Revert "Fix syntax error in"
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1 \header{
3 texidoc = "Skyline horizontal spacing may fold non-adjacent columns
4 together, but they still do not collide. In this case, the arpeggio
5 and the barline do not collide."
9 \version "2.11.13"
11 \paper
13 ragged-right = ##t
16 \new Staff
17 \relative c
19 \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'stencil = #ly:paper-column::print
20 \time 6/8
21 \clef bass
22 s2. |
23 \relative c <<
25 <des ges b des>4\arpeggio
29 \acciaccatura ges,8 \voiceTwo ges4