3 % candidate for regression. -gp
5 texidoc
="Converting LilyPond input to MIDI and then again back with
6 @code{midi2ly.py} is a reversible procedure in some simple cases,
7 which mean that the original @code{.ly} -file and the one converted
8 back from the generated @code{.midi} -file do not differ.
9 Here are produced some scales.
17 lilypond input/test/midi-scales.ly
18 midi2ly midi-scales.midi
19 diff -u input/test/midi-scales.ly midi-scales-midi.ly
21 should show no differences at all in \key commands or notes.
23 Therefore, do not reformat this file unless midi2ly changes.
25 1.7.30 reformatted, because
26 midi2ly now outpts 1 bar per line and adds bar checks and numbers.
30 scales = \relative c {
32 % [INSTRUMENT_NAME] bright acoustic
33 \key c \major % sharp-major
65 \key a \minor % sharp-minor
97 \key f \major % flat-major
125 \key d \minor % flat-minor
155 \context Voice \scales