Stubdoms are very small Xen PV guests used to run some software components that otherwise live in dom0. This way we reduce the memory and cpu usage of Dom0, improving the overall stability of the system. Currently we use MiniOS as kernel for these PV guests but we would like to see Linux based stubdoms as well. Typical stubdoms are: 1) Qemu based stubdoms, each of them providing devices emulation to a particular HVM guest, running Qemu on MiniOS; 2) oxenstored based stubdom, only one in the system that runs oxenstored on MiniOS. The challenge of this project is to configure a Linux based PV guest running Qemu and/or oxenstored so that the overall memory usage is comparable to the one of a MiniOS based stubdom. Producing a benchmark to measure the resource usage and the level of performances of a Linux stubdom in comparison with a MiniOS stubdom is required. Modifications to the Linux kernel and Qemu are probably needed to reach the goal.