WAN: HDLC: Detach protocol before unregistering device
[linux/fpc-iii.git] / arch / arm / boot / dts / am335x-evm.dts
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
7  */
8 /dts-v1/;
10 #include "am33xx.dtsi"
11 #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
13 / {
14         model = "TI AM335x EVM";
15         compatible = "ti,am335x-evm", "ti,am33xx";
17         cpus {
18                 cpu@0 {
19                         cpu0-supply = <&vdd1_reg>;
20                 };
21         };
23         memory {
24                 device_type = "memory";
25                 reg = <0x80000000 0x10000000>; /* 256 MB */
26         };
28         vbat: fixedregulator@0 {
29                 compatible = "regulator-fixed";
30                 regulator-name = "vbat";
31                 regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
32                 regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
33                 regulator-boot-on;
34         };
36         lis3_reg: fixedregulator@1 {
37                 compatible = "regulator-fixed";
38                 regulator-name = "lis3_reg";
39                 regulator-boot-on;
40         };
42         wlan_en_reg: fixedregulator@2 {
43                 compatible = "regulator-fixed";
44                 regulator-name = "wlan-en-regulator";
45                 regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
46                 regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
48                 /* WLAN_EN GPIO for this board - Bank1, pin16 */
49                 gpio = <&gpio1 16 0>;
51                 /* WLAN card specific delay */
52                 startup-delay-us = <70000>;
53                 enable-active-high;
54         };
56         matrix_keypad: matrix_keypad@0 {
57                 compatible = "gpio-matrix-keypad";
58                 debounce-delay-ms = <5>;
59                 col-scan-delay-us = <2>;
61                 row-gpios = <&gpio1 25 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH         /* Bank1, pin25 */
62                              &gpio1 26 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH         /* Bank1, pin26 */
63                              &gpio1 27 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;       /* Bank1, pin27 */
65                 col-gpios = <&gpio1 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH         /* Bank1, pin21 */
66                              &gpio1 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;       /* Bank1, pin22 */
68                 linux,keymap = <0x0000008b      /* MENU */
69                                 0x0100009e      /* BACK */
70                                 0x02000069      /* LEFT */
71                                 0x0001006a      /* RIGHT */
72                                 0x0101001c      /* ENTER */
73                                 0x0201006c>;    /* DOWN */
74         };
76         gpio_keys: volume_keys@0 {
77                 compatible = "gpio-keys";
78                 #address-cells = <1>;
79                 #size-cells = <0>;
80                 autorepeat;
82                 switch@9 {
83                         label = "volume-up";
84                         linux,code = <115>;
85                         gpios = <&gpio0 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
86                         gpio-key,wakeup;
87                 };
89                 switch@10 {
90                         label = "volume-down";
91                         linux,code = <114>;
92                         gpios = <&gpio0 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
93                         gpio-key,wakeup;
94                 };
95         };
97         backlight {
98                 compatible = "pwm-backlight";
99                 pwms = <&ecap0 0 50000 0>;
100                 brightness-levels = <0 51 53 56 62 75 101 152 255>;
101                 default-brightness-level = <8>;
102         };
104         panel {
105                 compatible = "ti,tilcdc,panel";
106                 status = "okay";
107                 pinctrl-names = "default";
108                 pinctrl-0 = <&lcd_pins_s0>;
109                 panel-info {
110                         ac-bias           = <255>;
111                         ac-bias-intrpt    = <0>;
112                         dma-burst-sz      = <16>;
113                         bpp               = <32>;
114                         fdd               = <0x80>;
115                         sync-edge         = <0>;
116                         sync-ctrl         = <1>;
117                         raster-order      = <0>;
118                         fifo-th           = <0>;
119                 };
121                 display-timings {
122                         800x480p62 {
123                                 clock-frequency = <30000000>;
124                                 hactive = <800>;
125                                 vactive = <480>;
126                                 hfront-porch = <39>;
127                                 hback-porch = <39>;
128                                 hsync-len = <47>;
129                                 vback-porch = <29>;
130                                 vfront-porch = <13>;
131                                 vsync-len = <2>;
132                                 hsync-active = <1>;
133                                 vsync-active = <1>;
134                         };
135                 };
136         };
138         sound {
139                 compatible = "simple-audio-card";
140                 simple-audio-card,name = "AM335x-EVM";
141                 simple-audio-card,widgets =
142                         "Headphone", "Headphone Jack",
143                         "Line", "Line In";
144                 simple-audio-card,routing =
145                         "Headphone Jack",       "HPLOUT",
146                         "Headphone Jack",       "HPROUT",
147                         "LINE1L",               "Line In",
148                         "LINE1R",               "Line In";
149                 simple-audio-card,format = "dsp_b";
150                 simple-audio-card,bitclock-master = <&sound_master>;
151                 simple-audio-card,frame-master = <&sound_master>;
152                 simple-audio-card,bitclock-inversion;
154                 simple-audio-card,cpu {
155                         sound-dai = <&mcasp1>;
156                 };
158                 sound_master: simple-audio-card,codec {
159                         sound-dai = <&tlv320aic3106>;
160                         system-clock-frequency = <12000000>;
161                 };
162         };
165 &am33xx_pinmux {
166         pinctrl-names = "default";
167         pinctrl-0 = <&matrix_keypad_s0 &volume_keys_s0 &clkout2_pin>;
169         matrix_keypad_s0: matrix_keypad_s0 {
170                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
171                         0x54 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)  /* gpmc_a5.gpio1_21 */
172                         0x58 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)  /* gpmc_a6.gpio1_22 */
173                         0x64 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)   /* gpmc_a9.gpio1_25 */
174                         0x68 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)   /* gpmc_a10.gpio1_26 */
175                         0x6c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)   /* gpmc_a11.gpio1_27 */
176                 >;
177         };
179         volume_keys_s0: volume_keys_s0 {
180                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
181                         0x150 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)  /* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
182                         0x154 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)  /* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
183                 >;
184         };
186         i2c0_pins: pinmux_i2c0_pins {
187                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
188                         0x188 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)    /* i2c0_sda.i2c0_sda */
189                         0x18c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)    /* i2c0_scl.i2c0_scl */
190                 >;
191         };
193         i2c1_pins: pinmux_i2c1_pins {
194                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
195                         0x158 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2)    /* spi0_d1.i2c1_sda */
196                         0x15c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2)    /* spi0_cs0.i2c1_scl */
197                 >;
198         };
200         uart0_pins: pinmux_uart0_pins {
201                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
202                         0x170 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)    /* uart0_rxd.uart0_rxd */
203                         0x174 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0) /* uart0_txd.uart0_txd */
204                 >;
205         };
207         uart1_pins: pinmux_uart1_pins {
208                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
209                         0x178 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* uart1_ctsn.uart1_ctsn */
210                         0x17C (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0) /* uart1_rtsn.uart1_rtsn */
211                         0x180 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)    /* uart1_rxd.uart1_rxd */
212                         0x184 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0) /* uart1_txd.uart1_txd */
213                 >;
214         };
216         clkout2_pin: pinmux_clkout2_pin {
217                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
218                         0x1b4 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3) /* xdma_event_intr1.clkout2 */
219                 >;
220         };
222         nandflash_pins_s0: nandflash_pins_s0 {
223                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
224                         0x0 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)      /* gpmc_ad0.gpmc_ad0 */
225                         0x4 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)      /* gpmc_ad1.gpmc_ad1 */
226                         0x8 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)      /* gpmc_ad2.gpmc_ad2 */
227                         0xc (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)      /* gpmc_ad3.gpmc_ad3 */
228                         0x10 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)     /* gpmc_ad4.gpmc_ad4 */
229                         0x14 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)     /* gpmc_ad5.gpmc_ad5 */
230                         0x18 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)     /* gpmc_ad6.gpmc_ad6 */
231                         0x1c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)     /* gpmc_ad7.gpmc_ad7 */
232                         0x70 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)     /* gpmc_wait0.gpmc_wait0 */
233                         0x74 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)     /* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_30 */
234                         0x7c (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* gpmc_csn0.gpmc_csn0  */
235                         0x90 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* gpmc_advn_ale.gpmc_advn_ale */
236                         0x94 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* gpmc_oen_ren.gpmc_oen_ren */
237                         0x98 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* gpmc_wen.gpmc_wen */
238                         0x9c (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpmc_be0n_cle */
239                 >;
240         };
242         ecap0_pins: backlight_pins {
243                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
244                         0x164 0x0       /* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.eCAP0_in_PWM0_out MODE0 */
245                 >;
246         };
248         cpsw_default: cpsw_default {
249                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
250                         /* Slave 1 */
251                         0x114 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* mii1_txen.rgmii1_tctl */
252                         0x118 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)  /* mii1_rxdv.rgmii1_rctl */
253                         0x11c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* mii1_txd3.rgmii1_td3 */
254                         0x120 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* mii1_txd2.rgmii1_td2 */
255                         0x124 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* mii1_txd1.rgmii1_td1 */
256                         0x128 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* mii1_txd0.rgmii1_td0 */
257                         0x12c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* mii1_txclk.rgmii1_tclk */
258                         0x130 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)  /* mii1_rxclk.rgmii1_rclk */
259                         0x134 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)  /* mii1_rxd3.rgmii1_rd3 */
260                         0x138 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)  /* mii1_rxd2.rgmii1_rd2 */
261                         0x13c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)  /* mii1_rxd1.rgmii1_rd1 */
262                         0x140 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)  /* mii1_rxd0.rgmii1_rd0 */
263                 >;
264         };
266         cpsw_sleep: cpsw_sleep {
267                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
268                         /* Slave 1 reset value */
269                         0x114 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
270                         0x118 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
271                         0x11c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
272                         0x120 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
273                         0x124 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
274                         0x128 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
275                         0x12c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
276                         0x130 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
277                         0x134 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
278                         0x138 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
279                         0x13c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
280                         0x140 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
281                 >;
282         };
284         davinci_mdio_default: davinci_mdio_default {
285                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
286                         /* MDIO */
287                         0x148 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | SLEWCTRL_FAST | MUX_MODE0)    /* mdio_data.mdio_data */
288                         0x14c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)                   /* mdio_clk.mdio_clk */
289                 >;
290         };
292         davinci_mdio_sleep: davinci_mdio_sleep {
293                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
294                         /* MDIO reset value */
295                         0x148 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
296                         0x14c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
297                 >;
298         };
300         mmc1_pins: pinmux_mmc1_pins {
301                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
302                         0x160 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) /* spi0_cs1.gpio0_6 */
303                 >;
304         };
306         mmc3_pins: pinmux_mmc3_pins {
307                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
308                         0x44 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)     /* gpmc_a1.mmc2_dat0, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
309                         0x48 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)     /* gpmc_a2.mmc2_dat1, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
310                         0x4C (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)     /* gpmc_a3.mmc2_dat2, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
311                         0x78 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)     /* gpmc_ben1.mmc2_dat3, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
312                         0x88 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)     /* gpmc_csn3.mmc2_cmd, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
313                         0x8C (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)     /* gpmc_clk.mmc2_clk, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
314                 >;
315         };
317         wlan_pins: pinmux_wlan_pins {
318                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
319                         0x40 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)  /* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
320                         0x19C (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7)           /* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
321                         0x1AC (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
322                 >;
323         };
325         lcd_pins_s0: lcd_pins_s0 {
326                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
327                         0x20 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad8.lcd_data23 */
328                         0x24 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad9.lcd_data22 */
329                         0x28 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad10.lcd_data21 */
330                         0x2c (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad11.lcd_data20 */
331                         0x30 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad12.lcd_data19 */
332                         0x34 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad13.lcd_data18 */
333                         0x38 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad14.lcd_data17 */
334                         0x3c (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1)           /* gpmc_ad15.lcd_data16 */
335                         0xa0 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data0.lcd_data0 */
336                         0xa4 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data1.lcd_data1 */
337                         0xa8 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data2.lcd_data2 */
338                         0xac (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data3.lcd_data3 */
339                         0xb0 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data4.lcd_data4 */
340                         0xb4 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data5.lcd_data5 */
341                         0xb8 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data6.lcd_data6 */
342                         0xbc (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data7.lcd_data7 */
343                         0xc0 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data8.lcd_data8 */
344                         0xc4 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data9.lcd_data9 */
345                         0xc8 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data10.lcd_data10 */
346                         0xcc (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data11.lcd_data11 */
347                         0xd0 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data12.lcd_data12 */
348                         0xd4 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data13.lcd_data13 */
349                         0xd8 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data14.lcd_data14 */
350                         0xdc (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_data15.lcd_data15 */
351                         0xe0 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_vsync.lcd_vsync */
352                         0xe4 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_hsync.lcd_hsync */
353                         0xe8 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_pclk.lcd_pclk */
354                         0xec (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)           /* lcd_ac_bias_en.lcd_ac_bias_en */
355                 >;
356         };
358         mcasp1_pins: mcasp1_pins {
359                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
360                         0x10c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE4) /* mii1_crs.mcasp1_aclkx */
361                         0x110 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE4) /* mii1_rxerr.mcasp1_fsx */
362                         0x108 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE4) /* mii1_col.mcasp1_axr2 */
363                         0x144 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE4) /* rmii1_ref_clk.mcasp1_axr3 */
364                 >;
365         };
367         mcasp1_pins_sleep: mcasp1_pins_sleep {
368                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
369                         0x10c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
370                         0x110 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
371                         0x108 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
372                         0x144 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)
373                 >;
374         };
376         dcan1_pins_default: dcan1_pins_default {
377                 pinctrl-single,pins = <
378                         0x168 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE2) /* uart0_ctsn.d_can1_tx */
379                         0x16c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* uart0_rtsn.d_can1_rx */
380                 >;
381         };
384 &uart0 {
385         pinctrl-names = "default";
386         pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
388         status = "okay";
391 &uart1 {
392         pinctrl-names = "default";
393         pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_pins>;
395         status = "okay";
398 &i2c0 {
399         pinctrl-names = "default";
400         pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins>;
402         status = "okay";
403         clock-frequency = <400000>;
405         tps: tps@2d {
406                 reg = <0x2d>;
407         };
410 &usb {
411         status = "okay";
414 &usb_ctrl_mod {
415         status = "okay";
418 &usb0_phy {
419         status = "okay";
422 &usb1_phy {
423         status = "okay";
426 &usb0 {
427         status = "okay";
430 &usb1 {
431         status = "okay";
432         dr_mode = "host";
435 &cppi41dma  {
436         status = "okay";
439 &i2c1 {
440         pinctrl-names = "default";
441         pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_pins>;
443         status = "okay";
444         clock-frequency = <100000>;
446         lis331dlh: lis331dlh@18 {
447                 compatible = "st,lis331dlh", "st,lis3lv02d";
448                 reg = <0x18>;
449                 Vdd-supply = <&lis3_reg>;
450                 Vdd_IO-supply = <&lis3_reg>;
452                 st,click-single-x;
453                 st,click-single-y;
454                 st,click-single-z;
455                 st,click-thresh-x = <10>;
456                 st,click-thresh-y = <10>;
457                 st,click-thresh-z = <10>;
458                 st,irq1-click;
459                 st,irq2-click;
460                 st,wakeup-x-lo;
461                 st,wakeup-x-hi;
462                 st,wakeup-y-lo;
463                 st,wakeup-y-hi;
464                 st,wakeup-z-lo;
465                 st,wakeup-z-hi;
466                 st,min-limit-x = <120>;
467                 st,min-limit-y = <120>;
468                 st,min-limit-z = <140>;
469                 st,max-limit-x = <550>;
470                 st,max-limit-y = <550>;
471                 st,max-limit-z = <750>;
472         };
474         tsl2550: tsl2550@39 {
475                 compatible = "taos,tsl2550";
476                 reg = <0x39>;
477         };
479         tmp275: tmp275@48 {
480                 compatible = "ti,tmp275";
481                 reg = <0x48>;
482         };
484         tlv320aic3106: tlv320aic3106@1b {
485                 #sound-dai-cells = <0>;
486                 compatible = "ti,tlv320aic3106";
487                 reg = <0x1b>;
488                 status = "okay";
490                 /* Regulators */
491                 AVDD-supply = <&vaux2_reg>;
492                 IOVDD-supply = <&vaux2_reg>;
493                 DRVDD-supply = <&vaux2_reg>;
494                 DVDD-supply = <&vbat>;
495         };
498 &lcdc {
499         status = "okay";
502 &elm {
503         status = "okay";
506 &epwmss0 {
507         status = "okay";
509         ecap0: ecap@48300100 {
510                 status = "okay";
511                 pinctrl-names = "default";
512                 pinctrl-0 = <&ecap0_pins>;
513         };
516 &gpmc {
517         status = "okay";
518         pinctrl-names = "default";
519         pinctrl-0 = <&nandflash_pins_s0>;
520         ranges = <0 0 0x08000000 0x1000000>;    /* CS0: 16MB for NAND */
521         nand@0,0 {
522                 reg = <0 0 4>; /* CS0, offset 0, IO size 4 */
523                 ti,nand-ecc-opt = "bch8";
524                 ti,elm-id = <&elm>;
525                 nand-bus-width = <8>;
526                 gpmc,device-width = <1>;
527                 gpmc,sync-clk-ps = <0>;
528                 gpmc,cs-on-ns = <0>;
529                 gpmc,cs-rd-off-ns = <44>;
530                 gpmc,cs-wr-off-ns = <44>;
531                 gpmc,adv-on-ns = <6>;
532                 gpmc,adv-rd-off-ns = <34>;
533                 gpmc,adv-wr-off-ns = <44>;
534                 gpmc,we-on-ns = <0>;
535                 gpmc,we-off-ns = <40>;
536                 gpmc,oe-on-ns = <0>;
537                 gpmc,oe-off-ns = <54>;
538                 gpmc,access-ns = <64>;
539                 gpmc,rd-cycle-ns = <82>;
540                 gpmc,wr-cycle-ns = <82>;
541                 gpmc,wait-on-read = "true";
542                 gpmc,wait-on-write = "true";
543                 gpmc,bus-turnaround-ns = <0>;
544                 gpmc,cycle2cycle-delay-ns = <0>;
545                 gpmc,clk-activation-ns = <0>;
546                 gpmc,wait-monitoring-ns = <0>;
547                 gpmc,wr-access-ns = <40>;
548                 gpmc,wr-data-mux-bus-ns = <0>;
549                 /* MTD partition table */
550                 /* All SPL-* partitions are sized to minimal length
551                  * which can be independently programmable. For
552                  * NAND flash this is equal to size of erase-block */
553                 #address-cells = <1>;
554                 #size-cells = <1>;
555                 partition@0 {
556                         label = "NAND.SPL";
557                         reg = <0x00000000 0x000020000>;
558                 };
559                 partition@1 {
560                         label = "NAND.SPL.backup1";
561                         reg = <0x00020000 0x00020000>;
562                 };
563                 partition@2 {
564                         label = "NAND.SPL.backup2";
565                         reg = <0x00040000 0x00020000>;
566                 };
567                 partition@3 {
568                         label = "NAND.SPL.backup3";
569                         reg = <0x00060000 0x00020000>;
570                 };
571                 partition@4 {
572                         label = "NAND.u-boot-spl-os";
573                         reg = <0x00080000 0x00040000>;
574                 };
575                 partition@5 {
576                         label = "NAND.u-boot";
577                         reg = <0x000C0000 0x00100000>;
578                 };
579                 partition@6 {
580                         label = "NAND.u-boot-env";
581                         reg = <0x001C0000 0x00020000>;
582                 };
583                 partition@7 {
584                         label = "NAND.u-boot-env.backup1";
585                         reg = <0x001E0000 0x00020000>;
586                 };
587                 partition@8 {
588                         label = "NAND.kernel";
589                         reg = <0x00200000 0x00800000>;
590                 };
591                 partition@9 {
592                         label = "NAND.file-system";
593                         reg = <0x00A00000 0x0F600000>;
594                 };
595         };
598 #include "tps65910.dtsi"
600 &mcasp1 {
601         #sound-dai-cells = <0>;
602         pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
603         pinctrl-0 = <&mcasp1_pins>;
604         pinctrl-1 = <&mcasp1_pins_sleep>;
606         status = "okay";
608         op-mode = <0>;          /* MCASP_IIS_MODE */
609         tdm-slots = <2>;
610         /* 4 serializers */
611         serial-dir = <  /* 0: INACTIVE, 1: TX, 2: RX */
612                 0 0 1 2
613         >;
614         tx-num-evt = <32>;
615         rx-num-evt = <32>;
618 &tps {
619         vcc1-supply = <&vbat>;
620         vcc2-supply = <&vbat>;
621         vcc3-supply = <&vbat>;
622         vcc4-supply = <&vbat>;
623         vcc5-supply = <&vbat>;
624         vcc6-supply = <&vbat>;
625         vcc7-supply = <&vbat>;
626         vccio-supply = <&vbat>;
628         regulators {
629                 vrtc_reg: regulator@0 {
630                         regulator-always-on;
631                 };
633                 vio_reg: regulator@1 {
634                         regulator-always-on;
635                 };
637                 vdd1_reg: regulator@2 {
638                         /* VDD_MPU voltage limits 0.95V - 1.26V with +/-4% tolerance */
639                         regulator-name = "vdd_mpu";
640                         regulator-min-microvolt = <912500>;
641                         regulator-max-microvolt = <1312500>;
642                         regulator-boot-on;
643                         regulator-always-on;
644                 };
646                 vdd2_reg: regulator@3 {
647                         /* VDD_CORE voltage limits 0.95V - 1.1V with +/-4% tolerance */
648                         regulator-name = "vdd_core";
649                         regulator-min-microvolt = <912500>;
650                         regulator-max-microvolt = <1150000>;
651                         regulator-boot-on;
652                         regulator-always-on;
653                 };
655                 vdd3_reg: regulator@4 {
656                         regulator-always-on;
657                 };
659                 vdig1_reg: regulator@5 {
660                         regulator-always-on;
661                 };
663                 vdig2_reg: regulator@6 {
664                         regulator-always-on;
665                 };
667                 vpll_reg: regulator@7 {
668                         regulator-always-on;
669                 };
671                 vdac_reg: regulator@8 {
672                         regulator-always-on;
673                 };
675                 vaux1_reg: regulator@9 {
676                         regulator-always-on;
677                 };
679                 vaux2_reg: regulator@10 {
680                         regulator-always-on;
681                 };
683                 vaux33_reg: regulator@11 {
684                         regulator-always-on;
685                 };
687                 vmmc_reg: regulator@12 {
688                         regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
689                         regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
690                         regulator-always-on;
691                 };
692         };
695 &mac {
696         pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
697         pinctrl-0 = <&cpsw_default>;
698         pinctrl-1 = <&cpsw_sleep>;
699         status = "okay";
702 &davinci_mdio {
703         pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
704         pinctrl-0 = <&davinci_mdio_default>;
705         pinctrl-1 = <&davinci_mdio_sleep>;
706         status = "okay";
709 &cpsw_emac0 {
710         phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <0>;
711         phy-mode = "rgmii-txid";
714 &cpsw_emac1 {
715         phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <1>;
716         phy-mode = "rgmii-txid";
719 &tscadc {
720         status = "okay";
721         tsc {
722                 ti,wires = <4>;
723                 ti,x-plate-resistance = <200>;
724                 ti,coordinate-readouts = <5>;
725                 ti,wire-config = <0x00 0x11 0x22 0x33>;
726                 ti,charge-delay = <0x400>;
727         };
729         adc {
730                 ti,adc-channels = <4 5 6 7>;
731         };
734 &mmc1 {
735         status = "okay";
736         vmmc-supply = <&vmmc_reg>;
737         bus-width = <4>;
738         pinctrl-names = "default";
739         pinctrl-0 = <&mmc1_pins>;
740         cd-gpios = <&gpio0 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
743 &mmc3 {
744         /* these are on the crossbar and are outlined in the
745            xbar-event-map element */
746         dmas = <&edma 12
747                 &edma 13>;
748         dma-names = "tx", "rx";
749         status = "okay";
750         vmmc-supply = <&wlan_en_reg>;
751         bus-width = <4>;
752         pinctrl-names = "default";
753         pinctrl-0 = <&mmc3_pins &wlan_pins>;
754         ti,non-removable;
755         ti,needs-special-hs-handling;
756         cap-power-off-card;
757         keep-power-in-suspend;
759         #address-cells = <1>;
760         #size-cells = <0>;
761         wlcore: wlcore@0 {
762                 compatible = "ti,wl1835";
763                 reg = <2>;
764                 interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
765                 interrupts = <17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
766         };
769 &edma {
770         ti,edma-xbar-event-map = /bits/ 16 <1 12
771                                             2 13>;
774 &sham {
775         status = "okay";
778 &aes {
779         status = "okay";
782 &dcan1 {
783         status = "disabled";    /* Enable only if Profile 1 is selected */
784         pinctrl-names = "default";
785         pinctrl-0 = <&dcan1_pins_default>;