Revert "Update"
[lift.git] / dev / copy-file.lisp
1 ;;;;
2 ;;; directly pullled from metatilities, sigh
4 (in-package #:lift)
5 ;(in-package #:metatilities)
7 (defcondition (source/target-file-error
8 :documentation
9 "General condition for file errors that have a source and target."
10 :exportp nil)
11 (file-error)
12 (source-pathname target-pathname)
13 "Copy of ~S to ~S failed"
14 source-pathname target-pathname)
16 (defcondition (source/target-target-already-exists-error
17 :documentation
18 "This error is signaled when the target pathname already exists."
19 :exportp nil
20 :slot-names (source-pathname target-pathname))
21 (source/target-file-error)
23 "File action failed because target ~S already exists"
24 target-pathname)
26 (defcondition (source/target-source-does-not-exist-error
27 :documentation
28 "This error is signaled when the source file does not exist."
29 :exportp nil
30 :slot-names (source-pathname target-pathname))
31 (source/target-file-error)
33 "File action failed because source ~S does not exist"
34 source-pathname)
36 (defun copy-file (from to &key (if-does-not-exist :error)
37 (if-exists :error))
38 "Copies the file designated by the non-wild pathname designator FROM
39 to the file designated by the non-wild pathname designator TO. The following
40 keyword parameters are supported:
42 * :if-exists
43 this can be either :supersede or :error (the default). If it is :error then
44 a source/target-target-already-exists-error will be signaled if the file designated
45 by the TO pathname already exists.
47 * :if-does-not-exist
48 this can be either :ignore or :error (the default). If it is :error then
49 a source/target-source-does-not-exist-error will be signaled if the FROM pathname
50 designator does not exist.
52 (assert (member if-exists '(:error :supersede))
53 nil
54 "The if-exists keyword parameter must be one of :error or :supersede. It is currently set to ~S"
55 if-exists)
56 (assert (member if-does-not-exist '(:error :ignore))
57 nil
58 "The if-does-not-exist keyword parameter must be one of :error or :ignore. It is currently set to ~S"
59 if-does-not-exist)
60 (ensure-directories-exist to)
61 (cond ((probe-file from)
62 #+:allegro
63 (excl.osi:copy-file
64 from to
65 :overwrite (if (eq if-exists :supersede) :ignore nil))
66 #-:allegro
67 (let ((element-type #-:cormanlisp '(unsigned-byte 8)
68 #+:cormanlisp 'unsigned-byte))
69 (with-open-file (in from :element-type element-type)
70 (with-open-file (out to :element-type element-type
71 :direction :output
72 :if-exists if-exists)
73 (unless out
74 (error (make-condition 'source/target-target-already-exists
75 :pathname from
76 :target-pathname to)))
77 (copy-stream in out))))
78 (values t))
80 ;; no source file!
81 (ecase if-does-not-exist
82 ((:error) (error 'source/target-source-does-not-exist-error
83 :pathname from :target-pathname to))
84 ((:ignore) nil)))))
86 (defun move-file (from to &rest args &key (if-does-not-exist :error)
87 (if-exists :error))
88 (declare (dynamic-extent args)
89 (ignore if-exists if-does-not-exist))
90 (when (apply #'copy-file from to args)
91 (delete-file from)))
93 ;;; borrowed from asdf-install -- how did this ever work ?!
94 ;; for non-SBCL we just steal this from SB-EXECUTABLE
95 #-(or :digitool)
96 (defvar *stream-buffer-size* 8192)
97 #-(or :digitool)
98 (defun copy-stream (from to)
99 "Copy into TO from FROM until end of the input stream, in blocks of
100 *stream-buffer-size*. The streams should have the same element type."
101 (unless (subtypep (stream-element-type to) (stream-element-type from))
102 (error "Incompatible streams ~A and ~A." from to))
103 (let ((buf (make-array *stream-buffer-size*
104 :element-type (stream-element-type from))))
105 (loop
106 (let ((pos #-(or :clisp :cmu) (read-sequence buf from)
107 #+:clisp (ext:read-byte-sequence buf from :no-hang nil)
108 #+:cmu (sys:read-n-bytes from buf 0 *stream-buffer-size* nil)))
109 (when (zerop pos) (return))
110 (write-sequence buf to :end pos)))))
112 #+:digitool
113 (defun copy-stream (from to)
114 "Perform copy and map EOL mode."
115 (multiple-value-bind (reader reader-arg) (ccl::stream-reader from)
116 (multiple-value-bind (writer writer-arg) (ccl::stream-writer to)
117 (let ((datum nil))
118 (loop (unless (setf datum (funcall reader reader-arg))
119 (return))
120 (funcall writer writer-arg datum))))))