/libs/qwt/qwt.prf
48 /ground/gcs/src/libs/qwt/designer
49 /ground/gcs/src/plugins/ipconnection/ui_ipconnectionoptionspage.h
51 # Ignore intermediate files generated by command-line android builds
52 # Couldn't figure out how to force these files into the ./build directory
53 /androidgcs/build.xml
54 /androidgcs/local.properties
55 /androidgcs/proguard-project.txt
57 # Ignore build output from Eclipse android builds
61 # Ignore Eclipse Projects and Metadata
68 # Ignore Eclipse temp folder, git plugin based?
69 RemoteSystemsTempFiles
71 # Ignore patch-related files
76 # ignore ccache storage