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1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from LSR
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.48"
5 \header {
6 lsrtags = "rhythms, text"
8 texidoc = "
9 This example shows how to add a markup command to get a three sided box
10 around some text (or other markup).
13 doctitle = "Three-sided box"
14 } % begin verbatim
15 % New command to add a three sided box, with sides north, west and south
16 % Based on the box-stencil command defined in scm/stencil.scm
17 % Note that you use ";" to comment a line in Scheme
18 #(define-public (NWS-box-stencil stencil thickness padding)
19 "Add a box around STENCIL, producing a new stencil."
20 (let* ((x-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent stencil 0) padding))
21 (y-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent stencil 1) padding))
22 (y-rule (make-filled-box-stencil (cons 0 thickness) y-ext))
23 (x-rule (make-filled-box-stencil
24 (interval-widen x-ext thickness) (cons 0 thickness))))
25 ; (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil X 1 y-rule padding))
26 (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil X -1 y-rule padding))
27 (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil Y 1 x-rule 0.0))
28 (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil Y -1 x-rule 0.0))
29 stencil))
31 % The corresponding markup command, based on the \box command defined
32 % in scm/define-markup-commands.scm
33 #(define-markup-command (NWS-box layout props arg) (markup?)
34 "Draw a box round @var{arg}. Looks at @code{thickness},
35 @code{box-padding} and @code{font-size} properties to determine line
36 thickness and padding around the markup."
38 (let* ((th (chain-assoc-get 'thickness props 0.1))
39 (size (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0))
40 (pad (* (magstep size)
41 (chain-assoc-get 'box-padding props 0.2)))
42 (m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
43 (NWS-box-stencil m th pad)))
46 % Test it:
48 \layout { ragged-right = ##f }
50 \relative c' {
51 c2^\markup { \NWS-box ABCD }
52 c^\markup { \NWS-box \note #"4" #1.0 }