fix build with boost-1.36
[libtorrent.git] / docs / udp_tracker_protocol.rst
1 Bittorrent udp-tracker protocol extension
2 =========================================
4 :Author: Arvid Norberg,
6 .. contents:: Table of contents
7         :depth: 2
8         :backlinks: none
11 introduction
12 ------------
14 A tracker with the protocol "udp://" in its URI
15 is supposed to be contacted using this protocol.
17 This protocol is supported by
18 xbt-tracker_.
21 .. _xbt-tracker:
23 For additional information and descritptions of
24 the terminology used in this document, see
25 the `protocol specification`__
27 __
29 All values are sent in network byte order (big endian). The sizes
30 are specified with ANSI-C standard types.
32 If no response to a request is received within 15 seconds, resend
33 the request. If no reply has been received after 60 seconds, stop
34 retrying.
37 connecting
38 ----------
40 Client sends packet:
42 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
43 | size        | name                | description                            |
44 +=============+=====================+========================================+
45 | int64_t     | connection_id       | Must be initialized to 0x41727101980   |
46 |             |                     | in network byte order. This will       |
47 |             |                     | identify the protocol.                 |
48 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
49 | int32_t     | action              | 0 for a connection request             |
50 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
51 | int32_t     | transaction_id      | Randomized by client.                  |
52 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
54 Server replies with packet:
56 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
57 | size        | name                | description                            |
58 +=============+=====================+========================================+
59 | int32_t     | action              | Describes the type of packet, in this  |
60 |             |                     | case it should be 0, for connect.      |
61 |             |                     | If 3 (for error) see errors_.          |
62 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
63 | int32_t     | transaction_id      | Must match the transaction_id sent     |
64 |             |                     | from the client.                       |
65 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
66 | int64_t     | connection_id       | A connection id, this is used when     |
67 |             |                     | further information is exchanged with  |
68 |             |                     | the tracker, to identify you.          |
69 |             |                     | This connection id can be reused for   |
70 |             |                     | multiple requests, but if it's cached  |
71 |             |                     | for too long, it will not be valid     |
72 |             |                     | anymore.                               |
73 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
76 announcing
77 ----------
79 Client sends packet:
81 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
82 | size        | name                | description                            |
83 +=============+=====================+========================================+
84 | int64_t     | connection_id       | The connection id acquired from        |
85 |             |                     | establishing the connection.           |
86 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
87 | int32_t     | action              | Action. in this case, 1 for announce.  |
88 |             |                     | See actions_.                          |
89 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
90 | int32_t     | transaction_id      | Randomized by client.                  |
91 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
92 | int8_t[20]  | info_hash           | The info-hash of the torrent you want  |
93 |             |                     | announce yourself in.                  |
94 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
95 | int8_t[20]  | peer_id             | Your peer id.                          |
96 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
97 | int64_t     | downloaded          | The number of byte you've downloaded   |
98 |             |                     | in this session.                       |
99 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
100 | int64_t     | left                | The number of bytes you have left to   |
101 |             |                     | download until you're finished.        |
102 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
103 | int64_t     | uploaded            | The number of bytes you have uploaded  |
104 |             |                     | in this session.                       |
105 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
106 | int32_t     | event               | The event, one of                      |
107 |             |                     |                                        |
108 |             |                     |    * none = 0                          |
109 |             |                     |    * completed = 1                     |
110 |             |                     |    * started = 2                       |
111 |             |                     |    * stopped = 3                       |
112 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
113 | uint32_t    | ip                  | Your ip address. Set to 0 if you want  |
114 |             |                     | the tracker to use the ``sender`` of   |
115 |             |                     | this udp packet.                       |
116 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
117 | uint32_t    | key                 | A unique key that is randomized by the |
118 |             |                     | client.                                |
119 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
120 | int32_t     | num_want            | The maximum number of peers you want   |
121 |             |                     | in the reply. Use -1 for default.      |
122 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
123 | uint16_t    | port                | The port you're listening on.          |
124 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
125 | uint16_t    | extensions          | See extensions_                        |
126 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
129 Server replies with packet:
131 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
132 | size        | name                | description                            |
133 +=============+=====================+========================================+
134 | int32_t     | action              | The action this is a reply to. Should  |
135 |             |                     | in this case be 1 for announce.        |
136 |             |                     | If 3 (for error) see errors_.          |
137 |             |                     | See actions_.                          |
138 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
139 | int32_t     | transaction_id      | Must match the transaction_id sent     |
140 |             |                     | in the announce request.               |
141 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
142 | int32_t     | interval            | the number of seconds you should wait  |
143 |             |                     | until reannouncing yourself.           |
144 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
145 | int32_t     | leechers            | The number of peers in the swarm that  |
146 |             |                     | has not finished downloading.          |
147 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
148 | int32_t     | seeders             | The number of peers in the swarm that  |
149 |             |                     | has finished downloading and are       |
150 |             |                     | seeding.                               |
151 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
153 The rest of the server reply is a variable number of the following structure:
155 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
156 | size        | name                | description                            |
157 +=============+=====================+========================================+
158 | int32_t     | ip                  | The ip of a peer in the swarm.         |
159 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
160 | uint16_t    | port                | The peer's listen port.                |
161 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
164 scraping
165 --------
167 Client sends packet:
169 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
170 | size        | name                | description                            |
171 +=============+=====================+========================================+
172 | int64_t     | connection_id       | The connection id retreived from the   |
173 |             |                     | establishing of the connection.        |
174 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
175 | int32_t     | action              | The action, in this case, 2 for        |
176 |             |                     | scrape. See actions_.                  |
177 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
178 | int32_t     | transaction_id      | Randomized by client.                  |
179 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
181 The following structure is repeated for each info-hash to scrape, but limited by
182 the MTU.
184 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
185 | size        | name                | description                            |
186 +=============+=====================+========================================+
187 | int8_t[20]  | info_hash           | The info hash that is to be scraped.   |
188 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
191 Server replies with packet:
193 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
194 | size        | name                | description                            |
195 +=============+=====================+========================================+
196 | int32_t     | action              | The action, should in this case be     |
197 |             |                     | 2 for scrape.                          |
198 |             |                     | If 3 (for error) see errors_.          |
199 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
200 | int32_t     | transaction_id      | Must match the sent transaction id.    |
201 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
203 The rest of the packet contains the following structures once for each info-hash
204 you asked in the scrape request.
206 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
207 | size        | name                | description                            |
208 +=============+=====================+========================================+
209 | int32_t     | complete            | The total number of completed          |
210 |             |                     | downloads.                             |
211 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
212 | int32_t     | downloaded          | The current number of connected seeds. |
213 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
214 | int32_t     | incomplete          | The current number of connected        |
215 |             |                     | leechers.                              |
216 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
219 errors
220 ------
222 In case of a tracker error,
224 server replies packet:
226 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
227 | size        | name                | description                            |
228 +=============+=====================+========================================+
229 | int32_t     | action              | The action, in this case 3, for error. |
230 |             |                     | See actions_.                          |
231 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
232 | int32_t     | transaction_id      | Must match the transaction_id sent     |
233 |             |                     | from the client.                       |
234 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
235 | int8_t[]    | error_string        | The rest of the packet is a string     |
236 |             |                     | describing the error.                  |
237 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
240 actions
241 -------
243 The action fields has the following encoding:
245         * connect = 0
246         * announce = 1
247         * scrape = 2
248         * error = 3 (only in server replies)
251 extensions
252 ----------
254 The extensions field is a bitmask. The following
255 bits are assigned:
257         * 1 = authentication_.
261 authentication
262 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
264 The packet will have an authentication part
265 appended to it. It has the following format:
267 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
268 | size        | name                | description                            |
269 +=============+=====================+========================================+
270 | int8_t      | username_length     | The number of characters in the        |
271 |             |                     | username.                              |
272 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
273 | int8_t[]    | username            | The username, the number of characters |
274 |             |                     | as specified in the previous field.    |
275 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
276 | uint8_t[8]  | passwd_hash         | sha1(packet + sha1(password))          |
277 |             |                     | The packet in this case means the      |
278 |             |                     | entire packet except these 8 bytes     |
279 |             |                     | that are the password hash. These are  |
280 |             |                     | the 8 first bytes (most significant)   |
281 |             |                     | from the 20 bytes hash calculated.     |
282 +-------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+
285 credits
286 -------
288 Protocol designed by Olaf van der Spek