1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from input/new
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
6 lsrtags
= "expressive-marks"
8 In order to make parts of a crescendo hairpin invisible, the following
9 method is used: A white rectangle is drawn on top of the respective
10 part of the crescendo hairpin, making it invisible. The rectangle is
11 defined as postscript code within a text markup.
13 To fine-tune the position and size of the markup, the number
14 preceding @code{setgray} in the postscript definition can be set to a
15 value less than one, making it grey. The two numbers before @code{scale}
16 in the postscript code are responsible for the width and height of the
17 rectangle, the two numbers before @code{translate} change the x- and
18 y-origin of the rectangle.
20 Make sure to put the hairpin in a lower layer than the text markup to
21 draw the rectangle over the hairpin.
23 doctitle
= "Broken crescendo hairpin"
29 \override DynamicLineSpanner
= #4
32 \override DynamicLineSpanner
= #0
34 \override TextScript
= #2
36 \postscript #"1.9 -8 translate 5 4 scale 1 setgray 0 0 moveto 0 1
37 lineto 1 1 lineto 1 0 lineto 0 0 lineto fill"
39 r
8. des4 ~