4 texidoc
= "Slur formatting is based on scoring. A large number of
5 slurs are generated. Each esthetic aspect gets demerits, the best
6 configuration (with least demerits) wins. This must be tested in
7 one big file, since changing one score parameter for one situation
8 may affect several other situations.
10 Tunable parameters are in @file{scm/slur.scm}.
18 % #(define debug-slur-scoring #t)
23 \grace e=''16( d8.[) c16]
24 d=''8.[ \grace f16( e16)]
26 << {c=''8.([ es16] bes4~
bes )}
28 {r
8 <as es> r
<f des> r
30 \new Voice
{ \voiceOne b='8[ c16( d]) }
31 g='8[( a b b! ] c4 bes)
32 bes='8( f' des bes) as4( bes)
34 cis=''4( d) f'=''16( e) d( c)
37 c'=''2(~
c8 d16 c b8 a)
43 <g b>_( \stemDown g \stemNeutral <b d>)
50 { s2 \grace { b16[ c] } } >>
54 |
<< { b='8[( c]) } \\
62 \clef bass
a=8[ e16(f] g[ a b d,)] s4 |
63 e=8[( f] g[ a b d,)] s4 |
68 c=''4(^"slurs forced down" d, c') s4
69 f=''2( d4 f |
g c a f |
d c f2 |
f1) |
72 % \override Slur #'eccentricity = #-2
73 c=''8 ( d[ b f d] a'[ c])