[PATCH] PCI: add MODALIAS to hotplug event for pci devices
[linux-2.6/verdex.git] / arch / ppc / boot / simple / rw4 / rw4_init_brd.S
1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2 |       This source code has been made available to you by IBM on an AS-IS
3 |       basis.  Anyone receiving this source is licensed under IBM
4 |       copyrights to use it in any way he or she deems fit, including
5 |       copying it, modifying it, compiling it, and redistributing it either
6 |       with or without modifications.  No license under IBM patents or
7 |       patent applications is to be implied by the copyright license.
9 |       Any user of this software should understand that IBM cannot provide
10 |       technical support for this software and will not be responsible for
11 |       any consequences resulting from the use of this software.
13 |       Any person who transfers this source code or any derivative work
14 |       must include the IBM copyright notice, this paragraph, and the
15 |       preceding two paragraphs in the transferred software.
17 |       COPYRIGHT   I B M   CORPORATION 1997
19 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
21 | Author:    Tony J. Cerreto
22 | Component: BSPS
23 | File:      init_brd.s
24 | Purpose:   Vesta Evaluation Board initialization subroutines.  The following
25 |            routines are available:
26 |              1. INITB_EBIU0:    Initialize EBIU0.
27 |              2. INITB_CONFIG:   Configure board.
28 |              3. INITB_HSMC0:    Initialize HSMC0 (SDRAM).
29 |              4. INITB_HSMC1:    Initialize HSMC1 (SDRAM).
30 |              5. INITB_CACHE:    Initialize Data and Instruction Cache.
31 |              6. INITB_DCACHE:   Initialize Data Cache.
32 |              7. INITB_ICACHE:   Initialize Instruction Cache.
33 |              8. INITB_GET_CSPD: Get CPU Speed (Bus Speed and Processor Speed)
35 | Changes:
36 | Date:      Author  Comment:
37 | ---------  ------  --------
38 | 01-Mar-00  tjc     Created
39 | 04-Mar-00  jfh     Modified CIC_SEL3_VAL to support 1284 (Mux3 & GPIO 21-28)
40 | 04-Mar-00  jfh     Modified XILINIX Reg 0 to support 1284 (Mux3 & GPIO 21-28)
41 | 04-Mar-00  jfh     Modified XILINIX Reg 1 to support 1284 (Mux3 & GPIO 21-28)
42 | 04-Mar-00  jfh     Modified XILINIX Reg 4 to support 1284 (Mux3 & GPIO 21-28)
43 | 19-May-00  rlb     Relcoated HSMC0 to 0x1F000000 to support 32MB of contiguous
44 |                    SDRAM space.  Changed cache ctl regs to reflect this.
45 | 22-May-00  tjc     Changed initb_get_cspd interface and eliminated
46 |                    initb_get_bspd routines.
47 | 26-May-00  tjc     Added two nop instructions after all mtxxx/mfxxx
48 |                    instructions due to PPC405 bug.
49 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
50 #define VESTA
51 #include "ppc_40x.h"
52 #include "stb.h"
54 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
56 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
57 #define CBS0_CR_VAL          0x00000002          /* CBS control reg value    */
58 #define CIC0_CR_VAL          0xD0800448          /* CIC control reg value    */
59 #define CIC0_SEL3_VAL        0x11500000          /* CIC select 3 reg value   */
60 #define CIC0_VCR_VAL         0x00631700          /* CIC video cntl reg value */
62 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
64 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
65 #define EBIU0_BRCRH0_VAL     0x00000000          /* BR High 0 (Extension Reg)*/
66 #define EBIU0_BRCRH1_VAL     0x00000000          /* BR High 1 (Extension Reg)*/
67 #define EBIU0_BRCRH2_VAL     0x40000000          /* BR High 2 (Extension Reg)*/
68 #define EBIU0_BRCRH3_VAL     0x40000000          /* BR High 3 (Extension Reg)*/
69 #define EBIU0_BRCRH4_VAL     0x00000000          /* BR High 4 (Extension Reg)*/
70 #define EBIU0_BRCRH5_VAL     0x00000000          /* BR High 5 (Extension Reg)*/
71 #define EBIU0_BRCRH6_VAL     0x00000000          /* BR High 6 (Extension Reg)*/
72 #define EBIU0_BRCRH7_VAL     0x40000000          /* BR High 7 (Extension Reg)*/
74 #define EBIU0_BRCR0_VAL      0xFC58BFFE          /* BR 0: 16 bit Flash  4 MB */
75 #define EBIU0_BRCR1_VAL      0xFF00BFFE          /* BR 1: Ext Connector 1 MB */
76 #if 1
77 #define EBIU0_BRCR2_VAL      0x207CFFBE          /* BR 2: Xilinx        8 MB */
78                                                  /* twt == 0x3f              */
79 #else
80 #define EBIU0_BRCR2_VAL      0x207CCFBE          /* BR 2: Xilinx        8 MB */
81                                                  /* twt == 0x0f              */
82 #endif
83 #define EBIU0_BRCR3_VAL      0x407CBFBE          /* BR 3: IDE Drive     8 MB */
84 #define EBIU0_BRCR4_VAL      0xFF00BFFF          /* BR 4: Disabled.     0 MB */
85 #define EBIU0_BRCR5_VAL      0xFF00BFFF          /* BR 5: Disabled.     0 MB */
86 #define EBIU0_BRCR6_VAL      0xFF00BFFF          /* BR 6: Disabled.     0 MB */
87 #define EBIU0_BRCR7_VAL      0xCE3F0003          /* BR 7: Line Mode DMA 2 MB */
89 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
91 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
92 #define STB_GPIO0_OUTPUT     (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x00)
93 #define STB_GPIO0_TC         (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x04)
94 #define STB_GPIO0_OS_0_31    (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x08)
95 #define STB_GPIO0_OS_32_63   (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x0C)
96 #define STB_GPIO0_TS_0_31    (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x10)
97 #define STB_GPIO0_TS_32_63   (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x14)
98 #define STB_GPIO0_OD         (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x18)
99 #define STB_GPIO0_INPUT      (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x1C)
100 #define STB_GPIO0_R1         (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x20)
101 #define STB_GPIO0_R2         (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x24)
102 #define STB_GPIO0_R3         (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x28)
103 #define STB_GPIO0_IS_1_0_31  (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x30)
104 #define STB_GPIO0_IS_1_32_63 (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x34)
105 #define STB_GPIO0_IS_2_0_31  (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x38)
106 #define STB_GPIO0_IS_2_32_63 (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x3C)
107 #define STB_GPIO0_IS_3_0_31  (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x40)
108 #define STB_GPIO0_IS_3_32_63 (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x44)
109 #define STB_GPIO0_SS_1       (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x50)
110 #define STB_GPIO0_SS_2       (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x54)
111 #define STB_GPIO0_SS_3       (STB_GPIO0_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x58)
113 #define GPIO0_TC_VAL         0x0C020004          /* three-state control val  */
114 #define GPIO0_OS_0_31_VAL    0x51A00004          /* output select 0-31  val  */
115 #define GPIO0_OS_32_63_VAL   0x0000002F          /* output select 32-63 val  */
116 #define GPIO0_TS_0_31_VAL    0x51A00000          /* three-state sel 0-31  val*/
117 #define GPIO0_TS_32_63_VAL   0x0000000F          /* three-state sel 32-63 val*/
118 #define GPIO0_OD_VAL         0xC0000004          /* open drain val           */
119 #define GPIO0_IS_1_0_31_VAL  0x50000151          /* input select 1 0-31  val */
120 #define GPIO0_IS_1_32_63_VAL 0x00000000          /* input select 1 32-63 val */
121 #define GPIO0_IS_2_0_31_VAL  0x00000000          /* input select 2 0-31  val */
122 #define GPIO0_IS_2_32_63_VAL 0x00000000          /* input select 2 32-63 val */
123 #define GPIO0_IS_3_0_31_VAL  0x00000440          /* input select 3 0-31  val */
124 #define GPIO0_IS_3_32_63_VAL 0x00000000          /* input select 3 32-63 val */
125 #define GPIO0_SS_1_VAL       0x00000000          /* sync select 1 val        */
126 #define GPIO0_SS_2_VAL       0x00000000          /* sync select 2 val        */
127 #define GPIO0_SS_3_VAL       0x00000000          /* sync select 3 val        */
129 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
131 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
132 #define STB_XILINX_LED       (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x0100)
133 #define STB_XILINX1_REG0     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x40000)
134 #define STB_XILINX1_REG1     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x40002)
135 #define STB_XILINX1_REG2     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x40004)
136 #define STB_XILINX1_REG3     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x40006)
137 #define STB_XILINX1_REG4     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x40008)
138 #define STB_XILINX1_REG5     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x4000A)
139 #define STB_XILINX1_REG6     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x4000C)
140 #define STB_XILINX1_ID       (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x4000E)
142 #define STB_XILINX2_REG0     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x80000)
143 #define STB_XILINX2_REG1     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x80002)
144 #define STB_XILINX2_REG2     (STB_FPGA_BASE_ADDRESS+ 0x80004)
146 #define XILINX1_R0_VAL       0x2440              /* Xilinx 1 Register 0 Val  */
147 #define XILINX1_R1_VAL       0x0025              /* Xilinx 1 Register 1 Val  */
148 #define XILINX1_R2_VAL       0x0441              /* Xilinx 1 Register 2 Val  */
149 #define XILINX1_R3_VAL       0x0008              /* Xilinx 1 Register 3 Val  */
150 #define XILINX1_R4_VAL       0x0100              /* Xilinx 1 Register 4 Val  */
151 #define XILINX1_R5_VAL       0x6810              /* Xilinx 1 Register 5 Val  */
152 #define XILINX1_R6_VAL       0x0000              /* Xilinx 1 Register 6 Val  */
153 #if 0
154 #define XILINX2_R0_VAL       0x0008              /* Xilinx 2 Register 0 Val  */
155 #define XILINX2_R1_VAL       0x0000              /* Xilinx 2 Register 1 Val  */
156 #else
157 #define XILINX2_R0_VAL       0x0018              /* disable IBM IrDA RxD     */
158 #define XILINX2_R1_VAL       0x0008              /* enable SICC MAX chip     */
159 #endif
160 #define XILINX2_R2_VAL       0x0000              /* Xilinx 2 Register 2 Val  */
162 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
164 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
165 #ifdef SDRAM16MB
166 #define HSMC0_BR0_VAL        0x000D2D55          /* 0x1F000000-007FFFFF R/W  */
167 #define HSMC0_BR1_VAL        0x008D2D55          /* 0x1F800000-1FFFFFFF R/W  */
168 #else
169 #define HSMC0_BR0_VAL        0x1F0D2D55          /* 0x1F000000-007FFFFF R/W  */
170 #define HSMC0_BR1_VAL        0x1F8D2D55          /* 0x1F800000-1FFFFFFF R/W  */
171 #endif
172 #define HSMC1_BR0_VAL        0xA00D2D55          /* 0xA0000000-A07FFFFF R/W  */
173 #define HSMC1_BR1_VAL        0xA08D2D55          /* 0xA0800000-A0FFFFFF R/W  */
175 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
177 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
178 #define DCACHE_NLINES               128          /* no. D-cache lines        */
179 #define DCACHE_NBYTES                32          /* no. bytes/ D-cache line  */
180 #define ICACHE_NLINES               256          /* no. I-cache lines        */
181 #define ICACHE_NBYTES                32          /* no. bytes/ I-cache line  */
182 #ifdef SDRAM16MB
183 #define DCACHE_ENABLE        0x80000000          /* D-cache regions to enable*/
184 #define ICACHE_ENABLE        0x80000001          /* I-cache regions to enable*/
185 #else
186 #define DCACHE_ENABLE        0x18000000          /* D-cache regions to enable*/
187 #define ICACHE_ENABLE        0x18000001          /* I-cache regions to enable*/
188 #endif
190 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
192 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
193 #define GCS_LCNT                 500000          /* CPU speed loop count     */
194 #define GCS_TROW_BYTES                8          /* no. bytes in table row   */
195 #define GCS_CTICK_TOL               100          /* allowable clock tick tol */
196 #define GCS_NMULT                     4          /* no. of core speed mults  */
198         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
199         |        No. 13.5Mhz
200         |        Clock Ticks
201         |        based on a
202         |        loop count    Bus
203         |        of 100,000    Speed
204         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
205 gcs_lookup_table:
206         .int           50000,  54000000          /* 54.0 Mhz                 */
207         .int           66667,  40500000          /* 40.5 Mhz                 */
208         .int           54545,  49500000          /* 49.5 Mhz                 */
209         .int           46154,  58500000          /* 58.5 Mhz                 */
210         .int               0,         0          /* end of table flag        */
213 /*****************************************************************************+
215 |  XX   X   XX XX    X XX X   XX   X   XX  XX  XXX  XX    XXXX    XX
216 |  XX X      XXX       XX     XX X     XX  XX  XXXX XX   XX  XX   XX
217 |  XXXX       X        XX     XXXX     XXXXX   XX XXXX   XX  XX   XX
218 |  XX X      XXX       XX     XX X     XX XX   XX  XXX   XXXXXX   XX
219 |  XX   X   XX XX      XX     XX   X   XX  XX  XX   XX   XX  XX   XX  XX
221 +*****************************************************************************/
222 /******************************************************************************
224 | Routine:    INITB_EBIU0.
226 | Purpose:    Initialize all the EBIU0 Bank Registers
227 | Parameters: None.
228 | Returns:    None.
230 ******************************************************************************/
231         function_prolog(initb_ebiu0)
232         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
233         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 0
234         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
235         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR0_VAL@h
236         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR0_VAL@l
237         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr0,r10
238         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH0_VAL@h
239         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH0_VAL@l
240         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh0,r10
242         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
243         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 1
244         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
245         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR1_VAL@h
246         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR1_VAL@l
247         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr1,r10
248         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH1_VAL@h
249         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH1_VAL@l
250         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh1,r10
252         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
253         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 2
254         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
255         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR2_VAL@h
256         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR2_VAL@l
257         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr2,r10
258         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH2_VAL@h
259         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH2_VAL@l
260         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh2,r10
262         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
263         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 3
264         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
265         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR3_VAL@h
266         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR3_VAL@l
267         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr3,r10
268         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH3_VAL@h
269         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH3_VAL@l
270         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh3,r10
272         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
273         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 4
274         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
275         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR4_VAL@h
276         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR4_VAL@l
277         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr4,r10
278         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH4_VAL@h
279         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH4_VAL@l
280         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh4,r10
282         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
283         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 5
284         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
285         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR5_VAL@h
286         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR5_VAL@l
287         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr5,r10
288         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH5_VAL@h
289         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH5_VAL@l
290         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh5,r10
292         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
293         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 6
294         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
295         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR6_VAL@h
296         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR6_VAL@l
297         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr6,r10
298         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH6_VAL@h
299         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH6_VAL@l
300         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh6,r10
302         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
303         |  Set EBIU0 Bank 7
304         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
305         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCR7_VAL@h
306         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCR7_VAL@l
307         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcr7,r10
308         lis     r10,EBIU0_BRCRH7_VAL@h
309         ori     r10,r10,EBIU0_BRCRH7_VAL@l
310         mtdcr   ebiu0_brcrh7,r10
312         blr
313         function_epilog(initb_ebiu0)
316 /******************************************************************************
318 | Routine:    INITB_CONFIG
320 | Purpose:    Configure the Vesta Evaluation Board.  The following items
321 |             will be configured:
322 |               1.  Cross-Bar Switch.
323 |               2.  Chip Interconnect.
324 |               3.  Clear/reset key PPC registers.
325 |               4.  Xilinx and GPIO Registers.
327 | Returns:    None.
329 ******************************************************************************/
330         function_prolog(initb_config)
331         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
332         |  Init CROSS-BAR SWITCH
333         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
334         lis     r10,CBS0_CR_VAL@h                /* r10 <- CBS Cntl Reg val  */
335         ori     r10,r10,CBS0_CR_VAL@l
336         mtdcr   cbs0_cr,r10
338         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
339         |  Init Chip-Interconnect (CIC) Registers
340         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
341         lis     r10,CIC0_CR_VAL@h                /* r10 <- CIC Cntl Reg val  */
342         ori     r10,r10,CIC0_CR_VAL@l
343         mtdcr   cic0_cr,r10
345         lis     r10,CIC0_SEL3_VAL@h              /* r10 <- CIC SEL3 Reg val  */
346         ori     r10,r10,CIC0_SEL3_VAL@l
347         mtdcr   cic0_sel3,r10
349         lis     r10,CIC0_VCR_VAL@h               /* r10 <- CIC Vid C-Reg val */
350         ori     r10,r10,CIC0_VCR_VAL@l
351         mtdcr   cic0_vcr,r10
353         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
354         | Clear SGR and DCWR
355         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
356         li      r10,0x0000
357         mtspr   sgr,r10
358         mtspr   dcwr,r10
360         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
361         | Clear/set up some machine state registers.
362         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
363         li      r10,0x0000                       /* r10 <- 0                 */
364         mtdcr   ebiu0_besr,r10                   /* clr Bus Err Syndrome Reg */
365         mtspr   esr,r10                          /* clr Exceptn Syndrome Reg */
366         mttcr   r10                              /* timer control register   */
368         mtdcr   uic0_er,r10                      /* disable all interrupts   */
370         /* UIC_IIC0 | UIC_IIC1 | UIC_U0 | UIC_IR_RCV | UIC_IR_XMIT */
371         lis     r10,    0x00600e00@h
372         ori     r10,r10,0x00600e00@l
373         mtdcr   uic0_pr,r10
375         li      r10,0x00000020                  /* UIC_EIR1 */
376         mtdcr   uic0_tr,r10
378         lis     r10,0xFFFF                       /* r10 <- 0xFFFFFFFF        */
379         ori     r10,r10,0xFFFF                   /*                          */
380         mtdbsr  r10                              /* clear/reset the dbsr     */
381         mtdcr   uic0_sr,r10                      /* clear pending interrupts */
383         li      r10,0x1000                       /* set Machine Exception bit*/
384         oris    r10,r10,0x2                      /* set Criticl Exception bit*/
385         mtmsr   r10                              /* change MSR               */
387         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
388         |  Clear XER.
389         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
390         li      r10,0x0000
391         mtxer   r10
393         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
394         |  Init GPIO0 Registers
395         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
396         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_TC@h           /* Three-state control      */
397         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_TC@l
398         lis     r11,    GPIO0_TC_VAL@h
399         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_TC_VAL@l
400         stw     r11,0(r10)
402         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_OS_0_31@h      /* output select 0-31       */
403         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_OS_0_31@l
404         lis     r11,    GPIO0_OS_0_31_VAL@h
405         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_OS_0_31_VAL@l
406         stw     r11,0(r10)
408         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_OS_32_63@h     /* output select 32-63      */
409         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_OS_32_63@l
410         lis     r11,    GPIO0_OS_32_63_VAL@h
411         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_OS_32_63_VAL@l
412         stw     r11,0(r10)
414         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_TS_0_31@h      /* three-state select 0-31  */
415         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_TS_0_31@l
416         lis     r11,    GPIO0_TS_0_31_VAL@h
417         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_TS_0_31_VAL@l
418         stw     r11,0(r10)
420         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_TS_32_63@h     /* three-state select 32-63 */
421         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_TS_32_63@l
422         lis     r11,    GPIO0_TS_32_63_VAL@h
423         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_TS_32_63_VAL@l
424         stw     r11,0(r10)
426         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_OD@h           /* open drain               */
427         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_OD@l
428         lis     r11,    GPIO0_OD_VAL@h
429         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_OD_VAL@l
430         stw     r11,0(r10)
432         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_IS_1_0_31@h    /* input select 1, 0-31     */
433         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_IS_1_0_31@l
434         lis     r11,    GPIO0_IS_1_0_31_VAL@h
435         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_IS_1_0_31_VAL@l
436         stw     r11,0(r10)
438         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_IS_1_32_63@h   /* input select 1, 32-63    */
439         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_IS_1_32_63@l
440         lis     r11,    GPIO0_IS_1_32_63_VAL@h
441         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_IS_1_32_63_VAL@l
442         stw     r11,0(r10)
444         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_IS_2_0_31@h    /* input select 2, 0-31     */
445         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_IS_2_0_31@l
446         lis     r11,    GPIO0_IS_2_0_31_VAL@h
447         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_IS_2_0_31_VAL@l
448         stw     r11,0(r10)
450         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_IS_2_32_63@h   /* input select 2, 32-63    */
451         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_IS_2_32_63@l
452         lis     r11,    GPIO0_IS_2_32_63_VAL@h
453         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_IS_2_32_63_VAL@l
454         stw     r11,0(r10)
456         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_IS_3_0_31@h    /* input select 3, 0-31     */
457         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_IS_3_0_31@l
458         lis     r11,    GPIO0_IS_3_0_31_VAL@h
459         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_IS_3_0_31_VAL@l
460         stw     r11,0(r10)
462         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_IS_3_32_63@h   /* input select 3, 32-63    */
463         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_IS_3_32_63@l
464         lis     r11,    GPIO0_IS_3_32_63_VAL@h
465         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_IS_3_32_63_VAL@l
466         stw     r11,0(r10)
468         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_SS_1@h         /* sync select 1            */
469         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_SS_1@l
470         lis     r11,    GPIO0_SS_1_VAL@h
471         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_SS_1_VAL@l
472         stw     r11,0(r10)
474         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_SS_2@h         /* sync select 2            */
475         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_SS_2@l
476         lis     r11,    GPIO0_SS_2_VAL@h
477         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_SS_2_VAL@l
478         stw     r11,0(r10)
480         lis     r10,    STB_GPIO0_SS_3@h         /* sync select 3            */
481         ori     r10,r10,STB_GPIO0_SS_3@l
482         lis     r11,    GPIO0_SS_3_VAL@h
483         ori     r11,r11,GPIO0_SS_3_VAL@l
484         stw     r11,0(r10)
486         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
487         |  Init Xilinx #1 Registers
488         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
489         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_REG0@h       /* init Xilinx1 Reg 0       */
490         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_REG0@l
491         li      r11,XILINX1_R0_VAL
492         sth     r11,0(r10)
494         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_REG1@h       /* init Xilinx1 Reg 1       */
495         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_REG1@l
496         li      r11,XILINX1_R1_VAL
497         sth     r11,0(r10)
499         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_REG2@h       /* init Xilinx1 Reg 2       */
500         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_REG2@l
501         li      r11,XILINX1_R2_VAL
502         sth     r11,0(r10)
504         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_REG3@h       /* init Xilinx1 Reg 3       */
505         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_REG3@l
506         li      r11,XILINX1_R3_VAL
507         sth     r11,0(r10)
509         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_REG4@h       /* init Xilinx1 Reg 4       */
510         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_REG4@l
511         li      r11,XILINX1_R4_VAL
512         sth     r11,0(r10)
514         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_REG5@h       /* init Xilinx1 Reg 5       */
515         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_REG5@l
516         li      r11,XILINX1_R5_VAL
517         sth     r11,0(r10)
519         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_REG6@h       /* init Xilinx1 Reg 6       */
520         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_REG6@l
521         li      r11,XILINX1_R6_VAL
522         sth     r11,0(r10)
524         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX1_FLUSH@h      /* latch registers in Xilinx*/
525         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX1_FLUSH@l
526         li      r11,0x0000
527         sth     r11,0(r10)
529         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
530         |  Init Xilinx #2 Registers
531         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
532         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX2_REG0@h       /* init Xilinx2 Reg 0       */
533         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX2_REG0@l
534         li      r11,XILINX2_R0_VAL
535         sth     r11,0(r10)
537         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX2_REG1@h       /* init Xilinx2 Reg 1       */
538         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX2_REG1@l
539         li      r11,XILINX2_R1_VAL
540         sth     r11,0(r10)
542         lis     r10,    STB_XILINX2_REG2@h       /* init Xilinx2 Reg 2       */
543         ori     r10,r10,STB_XILINX2_REG2@l
544         li      r11,XILINX2_R2_VAL
545         sth     r11,0(r10)
547         blr
548         function_epilog(initb_config)
551 /******************************************************************************
553 | Routine:    INITB_HSMC0.
555 | Purpose:    Initialize the HSMC0 Registers for SDRAM
556 | Parameters: None.
557 | Returns:    R3 =  0: Successful
558 |                = -1: Unsuccessful, SDRAM did not reset properly.
560 ******************************************************************************/
561         function_prolog(initb_hsmc0)
562         mflr    r0                               /* Save return addr         */
564         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
565         |  Set Global SDRAM Controller to recommended default
566         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
567         lis     r10,0x6C00
568         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
569         mtdcr   hsmc0_gr,r10
571         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
572         |  Set HSMC0 Data Register to recommended default
573         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
574         lis     r10,0x0037
575         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
576         mtdcr   hsmc0_data,r10
578         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
579         |  Init HSMC0 Bank Register 0
580         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
581         lis     r10,HSMC0_BR0_VAL@h
582         ori     r10,r10,HSMC0_BR0_VAL@l
583         mtdcr   hsmc0_br0,r10
585         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
586         |  Init HSMC0 Bank Register 1
587         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
588         lis     r10,HSMC0_BR1_VAL@h
589         ori     r10,r10,HSMC0_BR1_VAL@l
590         mtdcr   hsmc0_br1,r10
592         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
593         |  Set HSMC0 Control Reg 0
594         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
595         lis     r10,0x8077                       /* PRECHARGE ALL DEVICE BKS */
596         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
597         mtdcr   hsmc0_cr0,r10
598         li      r3,0x0000
599         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
600         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
601         bne     cr0,hsmc0_err
603         lis     r10,0x8078                       /* AUTO-REFRESH             */
604         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
605         mtdcr   hsmc0_cr0,r10
606         li      r3,0x0000
607         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
608         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
609         bne     cr0,hsmc0_err
611         lis     r10,0x8070                       /* PROG MODE W/DATA REG VAL */
612         ori     r10,r10,0x8000
613         mtdcr   hsmc0_cr0,r10
614         li      r3,0x0000
615         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
616         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
617         bne     hsmc0_err
619         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
620         |  Set HSMC0 Control Reg 1
621         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
622         lis     r10,0x8077                       /* PRECHARGE ALL DEVICE BKS */
623         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
624         mtdcr   hsmc0_cr1,r10
625         li      r3,0x0001
626         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
627         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
628         bne     cr0,hsmc0_err
630         lis     r10,0x8078                       /* AUTO-REFRESH             */
631         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
632         mtdcr   hsmc0_cr1,r10
633         li      r3,0x0001
634         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
635         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
636         bne     cr0,hsmc0_err
638         lis     r10,0x8070                       /* PROG MODE W/DATA REG VAL */
639         ori     r10,r10,0x8000
640         mtdcr   hsmc0_cr1,r10
641         li      r3,0x0001
642         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
643         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
644         bne     cr0,hsmc0_err
646         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
647         |  Set HSMC0 Refresh Register
648         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
649         lis     r10,0x0FE1
650         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
651         mtdcr   hsmc0_crr,r10
652         li      r3,0
654 hsmc0_err:
655         mtlr    r0
656         blr
657         function_epilog(initb_hsmc0)
660 /******************************************************************************
662 | Routine:    INITB_HSMC1.
664 | Purpose:    Initialize the HSMC1 Registers for SDRAM
665 | Parameters: None.
666 | Returns:    R3 =  0: Successful
667 |                = -1: Unsuccessful, SDRAM did not reset properly.
669 ******************************************************************************/
670         function_prolog(initb_hsmc1)
671         mflr    r0                               /* Save return addr         */
673         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
674         |  Set Global SDRAM Controller to recommended default
675         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
676         lis     r10,0x6C00
677         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
678         mtdcr   hsmc1_gr,r10
680         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
681         |  Set HSMC1 Data Register to recommended default
682         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
683         lis     r10,0x0037
684         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
685         mtdcr   hsmc1_data,r10
687         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
688         |  Init HSMC1 Bank Register 0
689         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
690         lis     r10,HSMC1_BR0_VAL@h
691         ori     r10,r10,HSMC1_BR0_VAL@l
692         mtdcr   hsmc1_br0,r10
694         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
695         |  Init HSMC1 Bank Register 1
696         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
697         lis     r10,HSMC1_BR1_VAL@h
698         ori     r10,r10,HSMC1_BR1_VAL@l
699         mtdcr   hsmc1_br1,r10
701         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
702         |  Set HSMC1 Control Reg 0
703         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
704         lis     r10,0x8077                       /* PRECHARGE ALL DEVICE BANKS    */
705         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
706         mtdcr   hsmc1_cr0,r10
707         li      r3,0x0002
708         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for operation completion */
709         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
710         bne     hsmc1_err
712         lis     r10,0x8078                       /* AUTO-REFRESH                  */
713         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
714         mtdcr   hsmc1_cr0,r10
715         li      r3,0x0002
716         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for operation completion */
717         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
718         bne     hsmc1_err
720         lis     r10,0x8070                       /* PROGRAM MODE W/DATA REG VALUE */
721         ori     r10,r10,0x8000
722         mtdcr   hsmc1_cr0,r10
723         li      r3,0x0002
724         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for operation completion */
725         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
726         bne     hsmc1_err
728         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
729         |  Set HSMC1 Control Reg 1
730         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
731         lis     r10,0x8077                       /* PRECHARGE ALL DEVICE BKS */
732         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
733         mtdcr   hsmc1_cr1,r10
734         li      r3,0x0003
735         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
736         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
737         bne     hsmc1_err
739         lis     r10,0x8078                       /* AUTO-REFRESH             */
740         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
741         mtdcr   hsmc1_cr1,r10
742         li      r3,0x0003
743         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
744         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
745         bne     hsmc1_err
747         lis     r10,0x8070                       /* PROG MODE W/DATA REG VAL */
748         ori     r10,r10,0x8000
749         mtdcr   hsmc1_cr1,r10
750         li      r3,0x0003
751         bl      hsmc_cr_wait                     /* wait for op completion   */
752         cmpwi   cr0,r3,0x0000
753         bne     hsmc1_err
755         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
756         |  Set HSMC1 Refresh Register
757         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
758         lis     r10,0x0FE1
759         ori     r10,r10,0x0000
760         mtdcr   hsmc1_crr,r10
761         xor     r3,r3,r3
763 hsmc1_err:
764         mtlr    r0
765         blr
766         function_epilog(initb_hsmc1)
769 /******************************************************************************
771 | Routine:    INITB_CACHE
773 | Purpose:    This routine will enable Data and Instruction Cache.
774 |             The Data Cache is an 8K two-way set associative and the
775 |             Instruction Cache is an 16K two-way set associative cache.
777 | Parameters: None.
779 | Returns:    None.
781 ******************************************************************************/
782         function_prolog(initb_cache)
783         mflr    r0                               /* Save return addr         */
785         bl      initb_Dcache                     /* enable D-Cache           */
786         bl      initb_Icache                     /* enable I-Cache           */
788         mtlr    r0
789         blr
790        function_epilog(initb_cache)
793 /******************************************************************************
795 | Routine:    INITB_DCACHE
797 | Purpose:    This routine will invalidate all data in the Data Cache and
798 |             then enable D-Cache.  If cache is enabled already, the D-Cache
799 |             will be flushed before the data is invalidated.
801 | Parameters: None.
803 | Returns:    None.
805 ******************************************************************************/
806         function_prolog(initb_Dcache)
807         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
808         |  Flush Data Cache if enabled
809         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
810         mfdccr  r10                              /* r10 <- DCCR              */
811         isync                                    /* ensure prev insts done   */
812         cmpwi   r10,0x00
813         beq     ic_dcinv                         /* D-cache off, invalidate  */
815         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
816         |  Data Cache enabled, force known memory addresses to be Cached
817         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
818         lis     r10,HSMC0_BR0_VAL@h              /* r10 <- first memory loc  */
819         andis.  r10,r10,0xFFF0
820         li      r11,DCACHE_NLINES                /* r11 <- # A-way addresses */
821         addi    r11,r11,DCACHE_NLINES            /* r11 <- # B-way addresses */
822         mtctr   r11                              /* set loop counter         */
824 ic_dcload:
825         lwz     r12,0(r10)                       /* force cache of address   */
826         addi    r10,r10,DCACHE_NBYTES            /* r10 <- next memory loc   */
827         bdnz    ic_dcload
828         sync                                     /* ensure prev insts done   */
829         isync
831         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
832         |  Flush the known memory addresses from Cache
833         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
834         lis     r10,HSMC0_BR0_VAL@h              /* r10 <- first memory loc  */
835         andis.  r10,r10,0xFFF0
836         mtctr   r11                              /* set loop counter         */
838 ic_dcflush:
839         dcbf    0,r10                            /* flush D-cache line       */
840         addi    r10,r10,DCACHE_NBYTES            /* r10 <- next memory loc   */
841         bdnz    ic_dcflush
842         sync                                     /* ensure prev insts done   */
843         isync
845         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
846         |  Disable then invalidate Data Cache
847         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
848         li      r10,0                            /* r10 <- 0                 */
849         mtdccr  r10                              /* disable the D-Cache      */
850         isync                                    /* ensure prev insts done   */
852 ic_dcinv:
853         li      r10,0                            /* r10 <- line address      */
854         li      r11,DCACHE_NLINES                /* r11 <- # lines in cache  */
855         mtctr   r11                              /* set loop counter         */
857 ic_dcloop:
858         dccci   0,r10                            /* invalidate A/B cache lns */
859         addi    r10,r10,DCACHE_NBYTES            /* bump to next line        */
860         bdnz    ic_dcloop
861         sync                                     /* ensure prev insts done   */
862         isync
864         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
865         |  Enable Data Cache
866         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
867         lis     r10,DCACHE_ENABLE@h              /* r10 <- D-cache enable msk*/
868         ori     r10,r10,DCACHE_ENABLE@l
869         mtdccr  r10
870         sync                                     /* ensure prev insts done   */
871         isync
873         blr
874         function_epilog(initb_Dcache)
877 /******************************************************************************
879 | Routine:    INITB_ICACHE
881 | Purpose:    This routine will invalidate all data in the Instruction
882 |             Cache then enable I-Cache.
884 | Parameters: None.
886 | Returns:    None.
888 ******************************************************************************/
889         function_prolog(initb_Icache)
890         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
891         |  Invalidate Instruction Cache
892         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
893         li      r10,0                            /* r10 <- lines address     */
894         iccci   0,r10                            /* invalidate all I-cache   */
895         sync                                     /* ensure prev insts done   */
896         isync
898         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
899         |  Enable Instruction Cache
900         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
901         lis     r10,ICACHE_ENABLE@h              /* r10 <- I-cache enable msk*/
902         ori     r10,r10,ICACHE_ENABLE@l
903         mticcr  r10
904         sync                                     /* ensure prev insts done   */
905         isync
907         blr
908         function_epilog(initb_Icache)
910 #if 0
911 /******************************************************************************
913 | Routine:    INITB_GET_CSPD
915 | Purpose:    Determine the CPU Core Speed.  The 13.5 Mhz Time Base
916 |             Counter (TBC) is used to measure a conditional branch
917 |             instruction.
919 | Parameters: R3 = Address of Bus Speed
920 |             R4 = Address of Core Speed
922 | Returns:    (R3) = >0: Bus Speed.
923 |                     0: Bus Speed not found in Look-Up Table.
924 |             (R4) = >0: Core Speed.
925 |                     0: Core Speed not found in Look-Up Table.
927 | Note:       1. This routine assumes the bdnz branch instruction takes
928 |                two instruction cycles to complete.
929 |             2. This routine must be called before interrupts are enabled.
931 ******************************************************************************/
932         function_prolog(initb_get_cspd)
933         mflr    r0                               /* Save return address      */
934         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
935         |  Set-up timed loop
936         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
937         lis     r9,gcs_time_loop@h               /* r9  <- addr loop instr   */
938         ori     r9,r9,gcs_time_loop@l
939         lis     r10,GCS_LCNT@h                   /* r10 <- loop count        */
940         ori     r10,r10,GCS_LCNT@l
941         mtctr   r10                              /* ctr <- loop count        */
942         lis     r11,STB_TIMERS_TBC@h             /* r11 <- TBC register addr */
943         ori     r11,r11,STB_TIMERS_TBC@l
944         li      r12,0                            /* r12 <- 0                 */
946         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
947         |  Cache timed-loop instruction
948         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
949         icbt    0,r9
950         sync
951         isync
953         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
954         |  Get number of 13.5 Mhz cycles to execute time-loop
955         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
956         stw     r12,0(r11)                       /* reset TBC                */
957 gcs_time_loop:
958         bdnz+   gcs_time_loop                    /* force branch pred taken  */
959         lwz     r5,0(r11)                        /* r5 <- num 13.5 Mhz ticks */
960         li      r6,5                             /* LUT based on 1/5th the...*/
961         divw    r5,r5,r6                         /*..loop count used         */
962         sync
963         isync
965         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
966         |  Look-up core speed based on TBC value
967         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
968         lis     r6,gcs_lookup_table@h            /* r6 <- pts at core spd LUT*/
969         ori     r6,r6,gcs_lookup_table@l
970         bl      gcs_cspd_lookup                  /* find core speed in LUT   */
972         mtlr    r0                               /* set return address       */
973         blr
974         function_epilog(initb_get_cspd)
976 #endif
977 /*****************************************************************************+
979 |  XX    XXX  XX   X XX X   XX   X   XX  XX  XXX  XX    XXXX    XX
980 |  XX    XXXX XX     XX     XX X     XX  XX  XXXX XX   XX  XX   XX
981 |  XX    XX XXXX     XX     XXXX     XXXXX   XX XXXX   XX  XX   XX
982 |  XX    XX  XXX     XX     XX X     XX XX   XX  XXX   XXXXXX   XX
983 |  XX    XX   XX     XX     XX   X   XX  XX  XX   XX   XX  XX   XX  XX
985 +*****************************************************************************/
986 /******************************************************************************
988 | Routine:    HSMC_CR_WAIT
990 | Purpose:    Wait for the HSMC Control Register (bits 12-16) to be reset
991 |             after an auto-refresh, pre-charge or program mode register
992 |             command execution.
994 | Parameters: R3 = HSMC Control Register ID.
995 |                  0: HSMC0 CR0
996 |                  1: HSMC0 CR1
997 |                  2: HSMC1 CR0
998 |                  3: HSMC1 CR1
1000 | Returns:    R3 = 0: Successful
1001 |                 -1: Unsuccessful
1003 ******************************************************************************/
1004 hsmc_cr_wait:
1006         li      r11,10                           /* r11 <- retry counter     */
1007         mtctr   r11                              /* set retry counter        */
1008         mr      r11,r3                           /* r11 <- HSMC CR reg id    */
1010 hsmc_cr_rep:
1011         bdz     hsmc_cr_err                      /* branch if max retries hit*/
1013         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
1014         |  GET HSMCx_CRx value based on HSMC Control Register ID
1015         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1016 try_hsmc0_cr0:                                   /* CHECK IF ID=HSMC0 CR0 REG*/
1017         cmpwi   cr0,r11,0x0000
1018         bne     cr0,try_hsmc0_cr1
1019         mfdcr   r10,hsmc0_cr0                    /* r11 <- HSMC0 CR0 value   */
1020         b       hsmc_cr_read
1022 try_hsmc0_cr1:                                   /* CHECK IF ID=HSMC0 CR1 REG*/
1023         cmpwi   cr0,r11,0x0001
1024         bne     cr0,try_hsmc1_cr0
1025         mfdcr   r10,hsmc0_cr1                    /* r10 <- HSMC0 CR1 value   */
1026         b       hsmc_cr_read
1028 try_hsmc1_cr0:                                   /* CHECK IF ID=HSMC1 CR0 REG*/
1029         cmpwi   cr0,r11,0x0002
1030         bne     cr0,try_hsmc1_cr1
1031         mfdcr   r10,hsmc1_cr0                    /* r10 <- HSMC1 CR0 value   */
1032         b       hsmc_cr_read
1034 try_hsmc1_cr1:                                   /* CHECK IF ID=HSMC1 CR1 REG*/
1035         cmpwi   cr0,r11,0x0003
1036         bne     cr0,hsmc_cr_err
1037         mfdcr   r10,hsmc1_cr1                    /* r10 <- HSMC1 CR1 value   */
1039         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
1040         |  Check if HSMC CR register was reset after command execution
1041         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1042 hsmc_cr_read:
1043         lis     r12,0x000F                       /* create "AND" mask        */
1044         ori     r12,r12,0x8000
1045         and.    r10,r10,r12                      /* r10 <- HSMC CR bits 12-16*/
1046         bne     cr0,hsmc_cr_rep                  /* wait for bits to reset   */
1047         li      r3,0                             /* set return code = success*/
1048         b       hsmc_cr_done
1050 hsmc_cr_err:                                     /* ERROR: SDRAM didn't reset*/
1051         li      r3,-1                            /* set RC=unsuccessful      */
1053 hsmc_cr_done:
1054         blr
1056 #if 0
1057 /******************************************************************************
1059 | Routine:    GCS_CSPD_LOOKUP
1061 | Purpose:    Uses the number of 13.5 Mhz clock ticks found after executing
1062 |             the branch instruction time loop to look-up the CPU Core Speed
1063 |             in the Core Speed Look-up Table.
1065 | Parameters: R3 = Address of Bus Speed
1066 |             R4 = Address of Core Speed
1067 |             R5 = Number of 13.5 Mhz clock ticks found in time loop.
1068 |             R6 = Pointer to Core-Speed Look-Up Table
1070 | Returns:    (R3) = >0: Bus Speed.
1071 |                     0: Bus Speed not found in Look-Up Table.
1072 |             (R4) = >0: Core Speed.
1073 |                     0: Core Speed not found in Look-Up Table.
1075 | Note:       Core Speed = Bus Speed * Mult Factor (1-4x).
1077 ******************************************************************************/
1078 gcs_cspd_lookup:
1080         li      r9,1                             /* r9 <- core speed mult    */
1081         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
1082         |  Get theoritical number 13.5 Mhz ticks for a given Bus Speed from
1083         |  Look-up Table.  Check all mult factors to determine if calculated
1084         |  value matches theoretical value (within a tolerance).
1085         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1086 gcs_cspd_loop:
1087         lwz     r10,0(r6)                        /* r10 <- no. ticks from LUT*/
1088         divw    r10,r10,r9                       /* r10 <- div mult (1-4x)   */
1089         subi    r11,r10,GCS_CTICK_TOL            /* r11 <- no. tks low range */
1090         addi    r12,r10,GCS_CTICK_TOL            /* r12 <- no. tks high range*/
1092         cmpw    cr0,r5,r11                       /* calc value within range? */
1093         blt     gcs_cspd_retry                   /* less than low range      */
1094         cmpw    cr0,r5,r12
1095         bgt     gcs_cspd_retry                   /* greater than high range  */
1096         b       gcs_cspd_fnd                     /* calc value within range  */
1098         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
1099         |  SO FAR CORE SPEED NOT FOUND: Check next mult factor
1100         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1101 gcs_cspd_retry:
1102         addi    r9,r9,1                          /* bump mult factor (1-4x)  */
1103         cmpwi   cr0,r9,GCS_NMULT
1104         ble     gcs_cspd_loop
1106         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
1107         |  SO FAR CORE SPEED NOT FOUND: Point at next Bus Speed in LUT
1108         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1109         li      r9,1                             /* reset mult factor        */
1110         addi    r6,r6,GCS_TROW_BYTES             /* point at next table entry*/
1111         lwz     r10,0(r6)
1112         cmpwi   cr0,r10,0                        /* check for EOT flag       */
1113         bne     gcs_cspd_loop
1115         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
1117         +--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1118 gcs_cspd_fnd:
1119         lwz     r5,4(r6)                         /*  r5  <- Bus Speed in LUT */
1120         mullw   r6,r5,r9                         /*  r6  <- Core speed       */
1121         stw     r5,0(r3)                         /* (r3) <- Bus Speed        */
1122         stw     r6,0(r4)                         /* (r4) <- Core Speed       */
1124         blr
1125 #endif