1 Still quite a bit todo for LibTomFloat.
3 1. The following functions [as of v0.01] have not been implemented (the .C files are present but not populated)
19 - Any form of string input/output
21 [*] Denotes functions which are written but depend upon incomplete functions to work.
23 The critical path lies in two functions. The first is mpf_ln from which I can write mpf_pow and the various constants will function.
24 The second is mpf_atan from which I can write mpf_const_pi and finish off the missing constants.
26 From there it's a matter of adding mpf_asin, mpf_acos and mpf_tan and I have a decent subset of math in there.
28 2. Once all of the functions have been written I want to add early-out optimizations to the various series calculations. Right now
29 they use an arbitrary high count and get accurate results. However, quite a few functions stabalize quickly and do not need so many
30 iterations. In particular I plan to start on mpf_invsqrt() as it forms the basis of mpf_inv() which is used in mpf_cos() [and other trigs].
32 At the same time I want to add more domain checking (e.g. valid inputs).
34 3. Add decent string input/output
36 4. More things to the manual. I plan on doing this with every release cycle though.